Lögberg - 28.09.1950, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg - 28.09.1950, Blaðsíða 8
8 LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN, 28. SEPTEMBER, 1950 iVORTHCRiV CALIFORMA ^ewsletter Here we are again! Not that we had forgotten about you all, but when that Census job came along last April for Uncle Sam, we had to drop everything except our patients and preaching. This job while it lasted, was a Godsend. It helped us to sail this resi- dential ship on an even keel for the rest of this year, at least! This figure of speech reminds me of the generous appreciation that was shown yours truly by his Census Crew. At a Garden Party where they celebrated the completion of the Census job, they pre- sented him with 2 boxes of cigars individually wrapp- ed and labled — “To Skipp- er Thorlaksson from the Crew of the Good Ship Census”. OUR LIST of Shut-ins has had a recent increase. — Mrs. Kristiana Hallson, fell and broke her arm just below the shoulder. She will be confined in a cast for the next 2 or 3 months at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Plummer of Oak- land. — Mrs. Bogga Thorvald- son, seriously injured her shoul- der and has to have her arm in a sling. Her granddaughter, Doris Pridgen of Antioc contracted a serious type of anemia several weeks ago and was hospitalized at the Franklin Hospital, San Francisco for blood transfusions but is now convalescing at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pridgen. — Mrs. Sigurjon Olafsson of Palo Alto keeps on smiling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Phillips. — The Halldorsons are holding their ovm at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Baldwinson; S.F. —How about dropping these folks a card? — As for my Polio cases, — Phyllis is now at home with her family staying out of the Iron Lung at longer intervals. But Martha is still at the High- land Hospital. She has beeri staying out of the Iron Lung for 2 monts and is hoping that shel may be allowed to be taken home to her parents before long. Please remember all these good people in your prayers. ☆ During August there were some Wedding Anniversaries celebrated in the Community, — Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, 39 years; Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Plummer, 25 years; Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Thordarson, two years. Any others ? Congratula- tions. ☆ Did you see Laufey Mel- sted R.N. of Santa Rosa as she appeared recently in one of S.F.’s Dailies? She was serving as a Flight Nurse on the Gov- erner’s Plane carrying an emer- gency patient to the Mayo Clinic. ☆ On September 2nd there was a Baby Shower at Mrs. Sigga Benony’s home where a goodly number of our Ladies came together to “shower” Mrs. Jon Love-Karlsson (Laura Lee). The Karlssons are now residents of S.F. where Dr. Jon is continuing his medical studies at the California University. ☆ On September 4th, born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grandle of Long Beach, until very recently members of our Community, a son, — Dennis Scott. Congratu- lations. ☆ On Sunday August 6th, Mrs. Johann Hannesson (Han- sina) was called Home by our1 Heavenly Father after a long lingering illness. She was laid to rest at the Sunset Cemetery of Berkeley. Her memory will long be cherished in the hearts of many of us. She was a faith- ful mother and a good friend. We all loved her. Our prayers ascend on behalf of Mr. Hannes- son and all her loved ones. ☆ Last month Octavius Jr. together with his family moved to McArthur, 70 miles east of Redding on Hiway 299, where he is Co-ordinator of Music in three Schools of Northern Cali- fornia. Best wishes and much happiness. ☆ We welcome back into our Community Life Professor Jo- hann Hannesson recently re- turned from Iceland to teach at Cal. His family is visiting with Winston’s parents in Oregon for the time being. ☆ Among the many summers visitors to the Bay Area we mention only a few, — Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Gudmundson and daughter of Brea, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hjalmarson of Sari Diego, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Brandson and daughter of Auberry, Cal.; and Mrs. Kapff of New York (nee Nina Paul- son). ☆ Among the summer Trav- ellers honorable mention must be given Thor Blondal for cov- ering most of the western area of United States and Canada.