War News - 29.06.1940, Blaðsíða 1
1940 JUNE 29th price:
Russians get Bessarabia
and northern part of Bucovina.
London June 28th
It was officially confirmed in
Bucarest Thursday night that
the Russian government had
sent an ultimatum to the Ro-
manian government, demanding
Bessarabia and the northern
part of Bucovina. To these de-
mands the Romanian govern-
ment has now yielded and this
afternoon Russian troops cross-
ed the frontiers and occupied
several towns, among them
British submarine
sinks 8000 tons German
The British Admiralty an-
nounces that a British sub-
marine (H.M.S. Tetrac?), has
sunk a German transport of
8000 tons, south of Norway.
The ship was hit by two torpedo-
es. 4 motor-torpedoeboats which
escorted the German vessel at-
tacked the British submarine
with depth charges, without re-
sult. Planes that appeared also
attacked the submarine with
no result.
Czemowitz in Bucovina and
Kisheney in Bessarabia. There
were other reports, not con-
firmed, that Russia demanded
control over Romanias Black
Sea ports, that the Turkish go-
vernment had ordered the mo-
bilisation of two classes in Ana-
tolia, that Turkish warships
were proceeding through the
Bosphorus to the Black Sea
When Russian troops entered
Romanian territory today there
were some minor clashes, ap-
parently because the Romanian
frontier guards had no know-
ledge of what had happened.
Three Romanian planes were
shot down.
According to the Moscow Ra-
dio the Russians insisted that
all railways, roads, airfields and
powerstations should be hand-
ed over intact.
King Carol has appointed a
War Council to prevent further
seizure of Romanian land.
First news of Russian ulti-
matum reached London from
Berlin and Rome, which at first