The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Qupperneq 38

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.12.1946, Qupperneq 38
36 THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN Winter 1946 IN FULL ICELANDIC FESTIVE COSTUME Merlene McKell (seated) and (standing, left to right) Laurel Argyle, Norma Bearnson and Mary Jane Jarvis greeted the visitors from Canada and many western states at the annual Iceland Day, August 2nd, this year, held at Arrowhead resort, near Spainish Fork, Utah. J^ewd 3xom Utah ★ The young ladies and the members of the en- tertainment committee, are all descendants of the 16 original Icelandic pioneers who settled in the eastern part of Span- ish Fork between 1855 and 1860, to found the first Icelandic settlement in America. While the Icelandic set- tlement was a distinct group in the early days, it has now been thor oughly assimilated as an integral part of the thriv- ing town. From the days of the first settlement, the pio- neers and their descend- ants have religiously ob- served their national holiday by a celebration at which all gathered and recalled incidents of oth- er days. The day-long program began with the registra- tion of guests at 9 a.m., and concluded with a dance in the evening. . ■■ -------------------------------------------—.j. The Icelandic Canadian Published Quarterly by the Icelandic Canadian Club of Winnipeg, Man. Subscription Rates for North America: One year $1.00 — Two years $1.75 — Three years $2.25 — Payable in advance. BACK NUMBERS AVAILABLE. For subscriptions write to: H. F. Danielson, 869 Garfield St., Winnipeg. Bjornsson’s Book Store, 702 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg. ----------------------------------—.................... - -
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The Icelandic Canadian

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