— Mr. and Mrs. Krist Gudnason flew to Iceland and were back before we knew it! This was Mrs. G’s first trip to Iceland and her first experience in an Air Flight. — Last week Mr. Phil Phillips returned from a six weeks’ jaunt by air to Iceland where he reports that he was welcomed and feasted. You re- call that Helga did it last year. Not to outclassed by her parents, Louise R.N. is taking to the road to do the staid and classy East in work and play for an indefinite period of time ex- pecting to leave her parental roof early in October. Best of Luck and Merry Christmas, Tiny! ☆ Did you know that Jack and Bertha MacLeod have open- ed another Pet Shop? Bertha is the Manager at 1885 Solano Ave., while Jack carries on at 2991 College Ave., Berkeley. Sheila is doing her share of standing by and helping out at either place. ☆ On September 17th Johann and “Lilla” Eyfells left for MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja Séra Valdimar J. Eylanda Heimili 776 Victor Street. Sími 29017. — Árdegismessur á ensku hvern sunnuudag kl. 11. Sunnudagaskóli kl. 12:15. Isl. guðsþjónusta kl. 7 e. h. Allir æfinlega velkomnir. ☆ Arborg-Riverlon Presiakall 1. okt. — Víðir, ensk messa kl. 2 e* h. — Arborg, ensk messa kl. 8 e. h. 8. okt. — Geysir, messa kl. 2 e. h. — Riverton, ensk messa kl. 8 e. h. B. A. Bjarnason ☆ — Lundar Presiakall — . Sunnudagaskóli, á ensku, kl. 11 árdegis. Enskar messur á sunnudagskvöldum kl. 7.30. Allir boðnir velkomnir. Séra Jóhann Fredriksson ☆ — Oiio Maniioba — Messað á íslenzku kl. 2 síðdeg- is sunnudaginn þ. 1. okt. Byggð- arbúar eru beðnir að auglýsa þessa messu. Séra Jóhann Fredriksson ☆ — Argyle Presiakall — Sunnudaginn 1. okt. Grund kl. 11 f. h. Baldur kl. 7 e. h. Allir boðnir velkomnir. Séra Eirc H. Sigmar ☆ Lúterska kirkjan í Selkirk Sunnud. 1. október. Ensk messa kl. 11 árd. Sunnudagaskóli á hádegi Islenzk messa kl. 7 síðd. Allir boðnir velkomnir. S. Ólafsson Florida where “Joe” will con- tinue his studies in Art and Architecture. A number of their friends foregathered at the home of Fru Sigga on the eve of their departure to wish them well and a Bon Voyage. Next Sunday will be the Anniversary of their wedding which was polemnized last year in connec- tion with our September Picnic and many of you attended. They have asked us to convey to you their kindest greetings. ☆ Leif Erikson Festivals of San Francisco and the East Bay will have come and gone before our next letter. In S.F., the cele- bration will be in Dovre Hall, 3543-18th Street on October 7th at 8:00 p.m. where Margrethe Thorlaksson will be the Singer and her father the Speaker. In Oakland where yours truly is the President, Margrethe will again be the Singer and Dr. Thorsten Lund of the Univers- ity here will be the Speaker. The Program will be in the Ebell Hall, 1440 Harrison Street on October 14th at 8:00 p.m. Re- member that Leif Eriksson was born in Iceland and we ought to support these celebrations 100%. You are all most cordial- ly invited to be present. ☆ At our September Picnic we anticipate the pleasure of a very distinguished guest from Iceland, Dr. Palmi Hannesson, Principal of the College at Reykjavik. ☆ Our October Picnic date is the 22nd. Mark it in your cal- endar now. With kindest re- gards and best wishes, we are always, Yours sincerely, Rev. and Mrs. S. O. Thorlaksson Úr borg og bygð Gefið í Blómveiga-sjóð Kven- félagsins „Björk“ Lundar. Th. Backman Chapter $5.00, í minn- ingu um séra Jón og frú Láru Bjarnason, Winnipeg, Man. Frá: Benedict Rafnkelson, Lundar. Með innilegu þakklæti Mrs. O. Johnson, Lundar, Man. ☆ The Jon Sigurdson Chapter I. O. D. E. will hold its regular meeting on Fridáy, October 6th at 8 p.m. in the I. O. D. E. Head- quarters in the Winnipeg Audi- torium. ☆ Mr. F. E. Snidal kaupmaður að Steep Rock, lagði af stað bíl- leiðis vestur að Kyrrahafi ásamt fjölskyldu sinni á fimtudaginn var; ferðafólk