The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Page 28

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Page 28
26 THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN Winter 1946 L.A.C. W. C. Niven L.A.C. R. L. Niven L.A.C. WILLIAM CAMERON NIVEN—Bom at Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 4, 1922. En- listed in R.C.A.F. Nov. 1942. Served in Dartmouth, N. S., until he received his discharge in Oot. 1945. L.A.C. RAYMOND LLOYD NIVEN—Born at Winnipeg, Man., July 28, 1924. Enlisted in R.C.A.F. Aug. 1943. Went overseas in 1944. Discharged Oct. 1945. SONS OF WILLIAM & LENA (Oddson) NIVEN. WINNIPEG, MAN. T4 MAGNUS DANIEL MAGNUSSON— Born at Hallson, N. D., April 4, 1920. Was with 247th Army Ground Force Band. He had 3 years service in Con- tinental U. S. from Jan. 1943 to Dec. 1945. Son of Mrs. Svana Magnusson and the late Kristjan Magnusson, San Diego, Calif. PTE. J. EGILL REYKDAL—Born at Dafoe, Sask., July 16, 1918. Joined the Canad- ian Army Feb. 1941. Was in Holland with Lake Superior Regt., and in Eng- land with the Provost Corps. Discharg- ed March 1946. Son of Mrs. Jonina (Gislason) and the late Asgrlmur Reykdal, Dafoe, Sask.


The Icelandic Canadian

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