The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Page 29

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Page 29
THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN 27 FLT.-SGT. GUDMUNDUR MYRDAL — Born at Lundar, Man., April 8,1923. En- listed in R.C.A.F. Dec. 1942. Trained at Regina, Chatham and Mountain View. Graduated as Navigator - Bomlbadier Sept. 1944. Was stationed at Summer- side, P.E.I., and Patricia Bay, B. C., on patrol duty. Discharged Aug. 1945. Son of Mr. & Mrs. GuSni J. Myrdal, Lund- ar, Man. ■k SGT. CHRISTINN GUDMUNDUR MARTIN —Born at Hnausa, Man., Feb. 7, 1918. Enlisted in Can. Army Aug. 4, 1943, later joining P.P.C.L.I. at Portage La Prairie. Won a medal for marksman- ship. Transferred to R.C.A.F. Feb. 3, 1944, graduating in flight engineering as Sargeant. Discharged Sept. 1943. Son of Antonius & Fridrika Martin, Arnes, Man. ★ CHRISTIAN E. CHRISTIANSSON — Born Feb. 20, 1898 in TalknafjorSur, Iceland. Enlisted in U. S. Coast Guard July 24, 1942. Was Commanding Officer for 18 mos. on Greenland Patrol, and later served in the South Pacific. Son of Kristjan Arngrimsson and Thorey Ei- riksddttir, Arlington, Mass. F.O. KRISTJAN MAGNUS ODDSON--Born in Winnipeg, Man., Mar. 16, 1925. En- listed in R.C.A.F. Dec. 1, 1942, graduat- ing as pilot in 1944. Posted overseas Dec. 1944. Completed operational tour with R.A.F. in India. Discharged -April 1946. Son of Mrs. Asta (Austman) and the late Leifur Oddson, Winnipeg.


The Icelandic Canadian

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