The Quad

The Quad - 01.03.1941, Blaðsíða 6

The Quad - 01.03.1941, Blaðsíða 6
 (with due apologies) O’ Power sublime O’ Knotvledge deep Within my heart For thee, I keep Revenge. Revenge — to tum . Thy vitals flat As thou turned mine. What would I give Oh, ivoe is me To stab thy flesh with T.A.B. A n n o n. A STRANGE TALE And the GU NARS descended upon and island of ICE, there to build themselves homes of wood and tin that were called NI SEN. And they built roads the like of which had never been seen. And the little chiefs did parley and comment upon the dexterity of the diggers and were not impressed. And there did come a day when a large party armed with tools digging did zealously attack a defencless mound by a river. And there were those who said the diggers dug for gold but they were sorely wrong for the country of ICE was not golden. And it came to pass that the CI VIZ, who are the natives, were called upon and right quickly did they arrive bringing with them their TIN LI ZIZ which are wonderful. And the scene did resemble a Co-Op coal yard in the far off land of ENG. And soon it was seen that the diggers dug not for gold but for MU 14


The Quad

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