Heimskringla - 14.11.1945, Side 7

Heimskringla - 14.11.1945, Side 7
WINNIPEG, 14. NÓV. 1945 HEIMSKRINGLA 7. SIÐA TOAST TO MRS. S. E. BJORNSON October 21,1945. By Andrea Johnson Mr. Chairman, Honoured Guests, Ladies and Gsntlemen: It is with a feeling of hesitan- cy that I attempt to bring this toast to you, Mrs. Björnson, to- day when you are about to leave us after so many years of resi- dence in our community, that bring so many happy memories °f the past. My mind turns back to our first mseting, a meeting that I had very anxiousíy waited for as in the old “Students Society” in Winnipeg, Svein’s beautiful María” was almost a myth. We had all heard a great deal about his “dream girl”, but few of us had the privilege of mieeting her 0r even seeing her. This meeting did not take place till after we were both married and sinoe then we have worked in close harmony, although the last few years our paths have diverged, as each of us has had a wider horizon in our activities, you in y°ur church and I in the co-op- erative field. Our first meeting took place at Gimli, when my husband and I were invited to go with the Ljörnsons on a call he had to make in an outlying district. Never have I seen such roads before or since. An epidemic of diptheria had broken out. There were no immunization clinics in those days. I realized then that being a doctors wife was not in every way easy. A doctor has to be at every ones call and the wife has to learn to adapt herself to that. Two years later they came to Arborg and built their beautiful home, a home that was always a haven of rest to the doctor, a home where the children were foorn and hrought up, in a home that was grief stricken at the loss of little “Brosie”. A home where your father, the doctors father and mother spent their last days. A home that was al- ways an open house to so many guests, whsre you entertained so beautifully. A home that has now been discarded because it has served its purpose. For now Sissa and Buddy have chosen their vocations. She a happy young bride, only with us in spirit to-day, and he a young doctor, sitting by his mother’s side. When the parents have their children established in life they can fold their hands and breathe a prayer of thanksgiv- ing of work wiell done. That is just what Dr. and Mrs. Björnson are doing. They feel that they can now travel hand in hand INNKÖLLUNARMENN HEIMSKRINGLU A ÍSLANDI Reykjavík______________Björn Guðmundsson, Reynimel 52 í CANADA Antler, Sask____________K. J. Abrahamson, Sinclair, Man. Árnes, Man_____________Sumarliði J. Kardal, Hnausa, Man. Arborg, Man..............................G. O. Einarsson Baldur, Man...............=•-........Sigtr. Sigvaldason Betíkviíle, Man______ Björn Þórðarson, Amaranth, Man. Belmont, Man................................G. J. Oleson Cypress River, Man.....................Guðm. Sveinsson • Dafoe, Sask______________O. O. Magnússon, Wynyard, Sask. Ebor Man_________________K. J. Abralhamson, Sinclair, Man. Elfros, Sask...................Mrs. J. H. Goodmundson Eriksdale, Man......—...................Ólafur Hallsson Fishing Lake, Sask__________ Rósm. Árnason, Leslie, Sask. Foam Lake, Sask____________ Rósm. Árnason, Leslie, Sask. Gimli, Man...............................-K. Kjernested Geysir, Man________________r____________G. B. Jóhannson Gienboro, Man..............................G. J. Oleson Hayland, Man...........................Sig. B. Helgason Hecla, Man..........................Jóhann K. Johnson Hnausa, Man.............................Gestur S. Vidal Innisfail, Alta._______Ófeigur Sigurðsson, Red Deer, Alta. Kandahar, Sask__________O. O. Magnússon, Wynyard, Sask. Keewatin, Ont.........................Bjarni Sveinsson Langruth, Man......................... Böðvar Jónsson Leslie, Sask..........................Tfo. Guðmundsson Lundar, Man................................D. J. Líndal Markerville, Alta_____Ófeigur Sigurðsson, Red Deer, Alta. Morden, Man__________________________Thorst. J. Gíslason Mozart, Sask____________________________ Thor Ásgeirsson Narrows, Man_______________ S. Sigfússon, Oakview, Man. Oak Point, Man........................Mrs. L. S. Taylor Oakview, Man_______L.......................S. Sigfússon Otto, Man________________Hjörtur Josephson, Lundar, Man. Piney, Man.................................