þetta býst við að verða um þriggja vikna tíma að heiman. ☆ The Dorcas Society of the First Lutheran Cheurch will sponsor the annual Thanksgiv- ing Concert, to be held in the Church on Monday evening, October 9th 1950. An excellent programme has been prepared. Watch next weeks paper for the programme. Reserve this date. ☆ Þjóðræknisdeildin FRÓN þakkar hér með hr. Gesti Felsted (nú vistmanni á Betel) fyrir margar og góðar bækur, sem að hann gaf bókasafni deild- arinnar. Megi þér líða sem bezt á Betel, Gestur, og innilegt þakklæti fyr- ir gjöfina. Fyrir hönd Þjóðræknisdeild- arinnar FRÓN, J. Johnson, bókavörður. ☆ Ungfrú Svava Vilbergs, ættuð af Reyðarfirði, sem dvalið hefir á Gimli síðan snemma sumars hjá frænda sínum Ingólfi Bjarna syni og frú hans, lagði af stað áleiðis til New York á sunnudag- inn, og siglir þaðan til Islands við fyrstu hentugleika. ☆ Þann 9. þ. m., lézt í Powell River, B.C. Ástdís Arason, 79 ára að aldri; hún lætur eftir sig tvo sonu, Sigtrygg prentara í Tacoma, Wash., og Sigurð bíla- sala í Fort Frances, Ont., og eina dóttur Fríðu Thoroddsen í Powell River; hin látna var mæt kona og merk. ☆ Síðastliðinn sunnudag lézt hér í borginni ekkjufrú Jakobína Preece 87 ára að aldri, hin merk- asta og ágætasta kona, heilsteypt og traust í skapgerð; útför henn- ar fer fram á fimtudaginn kl. 3.30 e. h. frá Fyrstu lútersku kirkju undir forustu séra Valdi- mars J. Eylands. ☆ Mr. Ari Johnson frá Arborg, sem dvalið hefir nálega árlangt á íslandi, er fyrir nokkrum dög- um kominn að heiman og heim. ☆ Mr. Friðrik P. Sigurðsson bóndi í Geysisbygð, er nýkom- inn úr íslandsför ásamt dóttur sinni. ☆ Mrs. Hildur Jóhannesson frá Garðar, N. Dak., og John sonur hennar frá Moorhead, Minn., voru stödd í borginni um síðustu helgi í heimsókn til ættingja og vina. ☆ Mr. G. L. Jóhannson ræðis- maður íslands kom heim á sunnudagskvöldið ásamt frú sinni úr tíu daga ferðalagi suður um Minnesotaríkið. ☆ Komin er nýlega hingað til borgar ungfrú Hildur Hálfdán- ardóttir úr Reykjavík, er ákveð- ið hefir að stunda verzlunarnám hér í vetur við Success Com- mercial College; hún er dóttir Hálfdáns Eiríkssonar Þorbergs- sonar kaupmanns í Reykjavík, er um eitt skeið átti heima í Winnipeg. FYRIRLESTRAR OG FERÐAAÆTLUN PÁLS KOLKA LÆKNIS GEYSIR eða ARBORG, Föstudaginn 29. september RIVERTON, Mánudaginn 2. október SELKIRK, Þriðjudaginn 3. október GLENBORO, Fimtudaginn 5. október MORDEN (Brown), Föstudaginn 6. október MOUNTAIN, N.D., Mánudaginn 9. október. ★ Fyrirlestrar í Vatnabyggðunum og á Kyrrahafs- ströndinni auglýstir síðar. The Jon Sigurdson Chapter I. O. D. E. will hold its Fall Tea and Sale of Home Cooking Saturday September 30th in T*!e T. EATON Co., Auditorium, 7th floor, from 2.30 to 4.45 p.m. Mrs. B. S. Benson is General Convenor with Mrs. J. B. Skapta son. Mrs. S. Gillis Convenor of Home Cooking assisted by Mrs. V. Baldwinson and Mrs. P. S. Palsson. Variety Table Con- venors: Miss V. Jonasson and Mrs. E. W. Perry. Table Con- venors: Mrs. P. J. Sivertson, Mrs. H. A. Bergman. ☆ James Simpson (Guðmundur Sigurðsson) andaðist á Betel, Gimli, Man., þann 15. sept., eftir stutta legu. Hann var fæddur 28. maí, 1863, að Heiðarseli í Húna- vatnssýslu, sonur Sigurðar Guð- mundssonar og Ingibjargar Sveinsdóttur. Hann kvæntist Sigríði Markúsdóttur, sem látin er fyrir all-löngu síðan. Hann dvaldi hér í landi 58 ár. Synir þeirra dvelja í Winnipeg, og þar fór útförin fram. Hinn látni hafði dvalið á Betel á fjórða ár. Hann var blidur hin síðari ár, en bar sig jafnan vel og karl- mannlega. S. Ólafsson. — DÁNARFREGN — Þann 14. sept. andaðist á St. Boniface sjúkrahúsinu Andrés Friðhólm Eiríksson ísfeld, frá Winnipeg Beach, Man., 72 ára^ að aldri. Hann var fæddur að Fjarðarkoti í Mjóafirði, sonur Eiríks Pálssonar ísfeld og Ingi- bjargar Einarsdóttur. Hann kom vestur um haf á bernskualdri og settist að í grend við Húsa- vík. Síðar settist hann að við Winnipeg Beach og átti þar á- valt heima. Hann kvæntist Helgu Albertson, en misti hana frá börnum þeirra ungum. Hann skilur eftir sig stóran hóp afkom enda og fjölmenni frændaliðs. Fjögur systkini hans eru á lífi- Einar; Mrs. Tryggvi Arason, Húsavick; Sigurjón á Gimli, og Ólafur, hálfbróðir