Ný saga - 01.01.1997, Qupperneq 107

Ný saga - 01.01.1997, Qupperneq 107
who succeeded in establishing orderly conditions inspired confidence and comphance in the farm- ers. If he failed, he was in danger of losing pres- tige and followers, who might think themselves better off with another chieftain. VIEWPOINT (SJÓNARHÓLL) Margrét S. Björnsdóttir The political party system in upheaval? (Er tíðinda að vænta af íslensku flokkakerfi?) What are the real chances that the three political parties on the left of Icelandic politics could unite to form one powerful, social-democratic party? The author discusses this recurrent theme in Icelandic pohtics, its historical background and recent developments. She argues that the condi- tions for such a merger have never been as ripe as now and predicts a major shake-up along these lines preceding the next general elections in 1999, which will mark a turning-point in the history of the political party system in Iceland. Már Jónsson Arni Magnússon’s fínal years (Síðustu misseri Arna Magnússonar) Árni Magnússon, collector of manuscripts and professor of history at the University of Copenhagen (1663-1730), spent the last years of his life preparing his vast collection for later use, without ceasing, however, to expand it. He had manuscripts bound and ordered according to con- temporary ideas of genre and importance. Unfortunately, he did not make a catalogue of his belongings, which included some two thousand manuscripts and over ten thousand documents and transcripts of documents. A good deal perish- ed in the Great Fire in Copenhagen in October 1728, and Árni lived only for fourteen months after that. An eye-witness account of his death does not clearly reveal its cause. The fírst Icelandic History Congress (íslenska söguþingið) In the spring 1997 the first Icelandic History Congress was held in Reykjavík, featuring almost 80 lectures on a wide variety of topics. A great number of historians and history teachers partici- pated in the congress. A few of the participants were asked to express their opinions to this jour- nal, and their contribution is introduced by a fore- word from the organizers. Myndaskrá Uppruni mynda og heimildir myndatexta Jón Ólafsson I læri hjá Komintern Mynd 1 (bls. 4). Forsætisnefnd Kominterns á öðru þingi sambandsins. Úr Pax Leksikon. Bind 3, H-Ks (Oslo, 1979), bls. 453. Mynd 2 (bls. 5). Fimm Islendingar í Moskvu. Úr Kommúnistahreyfingin á íslandi 1921-1934 eftir Þór Whitehead (Reykjavík, 1979), á myndasíðu milli bls. 64-65. Mynd 3 (bls. 5). Nikolai Búkharín. Úr Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution eftir Stephen F. Cohen (Oxford, 1980), á myndasíðu. Mynd 4 (bls. 6). Hendrik Ottósson. Úr Vor í verum eftir Jón Rafnsson (Reykjavík, 1957), bls. 34. Mynd 5 (bls. 6). Eggert Þorbjarnarson. Ljósm.: Sigurður Guðmundsson. Mynd 6 (bls. 7). Bréf Hendriks Ottóssonar til Kominterns. Ljósm.: Jón Ólafsson. Mynd 7 (bls. 8). Otto Kuusinen. Úr Pax Leksikon. Bind 4, Ku-N (Oslo, 1980), bls. 27. Mynd 8 (bls. 8). Jósef Stalín. Úr Rússland undir hamri og sigð. Sovétríkin 1917-1967 (Akureyri, 1967), bls. 94. Mynd 9 (bls. 9). Lenín og félagar á Rauðatorginu. Úr Pax Leksikon. Bind 4, Ku-N (Oslo, 1980), bls. 145. Mynd 10 (bls. 9). Andrés Straumland. Úr Vor í verum, bls. 60. Mynd 11 (bls. 10). Þóroddur Guðmundsson. Úr Vor í verum, bls. 196. Mynd 12 (bls. 10). Eyjólfur Árnason. Úr Kraftaverk einnar kynslóðar eftir Einar Olgeirsson og Jón Guðnason (Reykjavík, 1983), bls. 197. Mynd 13 (bls. 11). Norskt þorp á Kólaskaga. Úr Pomor. Nord-Norge og Nord-Russland gjennom tusen ár. Ritstjóri Einar Niemi (Oslo, án útgáfuárs), bls. 71. Mynd 14 (bls. 11). Brynjólfur Bjarnason. Úr Vor í verum, bls. 79. Mynd 15 (bls. 12). Jens Figved. Úr Vor í verum, bls. 149. Mynd 16 (bls. 12). Dýrleif Árnadóttir. Úr Veistu, ef þú vin átt. Minningar Aðalheiðar Hólm Spans eftir Þorvald Kristinsson (Reykjavík, 1994), á myndasíðu aftast í bókinni. Mynd 17 (bls. 12). Hallgrímur Hallgrímsson. Úr Vor í verum, bls. 80. Mynd 18 (bls. 13). Andrés Straumland og Lilja Halblaub. Úr Kraftaverk einnar kynslóðar, bls. 190. Mynd 19 (bls. 13). Eggert Þorbjarnarson heldur ræðu. Úr Vor í verum, bls. 81. 105
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