-S. V. Eyford Red Deer', Alta......................Ófeigur Sigurðsson Riverton, Man.........................Einar A. Johnson Reykjavik, Man...._.................... Ingim. Ólafsson Seikirk, Man...______________________Mrs. J. E. Erickson Silver Bay, Man..........................Hailur Hallson Sinolair, Man........................K. J. Abrafoamson Steep Rock, Man............................Fred Snædal * Stony Hill, Man__________Hjörtur Josephson, Lundar, Man. Tantallon, Sask........—...............-Árni S. Árnason Thornhill, Man__________Thorst. J. Gíslason, Morden, Man. Víðir, Man____i_____-_______Aug. Einarsson, Árborg, Man. Vancouver, B. C_______ Mrs. Anna Harvey, 4487 Quebec, St. Wapah, Man_______________Ingim. Ólafsson, Reykjavík, Man. Winnipegosis, Man.............................-S. Oliver Wynyard, Sask...........................O. O. Magnússon I BANDARÍKJUNUM Akra, N. D. ___________Björn Stevenson, Akra P.O., N. D. Bantry, N. Dak__________ E. J. Breiðfjörð, Upham, N. D. Bellingham, Wash.... Mrs. Joihn W. Johnson, 2717 Kulshan St. Blaine, Wash.....................Magnús Thordarson Cavalier, N. D________Björn Stevenson, Akra P.O., N. D. Crystal, N. D........C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Edinburg, N. D________ C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Gardar, N. D_________C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Grafton, N. D________C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Hallson, N. D__________Björn Stevenson, Akra P.O., N. D. Hensel, N. D._________C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Ivanhoe, Minn_______Miss C. V. Dalmann, Minneota, Minn. Milton, N. Dak...........................S. Goodman Minneota, Minn.....................Miss C. V. Dalmann Mountain, N. D_______C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. National City, Calif.....John S. Laxdal, 736 E. 24th St. Roint Roberts, Wash.....................Ásta Norman Seattle, 7 Wash______J. J. Middal, 6522 Dibble Ave., N.W. Upham, N. Dak..........................E. J. Breiðfjörð The Viking Press Ltd. Winnipeg Manitoba through their sunset olf life, pitching their tent when tfoey have found the vision of their dreams. To-day we, the women of the Manitoba Federation of Agricul- ture and Co-operatives, wish to thank you for your 24 years of work with us. We feel that you were always willing to assist us in every way and wish tfoat the coming years may bring you nothing but happiness. You have always loved beauty, and you have been for-j tunate to be able to cultivate ;hat beauty in your hobbies. Most of us have had dreams, but so often theydo not mater- ialize, but yours has. Your dream was a “Summer Home” on Lake Winnipeg. That has been erected and been in opera- tion for the last few years. Many are the hours of work and worry that you spent on that, but they are now behind you but the Summer Home will flourish. It is said that “All that you put into the lives of others comes back into your own”. When öne thinks of all the happy hearts of the children that were given the privilege of a summer holiday eecause you had a “dream”, your days ahead can only be happy ones. Your work in the “Þjóðrækn- isfélag” will bs dealt with bv others here, but I would like to