Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.04.1980, Page 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.04.1980, Page 8
Subscribers in: CANADA, ICELAND, C.S.A. and more than 20 other countries in EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA 1363 lcelandic weekly 138S ~ Föstudagur, 18. apríl, 1980 AFGREIÐSLA A fSLANDI: Birna Magnúsdóttir, Dúfnahólum 4, Reykjavík, Sími (91) 74153 Árni Bjarnarson, Norðurgötu 48, Akureyri, Sími (96) 23852 THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN - VORHEFTIÐ KOMIÐ 0T Vorhefti ársfjórðungsritsins The Icelandic Canadian er nýkomið út. Áð vanda er það fjölbreytt að efni- Ritstjóri Correct-ion A recent issue of Logberg- Heimskringla carried a brief article explaining the identity of the people in one of the old photos which have appeared. The picture was of Brynjolfur Gunnlaugsson and his four sons, formerly of Baldur, Man. Some corrections to the article have been received from Anna Frisk, one of those who recognized the picture. Mrs. Frisk is herself not related to Brynjolfur as was stated in the article. Her foster mother was a close relative. The article also mentions that a sister of Brynjolfur’s, Kristin, was married to Guomundur Marteinsson of Riverton. These people lived at Garour (a Garoi), a farm south of Riverton. Brynjolfur lived on a farm near Baldur, not in Glenboro. The correction also states that Brynjolfur was born at “Flugu” in Iceland, not Flaga. Flaga is the correct nominative form of the farm name. The dative form of this name is FlOgu. The writer also discovered an error shortly after submitting the in- formation. Brynjolfur’s sister Vilborg was married to Halldor Einarsson, not Einar Einarsson as stated. This couple lived in the Shoal Lake Lundar set- tlements. þess er Axel Vopnf jörð og rit ar hann sjálfur forystugrein- ina, sem hann nefnir The Canadian Dream Abides. — . aul A. Sigurdson birtir hér frásöguna Battle. Hefur hún áður birst í kanadíska bók- menntaritinu Journai of Can adian Fiction. Nelson Ger- rard skrifar framhald fyrri greina sem hann nefnir Set- tiers in Mikley (Hecla Is- land) 1878. Bjöm Jónsson þýðir Skúlaskeið Gríms á ensku. Dr. George Hansen skrifar um Sir William Alex- ander Craigie 1867-1885. — Skýrt er frá því að Ghristine Emily Olson hafi afhent the Canada Iceland Foundation $10.000 00, sem verja beri til námsstyrkja, er beri heitið The Pjetur Palmason Family Memorial Scholarship. Þar er áð finna ljóðaþýðingu eft- ir dr. Thorvald heitinn John- son, ritdóm eftir dr. George Houser, Sailing back to íce- land eftir Bill Holm, frumort ljóö eítir LaDonna Breid- fjord — Backmayer og ým- isfegt annað efni sem gaman og fróðfegt er að lesa. \ SAILING OVER THE SEAS CONCERTS - ITINERARY 1. Chicago 2. Minneapolis 3. Los Angeles 4. San Francisco 5. Seattle 6. Biame (Stafholt) 7. Vancouver 8. BdmontQn 9. Markerville 10. Calgary 11. Saskatoon 12. Brandon 13. Lundar 14. Arborg (Geysir Hall) 15. Gimli (Betel) vVednesday, iViarch 26 Saturday, March 29 Friday, April 4 Saturday, April 5 Wednesday, April 9 Friday, April 11 Saturday, April 12 Friday, Aprii 16 Saturday, Apni 17 Tuesday, April 18 Sunday, April 19 Monday, April 21 Wednesday, April 23 Thursday, April 24 Friday, April 25 16. Winnipeg (INL convention) Friday, Aprii 25 17. Selkirk (Betel) Saturday, April 26 18. Winnipeg (Church service) Sunday, April 27 19. Grand Forks Monday, April 28 20. Toronto Wednesday, April 30 21. Philadelphia Thursday, May 1 22. Philadelphia Friday, May 2 23. Philadelphia Saturday, May 3 24. Philadelphia Sunday, May 4 25. Washington Monday, May 5 26. New York Tuesday, May 6 This grand tour oí North-America is sponsored by the Committee tor Promotion of Relatíons Betwe- en lceland and People of lcelandic Descent in North America, and the local organizations. Icelandic National League presenting i4Sailing Over The Seas with Songs” Grand tour of North America with songs from lceland and North America. They will come your way to: GEYSIR HALL, Arborg, Man. THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. Admission $3.00 EVERVONE WELCOME ADVERTISING- SALES PERSON An Energetic self-motivat- ed person is needed to as- sume the responsihilities of promoting and selling advertisements for Log- herg-Heimskringlo.- Remuneration is in the form of commisskm based on performance. For an appointment please contact Thrainn Kristjans- son. Phones 257-2770 or 453-7221. Cöjiœrg- ijrtatfikrtttgla 61. ÁRSÞING ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAGS ÍSLENDINGA í VESTURHEIMI Fer fram í Parish líall, Fyrstu lútersku kirkju í Winnipeg ÞINGMÁL VERÐA TEKIN FYRIR SEM HÉR SEGIR: 1. Þingsetning, íöstudaginn 25. apríl kl. 9:30 f.h. 2. Avarp forseta 3. Gestum fagnað og kveðjur í'luttar 4. Skýrslur embættismanna 5. Skyrslur deilda 6. Aðrar skýrslur 7. Umræður um í'jármál, félagsmál og menningarmál 8- Styrkveitingar Icelandic Canadian Frón, kvöldskemmtun. 9. Söngskemmtun Sigfúsar Halldórssonar, Guðmundar Guðjónssonar og Bill Holm. Laugardaginn 26. apríl Þing hefst á ný kl. 2 e.h. 1. Lagabreytingar lagðar fram, 2. Kosning embættismanna, 3. Önnur mál, 4- Lokaafgreiðsla mála. LOKASAMKOMA ÞINGSINS VERÐUR: ICELANDIC NATIONAL LEAGUE DINNER & DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1980 CHARTERHOUSE - 330 YORK STREET COCKTAILS 6:00 P M DINNER 7:00 P.M. ‘'VWWWV^/VWWVWWVW^A/N/^/S/VWWWVWWWWWWWWW' Guest Speaker: Professor Haraldur Besseison For tickets call 888-2139, 889-8424 or 237-0612 "SAILING OVER THE SEAS WITH SONG## Sigfús Halldórsson, Guðmundur Guðjónsson og Bill Holm halda söngskemmtun sína í Winnipeg föstudag- inn 25. apríl n.k. kl. 8 00, 1 Fyrstu Lútersku kirkjunni, ; Parish Hall. Aðgangseyrir er $3.00.. — Miðar seldir við innganginn. Allir Velkomnir. Stjórn The Icelandic Canadian Frón ,



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