hans í Húsa- vick. Andrés var þrekmaður er bar áföll og andróður lífsins með jafnvægi og karlmenskuhug. Útför hans fór fram frá kirkju Víðinessafnaðar í Húsavick þann 18. sept. að viðstöddu marg- menni. S. Ólafsson ☆ Mr. og Mrs. C. Ingimundson, Brussels Apts., hér í borginni eru nýflutt austur til Toronto þar sem framtíðarheimili þeirra verður. Samkomuauglýsing Samkvæmt ráðstöfunum Stjórnarnefndar Þjóðræknis- félagsins, og deildarinnar Grund í Argyle, flytur hr. Páll Kolka, læknir frá íslandi, fyrirlestur og sýnir myndir frá Islandi í kirkjunni á Grund, fimtudags- kvöldið 5. okt. n.k. kl. 8.30. Inngangseyrir 50c. fyrir fullorðna, 25c. fyrir börn (10—15) Ræðumaðurinn er talinn vera með snjöllustu andans mönnum á íslandi; látið það sitja fyrir öllu öðru að koma á samkomuna. ÞJÓÐRÆKNISDEILDIN GRUND Samsæti Þjóðræknisfélag Islendinga efnir til samsætis til heiðurs við Dr. Alexander Jóhannesson, rektor há- skóla íslands, föstudagskvöldið, 29. sept. kl 7 í Colonial Room í Royal Alexandra Hotel. Dr. Alexander er hér á vegum Manitobaháskóla, sem einnig heiðrar hann með samsæti fyr í vikunni. Aðgöngumiðar fást hjá báðum vikublöðunum og í bókaverzlun Davíðs Björnssonar á Sargent Ave. SWATHING MALTING BARLEY Malting barley should be a rich golden color. This color is an indication that the kernel is mellow and the starch will convert readily in the malting process. It is partly the result of the action of the dew on the hull of fully matured barley. This takes place when the grain is in the stook or swath. The kernels will be more uniformly colored in the swath than in the stook, since the heads are more uniformly exposed. Thpre is, höwever, more danger of over exposure or damage; there- fore, greater care must be exercised in swathing. The swath must be laid on the stubble so that the heads do not come in contact with the ground and become discolored and otherwise damaged. The first requirement is to cut the grain at the proper height so that the stubble will hold up hte swath. This will allow for better drying of the grain and help prevent the heads from touching the ground. If it is too short the swath will be too close to the earth. If it is too long, the stubble will bend and let the swath down. With a normal crop, six to eight inches would appear to be the right length. The stiffer and stronger the straw the longer the stubble can be. The second requirement is to lay the swath at least some six inches away from the wheel tracks of the swather or tractor, otherwise the heads will slip out of the swath onto the ground and not only cause the heads to become damaged, but make the grain difficult to “pick up”. The third requirement is to have the swath laid parallel with the direction of the swather. This allows the heads to lie on the straw of the previously cut grain. This is particu- larly necessary with smooth awned varieties, such as Mont- calm, where the barbs on the awns do not hold the swath together. The fourth requirement is to have a properly built swath. This should be oval in shape, about four to six inches deep in the center and tapering to each side. The size will depend on the width of the swather, the thickness of the stand and length of straw. If the crop is light, the swather should be adjusted to make a narrower swath. The final requirement is to deliver the grain to the stubble with the least drop possible. In the earlier years of combining, binders were sometimes used for swathing; the grain was allowed to drop from the deck to the stubble and some of it was forced through the stubble to the ground. Some of the older swathers elevated the grain before it was delivered to the stubble with much the same effect. The swaths should be combined as soon as the grain is dry, otherwise there will be danger of damage from rain or wind. If in doubt, take a sample of the threshed grain to your elevator operator and he can test is for moisture content. Malting barley should not contain more.than 14.8% moisture, Sixteenth of series of advertisements. Clip for scrap book. This space contributed by SHEA'S WINNIPEG BREWERY LTD. MD-264



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