mention the value of the Satur- day School. The little girls that are here today to sing for us ara a shining example of its value. In your fisld as director of the Women’s work in the church has created a host of friends throughout the province, that are as sorry to see you leave as we are and all hope to see you soon and often amongst us. I would like to thank Dr. Björnson for all he has done for us. His quiet understanding and sympathy has always been a source of strength in our hours of need. May he carry on his good work wherever he may be. So in closing, dear Mrs. Björn- son, I wish to thank you for all of us for the time you have spent with us and may the happiest days of your past be the saddest days of your future. Were you to express your feeling at this parting, I fieel that you would borrow Edgar Guests words and say: “I’d like to think that here and there, When I am gone, there shall re- main A happier spot that might have not Existed foad I toiled for gain; That some ones cheery voice and smile Shall prove that I have been worthwhile. That I had paid with something fine My debt to God for life divine. Islenzkar skólabækur Margir hafa hugsað sér að láta verða af 'því, að kenna börnum sínum að lesa íslenzku á þessum vetri. Þjóðræknisfélagið hefir á hendi, forða af ágætum lesbók- um, sem notaðar eru við islenzku kenslu í skólum á Íslandi. Laug- ardagsskólakennarar og foreldr- ar ættu að útvega sér þessar bækur. Bækurnar eru þessar: : Gagn og gaman (stafrofskv.) 45c Litla gula hænan I. og II. og Ungi litli I. og II., 25c heftið. Lesbækur: Fyrsti flokkur, I., II. og II. h. Annar flokkur I. og II. hefti Þriðji flokkur, I. og III. hefti Fjórði flokkur, I. og II. hefti 30c heftið. Pantanir sendist til: Miss S. Eydal, 659 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg FRÉTTIR FRÁ ÍSLANDI Sigurður Nordal próf. og Páll Isólfsson tónskáld komnir heim Þeir Sigurður Nordal prófess- or og Páll ísólfsson tónskáld eru 1 komnir heim eftir tveggja mán- aða dvöl erlendis. Eins og kunnugt >er fóru þeir héðan til þess að sitja hátíð há- skólans í Osló og flutti Nordal kveðju frá Islandi við það tæki- færi. Frá Osló fór Nordal til Gauta- borgar, en háskólinn þar gerði hann heiðursdoktor árið 1941. Þá sat Nordal fund Árnanefnd- ar í Kaupmannahöfn og ræddi við ýmsa menn um endurheimt íslenzkra handrita. Páll ísólfsson hélt hljómleika í Osló og víðar og í norska út- varpið, hefir áður verið frá skýrt í fréttum að þar hafi hann farið sigurför. — Tónlistarhátíð var haldin í Osló í október, stóð hún í viku, og voru eingöngu flutt verk er samin hafa verið á stríðs- árunum. Þá fór Páll ennfremur til Stokkhólms og kynti sér m. a. útvarpsstarfsemi, einkum tón- listarflutning og barnatíma. —Þjóðv. ★ * * Sovétríkin björguðu Svíþjóð frá innrás Þjóðverja vorið 1940 Undén, utanríkisráðherra Sví- þjóðar, flutti nýlega ræðu í Öre- bro. Ræddi hann um orsakir þess, að Svíþjóð slapp við þýzka innrás vorið 1940, er Noregur og Danmörk voru hernumin. Taldi hann afstöðu Sovétríkjanna hafa ráðið úrslitum um það, að Þjóð- verjar hættu við innrás í Sví- þjóð. Hann sagði að það væri vitað, að rétt eftir 9. apríl hafi Molo- toff sagt þýzka sendiherranum í Moskva, að Sovétríkin væntu þess, að hlutleysi Svíþjóðar yrði ekki skért. Sænska ríkisstjórnin hefði á sínum tíma þakkað Sovét- stjórninni fyrir þessa hjálp, á hættustund. Undén sagði, að það væri á- nægjulegt, að minnast þess, að Svíþjóð hefði einnig gert Sovét- ríkjunum greiða, er sænska stjórnin neitaði að leyfa frönsk- um og enskum hersveitum, er senda átti til Finnlands, för um sænskt land. Ráðherrann vék einnig aö kröfum sænskra verkamanna um að nazistahreinsun færi fram meðal embættismanna. Hann sagði, að augljóst væri, að hefði komið til þýzkrar árásar á Sví- þjóð, hefðu Þjóðverjar átt vísan1 stuðning sænskra manna, erj reiðubúnir voru, að gegna sama' hlutverki og Quisling í Noregi.J Þá væri nauðsynlegt að gæta þess, að erlendir nazistar fengju ekki hæli í Svíþjóð. —Þjóðv. 