
Jökull - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 6

Jökull - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 6
P. Crochet and T. Jóhannesson sea-level temperature at the location of each station with a vertical lapse rate dT/dz. The estimated sea- level temperature is then gridded onto a 1-km mesh using a tension-spline interpolation which is a gener- alization of the minimum-curvature method in which large oscillations and extraneous inflection points are eliminated by adding tension to the elastic-plate flex- ure equation (Smith and Wessel, 1990). This method offers a relatively high level of sophistication with- out requiring the selection and estimation of a covari- ance function or semi-variogram for each day which would have required much more computational effort without necessarily obtaining substantially better re- sults, especially for periods when the network den- sity is sparse. Finally, the gridded sea-level tempera- ture is adjusted to the terrain elevation with the same vertical lapse rate using a DEM with the same 1-km grid mesh. No attempt was made here to capture other types of spatial variations, for example related to dis- tance to the coast or surface characteristics other than elevation. Four different sets of gridded temperature fields were constructed. Two sets were made using manned stations (group-1) only by applying i) a spatially and temporally constant vertical lapse rate and ii) a spa- tially constant but temporally variable lapse rate. Two additional sets were calculated by adding the data from the group-2 automatic stations installed after 1995 using the same two sets of lapse rates, respec- tively. The temporally constant lapse rate was some- what arbitrarily chosen as 6.5 ◦C/km. This lapse rate is often considered to represent the average ver- tical temperature gradient in the troposphere (Stone and Carlson, 1979; Engen-Skaugen, 2007; Li and Williams, 2008) and it has often been used in glacio- logical and hydrological studies to adjust temperature measurements over catchment areas (see for instance Michlmayr et al., 2008; Hebeler and Purves, 2008). The monthly variable lapse rate (Table 3) was taken from Tveito et al. (2000), where this lapse rate was calculated as one of the components of a multiple lin- ear regression (MLR) analysis between temperature and various topographic and geographic factors. This lapse rate estimate could, however, be influenced by the presence of other variables in the MLR relation- ship. The lapse rate of Tveito et al. (2000) displays a seasonal pattern. It is close to dry-adiabatic in the winter and spring seasons and close to the standard value adopted in this study, in summer. The gridded temperature fields obtained as de- scribed above are based on a regular 1x1 km grid of the topography of Iceland. This is a rather high spatial resolution for many applications but errors due to er- rors in the assumed topography may arise in some ap- plications if temperatures for a particular point loca- tion are interpolated directly from the gridded temper- atures. In general, it is recommended that temperature estimates for point locations with a known altitude are corrected for the difference between the known alti- tude of the point in question and the interpolated alti- tude from the 1x1 km grid of Iceland, which for this reason is included as an integral part of the data set (using a lapse rate of 6.5 ◦C/km). Estimated station temperatures used in the validation described below are calculated in this manner. VALIDATION The gridded temperature fields were evaluated over the period 1995–2010 against independent stations whose measurements were not used in the spatial in- terpolation. The first two data sets made with the manned network only (group-1) were verified against group-2 stations and group-3 stations. The other two Table 3. Variable lapse rates in ◦C/km derived from Tveito et al. (2000). – Breytilegt hitafall með hæð í ◦C/km skv. Tveito o.fl. (2000). Period Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec lapse rate 9.7 9.6 8.9 9.7 9.3 7.9 7.1 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.4 9.4 6 JÖKULL No. 61, 2011
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