Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.07.1966, Page 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.07.1966, Page 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 28. JÚLÍ 1966 3 Bréf frá séra Roberf Jack Tjörn, Vatnsnesi, — Business and Professional Cards — ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAG ISLENDENGA 1 VESTURHEIMI Fonetii SÉRA PHIUP M. PÉTURSSOH 681 Banning Street, Wmmpeg 10, Monitobo StyTkiS félagiS með þri að gerast meSUmir. Ajrsgjald $2.00 — Timaril télagxins frtt* Sendist til fjármálaritara: MR. GUÐMANN LEVY * 85 Lindsoy Street, Winnipeg 9, Monitobo Minnist V.-Hún., 10. júní 1966. Kaldasti vetur aldarinnar er liðinn á Norðurlandi og eitt af þeim rigningarsömustu vorum hérna stendur yfir. Ekki getur neinn bóndi enn borið á túnið, því allt er renn- andi í vatni og ekki eru kýrn- ar enn komnar út. Ofan á þetta óhagstæða tíðarfar hef- ur mjólkin verið verulega lækkuð í verði til bænda og nú heldur bændastétt lands- ins víðast hvar fundi um þessi mál. Lækkun þessi kom mönnum á óvart og kemur sér illa, þar sem bændur hafa mikla fjárfestingu í nýjum byggingum og hafa síðustu árin verið að koma upp nýj- um kúabúum. Smjörið hefur nýlega verið lækkað niður fyrir $1 pundið. Eins og er lítur ekki vel út um rekstur landbúnaðar á Islandi, en menn vona, að brátt muni birta upp í þessum málum. Of mikil framleiðsla ætti ekki að hafa slæmar afleið- ingar í för með sér, þar sem milljónir manna svetlta í heiminum, en ef soltin þjóð getur ekkj borgað matinn sinn, hvað þá? Hungraður var ég og þér gáfuð mér að eta, þyrstur var ég og þér gáfuð mér að drekka, voru orð Meistarans. The Saga of Grettir The Strong Translaied by G. A. Hight. Edited w i t h Introduction, Notes and Indexes by Peter Foote, M. A. Everyman’s Lib- rary (Dent: London; Dutton: New York) 1965. G. A. Hight’s translation of The S a g a of Grettir the Strong, first published in 1914 in Everyman’s Library, has now been re-issued by the same publishers with a brief but very incisive introduction by Peter Foote. This Saga was written early in the four- teenth century and is the last great example of the classical Sagas of Icelanders, and one of the most tragic in theme and conception. Grettir is the most celebrated outlaw in Ice- landic history, having spent 19 years in banishment, wan- dering all over Iceland among the desolate mountains and uninhabited valleys, before he was finally killed in the island fastness of Drangey off Northern Iceland in 1031. His strength, endurance, courage and quick wits were legend- ary, but he was dogged by ill luck, which was essentially a Ég man eftir því, þegar ég var staddur 1 hafnarborg einni á Englandi fyrir síðasta stríð á meðan kreppan stóð yfir, að skip, sem gátu ekki selt kornfarm sinn vegna ó- hagstæðs verðs, sigldu burtu með hann og létu síðar henda honum í sjóinn. í þessári hafnarborg var þriðji hver maður atvinnu- laus og fjöldi barna gekk um strætin nakin og svöng. Það var yndislegur söngur hjá Dr. Palmason frá Seattle með undirleik Norma Jones, sem ég hlustaði á í útvarpi um daginn. Læknirinn hefur mjög hrífandi rödd og tókst honum sérlega vel með val sálmanna. Ég hitti í Reykjavík fyrir skömmu Kjartan Ólafsson frá Grand Rapids. Hann er fædd- ur í Dalasýslu og fluttist vestur um haf níu ára að aldri. Hann er nú að heim- sækja gamla landið sér til til hressingar. Honum líður vel og hefur haft mikla ánægju af heimsókninni. Ég vona, að allir hinir, sem koma í heimsókn í sumar, verði eins glaðir í lund og Kjartan. Með beztu kveðjum frá okkur öllum á Tjörn. consequence of his character, his rash and uncontrollable temperament. The Saga is un- usually