Lögberg - 01.08.1946, Qupperneq 8

Lögberg - 01.08.1946, Qupperneq 8
16 LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 1. ÁGÚST, 1946 . . . Instind makes you dread the reply It is not at all unusual for one or more of the following to happen % while you are away on your vacation: CAMDEN FIRE INSURANCE • • Your house burning down. ♦ — NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE • ASSOCIATION Established 1841 • Your son or daughter while driving your car injuring someone or wrecking your rrir COMPANY Elstablished 1850 Assets $18,583,702.00 V%ll • • Your house or safe burglar- ized. Assets $39,042,638.00 STABiLiTY SATiSFÆCTiOY SERViCE • Your maid, handy-man, milk- SECCRiTY SECURITY man, mailman or guest seriously injuring themselves UNION Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn. Established 1841 on your property and you as the owner held liable. • • You meet with a personal accident and have to lay up Insurance Society of ' Canton, Limited Established 1835 Assets $19,553,562.00 for months. \ , Assets $29,720,700.00 - >v. ^ v i i Are you insured against these contingencies ? If not can you pay or would you be financially embarrassed, not you alone, but your family, your business, your future? Why take the chance when for a small premium we can insure you in an Insurance Company of unquestioned strength, reputation and experience and relieve you of the anxiety. And i£ disaster comes vour way yon can depend on onr immediate whole hearted service. J. J. SWANSON & CO., UMITEÞ 308 AVENUE BUILDING PHONE 97 538 /



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