The Quad - 01.03.1941, Blaðsíða 1
50 Au.
No. 2. Iceland March 1941
After much deliberation we have decided to go right a-
head (Up the 4’s) and have our magazine printed. The deci-
sion was sivayed by (1) persuading stencils to stand up to
the great strain involved (2) obtaining stencils (3) belief that
it is worth it. You will appreciate that to meet the cost oj
printing, the price of the „Q u a d“ must be raised. This will
be lowered as soon as funds permit for we are not out to
make a profit — only to produce a magazine that in your
opinion is worth every aurar it costs. The bit of profit we do
máke ivill be well spent by printing those weird and wonder-
ful drawings produced by our tame artists for your enjoy-
ment. We have faith in our venture and in you and we feel
that this step will not be regretted. We belive tlmt even
those people ivith the smallest spark of pride ivill feel that
our battery is máking history by producing its oivn maga-
zine. Indeed, such a venture is new to the history of the Re-
giment. We want you to have a personal interest in the
„Q u a d“; to feel that here you have someting to please and
cheer, not only you, but the folks at home. Make it Y O U R
ambition to see your oivn work in print. There’s a thrill
in it!