23. okt. Eg undirritaður óska eftir að somast í bréfaviðskifti við ein- ívern íslending í Bandaríkjun- ím, helzt í Chicago eða nágrenni. Þorgrímur Halldórsson, Nönnustíg 6, Hafnarfirði, Iceland * * ★ \lþingishátíðin 1930, eftir próf. Magnús Jónsson er Eslendingum kærkomin vinagjöf. E bókinni er yfir 300 myndir og Erágangur allur hinn vandaðasti. Pæst bæði í bandi og óbundin. Verð í bandi $20.50 og $23.00, óbundin $18.50. Björnssons Book Store 702 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg Bl UIRR SRYINGS CERTIFICfiTES Professional arid Business — - Directory Oítici Phone R*s. Phonx 94 762 72 409 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 116 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Office hours by appointment DR. A. V. JOHNSON DENTIST S06 Somcrset Bldg. Office 97 932 Res. 202 398 Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson 215 RUBY ST. Beint suður af Banning Talsimi 30 877 ViStalstími kl. 3—5 e.h. J. J. Swanson & Co. Ltd. REALTORS Rental. Insurance and Financial * Agents Sími 97 538 308 AVENUE BLDG.—Winnlpeg THE WATCH SHOP CARL K. THORLAKSON Dlamond and Wedding Rings Agent for Bulova Watches Uarríage Licenses Issued 699 SARGENT AVE SUNNYSIDE BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP Hárskurðar og rakara stoia. Snyrtingar salur fyrir kveníólk. Ábyggileg og greið viðskifti. Simi 25 566 875 SARGENT Ave.. Winnipeg Clifford Oshanek, eigandi H. HALDORSON BUILDER 23 Music and Arts Studios Broadway and Carlton Phone 93 055 Winnipeg, Canada * CANADIAN FISH PRODUCERS, LTD. J. H. Page, Managing Director Wholesale Distributors oi Fresh and Frozen Fish 311 CHAMBERS ST. Office Phone 26 328 Res. Phone 73 917 ÁSGEIRSON’S PAINTS, WALLPAPERAND HARDWARE 698 SARGENT AVENUE Winnipeg, Man. Telephone 34 322 \VINDATT COAL Co. LIMITED • Established 1898 307 SMITH STREET Office Phone 97 404 Yard Phone 28 745 THE BUSINESS CLINIC specialize in aiding the smaller business man to keep adequate records and prepare Income Tax Returns. ANNA LARUSSON 415 Mclntyre Blk. Ph. 92 316 ANDREWS, ANDREWS, THORVALDSON & EGGERTSON Lögirœðingar Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. Portage og Garry St. Simi 98 291 DRS. H. R. and H. W. TWEED Tannlœknat 406 TOEONTjr.EN, TEUSTS Cor. -Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 96 952 WINNIPEG THOR EGGS Specializing in FRESH EGGS 1810 W. Temple St., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Telephone: Neil Thor, Federal 7630 Manager p / • • rra vini H. J. PALMASON & Co. Chartered Accountant* 1103 McARTHUR BLDG. PHONE 94 358 Rovatzos Floral Shop 253 Notre Dame Ave.. Phone 27 989 Fresh Cut Flowers Daily. Plants ln Season We speciallze in Wedding & Concert Bouquerts & Funeral Designs Icelandic spoken A. S. BARDAL selur likkistur og annast um útfar- lr. Allur útbúnaður sá besti. K*nfremur selur hann ailsKonar minnismrða og legsteina. 843 SHERBROOKE ST. Phons 27 324 Winnipeg Union Loan & Investment COMPANY Rental. Insurance and Financial Agents Slmi 95 061 510 Toronto General Trusts Bldg. GUNDRY-PYMORE Ltd. British Quality - Fish Netting 60 Victoria St., Winnipeg, Man. Phone 98 211 Manager: T. R. THORVALDSON Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated f Halldór Sigrurðsson Contractor & Builder ★ 594 Alverstone St., Winnipeg Sími 33 038 A. SAEDAL PAINTER & DECORATOR ■k Phone 23 276 ★ Suite 4 Monterey Apts. 45 Carlton St., Winnipeg FINKLEMAN OPTOMETRISTS and OPTICIANS KENSINGTON BLDG., 275 Portage Ave. Winnipeg PHONE 93 942 'JORNSONS ÍOÓKSTÖREI W’Hi vr 702 Sargent Ave„ Winnipeg. Mqol



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