Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1988, Side 83

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1988, Side 83
ENGLISH SUMMARY Ólafur F. Hjartar: Skrá um doktorsritgerðir íslendinga, prentaðar og óprentaðar, 1981-1985. Ennfremur Doktorsritgerðir 1666-1980. Viðauki. Landsbókasafn íslands. Árbók. Nýr flokkur 12 (1986). Rv. 1988, pp 5—39. A catalogue ofdoctoral dissertations written by Icelanders 1666-1980 appeared in the Yearbook of the National Library for 1981. The present catalogue covers the years 1981-1985 and lists 166 dissertations submitted to universities in the following 13 countries: Sweden (50), the United States (47), England (31), Germany (10), France (6), Scotland (6), Canada (6), Iceland (3), Norway (3), Denmark (1), Finland (1), Austria (1), South Africa (1). The catalogue is arranged in alphabetical order (according to authors). Following the book description, there is the date of the oral examination or the date the degree was awarded, and the name of the university. The main catalogue is followed by a classified section. Eleven doctors are included in an addition to the 1981 catalogue. They submitted their dissertations to universities in the following countries: England (4), France (3), the United States (2), Germany (1), Finland (1). Jón Steffensen: Jón læknir Pétursson og lækningabók hans. Landsbókasafn lslands. Árbók. Nýr flokkur 12 (1986). Rv. 1988, pp. 40-49. A study of some of the works of physician Jón Pétursson (1733-1801), especially his Lœkningabók [book of medicine], but a manuscript containing his medical works was presented to the Nesstofa museum in 1985. An account is given of Jón Pétursson’s life and the provenance of this manuscript, and the manuscript is described briefly with reference to other manuscripts of the Lekningabók, which are owned by the National Library, and the Hólar edition of 1782. Finnbogi Guðmundsson: Um varðveizlu bókakosts og annarra gagna. Erindi flutt á fundi Félags bókavarða í rannsóknarbókasöfnum. Landsbókasafn íslands. Árbók. Nýr Jlokkur 12 (1986). Rv. 1988, pp. 50-57. A lecture given at a meeting of the Society of [Icelandic] Research Librarians, summarizing some interesting papers read at the Conference on Preservation of Library Materials held in Vienna, Austria, on April 7-10, 1986, including the summary paper by Mr Rutherford Rogers and papers by Mr Hisashi Takeuchi, Professor Ashin Das Gupta, and Ms Lourdes Blanco. The resolutions of the conference are discussed brieflv.


Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur

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