Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1988, Qupperneq 32

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1988, Qupperneq 32
32 SKRÁ UM DOKTORSRITGERÐIR ÍSLENDINGA JARÐVERKFRÆÐI Bj'óm Oddsson. Geologie und geotechnisches Verhalten der jungen Vulkanite Islands mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der petrographischen Einfliisse. 1984. LANDAFRÆÐI *Eggert Lárusson. Aspects of the glacial geomorphology of the Vestfirðir peninsula of North-West Iceland . . . 1984. Sigfús Jónsson. The development of the Icelandic fishing industry 1900-1940 and its regional implications. 1981. LÍFEÐLISFRÆÐI Einar Stefánsson. Ocular oxygenation and neovascularization. 1981. Júlíus Birgir Kristinsson. Factors influencing growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon. 1984. Kristján Ingvarsson. Dynamics of cochlear hair cells as inferred from cochlear potentials and responses from nerve fibers. 1981. *Sigurgeir Porgeirsson. Growth and development of Scottish Blackface and Icelandic sheep. 1981. Pór Gunnarsson. Morphology and physiology of horizontal cells in the retina of the perch (Perca fluviatilis, L.) 1985. *Össur Skarphe'ðinsson. The effect of photoperiod on growth of rainbow trout. 1984. LÍFEFNAFRÆÐI *Bjarni Asgeirsson. Studies on the role of Calmodulin in the bovine anterior pituary. 1982. Elinborg [Jóhannesdóttir] Ostermann. Untersuchung der Regulationsregion fur die bakterielle Konjugation im Resitenzplasmid Rl. 1984. *Guðmundur Pórðarson. Studies on placental lactogen in sheep and goats. 1984. LÍFFRÆÐI Ari K. Stemundsen. Activation of Epstein-Barr virus in vivo and in vitro. 1982. Bjórn Prándur Bjórnsson. Calcium balance in teleost fish: views on endocrine control. 1985. Einar Gfuðmundur] Torfason. The detection of viral antigens and antibodies in clinical specimens using radioimmunoassays. 1983. Eva Benediktsdóttir. Airborne non-sporeforming bacteria: a study of their dispersal and their occurence in clean surgical wounds. 1983. * Guðmundur Halldórsson. Temperaturens indflydelse pá udviklingsforlobet hos den lille kálflue. (Delia Radicum L.) 1985. Leifur D. Porsteinsson. Fc-receptor-bearing monocyte-like cells in normal subjects and in patients with some chronic inflammatory diseases. 1981. *Sigurður Sveinn Snorrason. The littoral ecosystem and the ecology of Lymnaea peregra in Lake Thingvallavatn, Iceland. 1982. Porgerður Arnadóttir. Studies on humoral immunity in multiple sclerosis. 1982.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur

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