Leisure section - 05.05.2000, Blaðsíða 1
Heather Hanna, age 14 has
been chosen to represent Keflavik
in this year’s Teen Summit. The
Teen Summit is being held at the
Navy Recreation Center,
Solomons Island, Maryland,
where Heather will be traveling to
discuss topics concerning teens.
Seven Navy teens participated in
the pilot Navy Teen Summit in
Millington last July. It was the first
step to highlight the benefits of
the teen programs and give teens
an opportunity to voice their
issues to Navy leadership.
This year Heather will be one
of the 15 teens chosen to speak.
She is bringing with her the expe-
rience of working with the public
(Parcheezis), playing sports like
basketball and cheerleading, good
grades, and leadership. She was
the Teen councils secretary last
year. She has also traveled to
Germany and Austria with the
Outdoors Adventure Club to do
among other things, rock climb-
ing. Heather has a solid back-
ground and can speak her mind,
which is why she was chosen.
This is Heathers chance to
make a difference for Keflavik
and teens all around the world.
Congratulations and good luck!
-------------------FRIDAY, MAY 5----------------
9am & 8pm..............IheBone Coklor on Ch. 20
11am...............Ysa Orly Lunch ot Three Flags
5pm................NEW! Three Flags Steak House
5:30pm......................Step Aerobics Class
6pm ......................Teen Center Open Floor
6:30pm..........Youth Center Arts 8 Crafts Night
-----------------SATURDAY, MAY 6-------------
9am ........................West Iceland Tour
4-6pm .............Swing Dance Lessons @ the Gp
6pm ................Polynesian Dinner Theatet-TFC
6pm ...................Teen Center Hot Dog Night
6:30pm ................Youth Center Movie Night
11pm........USA Express (All Hands) @ Coconut Alley
------------------SUNDAY, MAY 7--------------
10am......................Tour Office Cave Exploring
Horn...............Sunday Brunch @ Three Flags
11 am.......DoD ShowUSA Express @ Three Flags
------------------MONDAY, MAY 8--------------
5:30pm.................Step Aerobks Class - Gp
8pm.........................Jazz Dance Class
8pm .....................Aqua Aerobic-Base Pool
-----------------TUESDAY, MAY 9--------------
9am 8 8pm...................Free Money on Ch. 20
7-8:15pm...........Kid's Martial Arts Class - Gp
8pm .....................Aqua Aerobic-Base Pod
8:30pm ..........................Cardio Kickboxing
------------WEDNESDAY, MAY 10-------------------
88:45am ..........................Swim Lessons
9am 8 8pm .........Bicentennial Man on Ch. 20
Horn .......NEW! Italian Lunch at Three Flags
12:30pm ...........FSC Spouse Emplopent-Chapel
5pm.........NEW! Atongolian BBQ @ Three Flags
5:30pm.................Step Aerobic Gass-Gym
6p .................Tour Office Horsehock Riding
6pm.........................Bingo @ Three Flags
7 pm . Movies @ O'AAalle/s-Wouse on Haunted Hill
7p..........Movies @ Coconut Alley-Stepy Hollow
8pm.........................Jazz Dance Qass-Gp
8pm .....................J\qua Aerobic8ase Pool
9-11pm .....................Karaoke ot Coconut Alley
------------THURSDAY, MAY 11--------------------
9om 8 8p...............Deuce Bigalow on Ch. 20
10am ..............Preschool Story Time -Itray
11 am .. NEW I Home Cookin' Lunch at Three Flags
2-4p...............Weight Class-Wellness Center
5p..........NEW! Surf 8 Turf Night @ Three Flags
78:15p.............Kid's Martial Arts Gass - Gp
8:30pm ..........................Cardio Kickboxing
9pm................Pool Tournament (©Coconut Alley
9pm ....................Country @ Coconut Alley
Next Friday Is Earth Day On Base
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Tree, flower &
grass planting.
Basewide Clean Up
Earth Day
Celebration Party
@ Coconut Alley.
On May 12 NAS Keflavik will celebrate Earth Day. The
Earth Day Celebration will include a base-wide clean-up, selected
plantings of trees, flowers, and grass around the base, and a party
at Coconut Alley. The party will include games and prizes for
children of all ages, free hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and sodas,
environmental information booths, and an award ceremony for
the elementary and high school Earth Day poster and essay con-
test winners. The tree, flower, and grass plantings will begin at
approximately 10am and will be organized by the Base
Beautification Committee and volunteers are still needed. The
base-wide clean-up will begin around noon and will be organized
by area of responsibility for each department and tenant com-
mand of NAS Keflavik. The Earth Day Celebration party will
begin at 3:30pm at Coconut Alley. There will be games and
prizes for all ages, as well as free food and drinks.
The Earth Day Celebration is a time to re-emphasize our com-
mitment to the environment and your participation is needed for
"Preserving Our Past" and "Protecting Our Future" which is this
continued on page 2.
‘ Please direct all correspondence to:
Leisure Bulletin: Box 43 • Phone #2685
Name is required on all correspondence.