The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Page 34

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Page 34
32 THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN Winter 194S Scholarship ^Winners ★ ALDA PALSSON The brilliant young pianist, Alda Pals- son, who is studying with the famous pianist, Lubka Kolessa, has recently won another coveted music scholarship, at the Conservatory Senior School, which is under the direction of Dr. Arnold Wal- ter. This is a Senior School Tuition Scholarship to the amount of $250, and a Maintenance Scholarship of $200. Alda is the daughter of Jonas Palsson, Winnipeg pianist and teacher, and his wife, Emily Helga (daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Baldvinson). Mr. and Mrs. Palsson now reside in New West- minster, B. C. ★ The following are winners of scholar- ships awarded to rural students, to at- tend courses at the Manitoba University they are for $325.00 each. Grace L. Hjaltason, Glenboro, Man. Olaf J. Magnusson, Baldur, Man. Ellen Sigurdsson, Gimli, Man. Florence V. Stefanson, Oak View, Man. THORA ASGEIRSON Winnipeg born pianist, has recently won two Musical Scholarship?, at the University of Manitoba: The Wednesday Morning Musical Scholarship, and the Jon Sigurdsson, I.O.D.E. Scholarship. — Thora is the daughter of Jon and Oddny Asgeirsson of Winnipeg. ELIN V. JOHNSTON Graduate of the Winnipeg General


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