Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1988, Síða 35

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1988, Síða 35
EFNISSKRÁ 35 Jakob Smári. The perceiver in social cognition: the role of stable and transient characteristics in the perception of people. 1985. *Ríkarður Eðvarð Líndal. Emotions in adolescents: assessed through personality traits, self-report rating and physiological arousal. 1985. *Sigurður Júl. Grétarsson. Mothers’ attributions regarding their children’s positive and negative actions. 1985. Pórður S[norri] Óskarsson. Selective objective measures of organizational climate in the prediction of organization eífectiveness. 1984. STJÓRNMÁL Hannes H[ólmsteinn] Gissurarson. Hayek’s conservative liberalism. 1985. STÆRÐFRÆÐI *Benedikt Jóhannesson. Solutions to continuous dme programming problems. 1981. Bj'órn Bimir. Complex Hill’s equation, complex Korteweg-de Vries flows and Jacobi varieties. 1981. Gestur Ólafsson. Die Langlands-Klassizierung, unitáre Darstellungen und die Flensted-Jenseensche fundamentale Reihe. 1982. *Guðmundur K. G. Kolka. Linear matrix equations and pole assignment. 1984. Gunnar Sigurðsson. Prirne ideals in differential operator rings. 1983. Hermann Pórisson. The coupling of regenerative processes. 1981. Jón [Ingólfur] Magnússon. Singularités polaires et points de Weierstrass en codimension plus grande que un. 1981. *Kjartan G. Magnússon. Controllability of nonlinear systems in infmite dimensions. 1983. *Kristján Jónasson. The numerical solution of continous Chebyshev approximation problems. 1985. Ragnar Sigurðsson. Growth properties of analytic and plurisubharmonic functions of finite order. 1984. Snjólfur Ólafsson. Optimization and systems theory: studies of the efficiency of the stochasdc simplex method. 1984. TÖLFRÆÐI *Friðrik Már Baldursson. Topics in singular stochastic and optimal stopping. 1985. Gunnar Stefánsson. Muldble comparisons under order restricdons. 1983. Helgi Pórsson. Une contribution a l’analyse stadstique des tableaux d’échanges. 1981. TÖLVUFRÆÐI Snorri Agnarsson. Packages as substitutions. 1985. UPPELDISFRÆÐI Ólafur Jóhann Proppé. A dialecdcal perspective on evaluation as evolution: a critical view of assessment in Icelandic schools. 1982. Reynir Guðmundsson. Media education in the city of Reykjavík, Iceland. 1984.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur

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