Öldrun - 01.02.2003, Qupperneq 8

Öldrun - 01.02.2003, Qupperneq 8
8 ÖLDRUN – 21. ÁRG. 1. TBL. 2003 8 Fries, B.E., and Cooney, L.M., Jr. (1985). Resource Utilization Groups: a patient classification system for long-term care. Medical Care, 23(2), 110-22. 9 Carpenter G.I., Ikegami, N., Ljunggren,G., Carrillo, E., and Fries, B.E. (1997). RUG-III and resource allocation: comparing the rel- ationship of direct care time with patient characteristics in five countries. Age and Ageing 26(suppl. 2), 61-5. 10 Phillips, C.D., Zimmerman, D., Bernabei, R., and Jonsson, P.V. (1997). Using the Resident Assessment Instrument for quality enhancement in nursing homes. Age and Ageing, 26(suppl. 2), 77-81. 11 Jonsson, P.V., Jensdottir, A.B., Guðmundsdottir, H., Palsson, H., Hjaltadottir, I., Harðarson, O., and Sigurgeirsdottir, S. (1997). Mat á heilsufari og hjúkrunarþörf á elli- og hjúkrunarheimilum: RAI mæli- tækið, þróun þess og sýnishorn af íslenskum niðurstöðum. Lækna- blaðið, 83(10), 640-7. 12 Ribbe, M.W., Ljunggren, G., Steel, K., Topinková, E., Hawes, C., Ikegami, N., Henrad, J.C., and Jonsson, P.V. (1997). Nursing homes in 10 nations: a comparison between countries and settings. Age and Ageing, 26(suppl. 2), 3-12. 13 Fries, B.E., Schroll, M., Hawes, C., Gilgen, R., and Jonsson, P.V. (1997). Approaching cross-national comparisons of nursing home residents. Age and Ageing, 26(suppl. 2), 13-18. 14 Finne-Soveri, U.H., Ljunggren, G., Schroll, M., Jonsson, P.V., Hjalta- dottir, I., Kholy, K.E., and Tilvis, R.S. (2000). Pain and its association with disability in institutional long term care in four Nordic countries. Canadian Journal on Aging, 19(suppl. 2), 38-49. 15 Ikegami, N., Morris, J.N., and Fries, B.E. (1997). Low-care cases in long-term care settings: variation among nations. Age and Ageing, 26(suppl. 2), 67-71. 16 Schroll, M., Jonsson, P.V., Mor, V., Berg, K., and Sherwood, S. ( 1997). An international study of social engagement among nursing home residents. Age and Ageing, 26(suppl. 2), 55-9. 17 Jensdottir, A.B., Fridbjornsdottir, F., Gudmundsdottir, H., Palsson, H., Hjaltadottir, I., Haraldsdottir, M., Harðarson, O., Jonsson, P.V., and Olafsdóttir, Þ. (1999). Heilsufar og hjúkrunarþörf aldraðra sem njóta þjónustu heimahjúkrunar. Heilbrigðis-og tryggingamálaráðu- neytið. SECURITAS DVALARHEIMILIÐ – ÁS – HVERÐAGERÐI



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