rich in graphic des- criptions of everyday life in Iceland and a veritable the- saurus of hard-headed peas- ant proverbs, b u t its most distinctive feature is the por- trayal of the hero who is on the scene almost continuously. The Saga of Grettir has en- joyed great popularity in Ice- land, mainly because the hero became the symbol for long centuries of his frustrated na- tion whose bad luck was not in keeping with her good en- dowments. Mr. Foote’s intro- duction throws clear light on some of the dominant themes of the Saga, tracing parallels in other works, both foreign and native, among them the Old English epic Beowulf. —Iceland Review The Saga of Gisli Transliated by George Johnsson. With Notes and Es- say on The Saga of Gisli by Peter Foote, J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. University of Toronto Press 1963. Gisli is thg second most famous outlaw in Icelandic history, and his story is one of the very best Sagas of Ice- landers, a hauntingly tragic tale, modeled on the heroic poems of the Edda to an even greater extent than The Lax- doela Saga (see ICELAND REVIEW Nr. 1 1965), with which it also shares a pro- nounced interest in dreams. The whole action is concen- trated around two themes: personal and family honour, and personal and family love. The highly charged dramatic tension is sustained through- out the story by the clash of honour and love, both of which are looked upon as equally powerful — an un- usual conception in Saga lit- erature. The Saga of Gisli is very well composed and close- ly knit, the action is swift and unified, and its most last- ing impression is that of the hounded outlaw who after years of ceaseless pursuit and agony seems almost to wel- come the peace of death, while he makes a courageous last stand against his pursuers on the ledge of a high cliff near his last hideout. In spite of the Saga’s dark and tragic theme there are several hum- orous episodes for comic re- lief, and the whole account is coloured by the author’s hu- man warmth, most explicitly reflected in the relations be- tween Gisli and his wife. Mr. Foote’s essay on the Saga is a succinct and thoroughly schol- arly piece of work, which should prove of great value to anyone wanting to acquire a more comprehensive know- ledge of the literary merits of the Saga and its historical and social background. —Iceland Review SKRÍTLA Sigmundur prentari vann lengi í ísafoldarprentsmiðju í tíð Björns Jónssonar. Hann var gáfumaður og vel hag- mæltur. Auk ísafoldar voru önnur helztu blöð, er þá komu út, þessi: „Dagskrá", sem Einar Benediktsson gaf út, „Þjóð- ólfur“, sem af mörgum var kallaður „Stúfur“, „Fjallkon- an“ og „Kvennablaðið“, sem þau hjónin Valdimar Ás- mundsson og Bríet Bjarnhéð- insdóttir gáfu út. Um þessi blöð gerði Sig- mundur eftirfarandi vísu: Einn í dagsins skröltir skrá, skrimtir Stúfur þunni, Kvennablaðið baki á bisar Fjallkonunni. EGGERTSON & EGGERTS0N 500 Pow*r Building Winnipog 1, Mon Borrlstart, Sollclton ond Notaries First and THird Tuesdayt ot Municipal Offlce, Riverton 12:00 noon to 3 00 p.m. Phone WH 2-3149 ot Credit Union Office, Gimll 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Phone WHiteholl 3-8072 Buiiding Mechanic’s Ltd. | Pointing - Decoroting - Construction Renovoting - Reol Estote K. W (BILL) JOHANLSON Manoger 371 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg 2 The Business Clinic Oscar HJðrUlftoa Office ot 194 Cothedral Ave Phone 589-5309 Bookkeeping — Inrome To> BETEL í erfðaskróm yðar i G. F Jonosson Pres ond Man Dif KEYSTONE FISHERIES LIMITED Wholesale Dl.trlbutor* ot FRESH AND FROZEN FISH 16 Mortho St. WHtt.holl 3-0021 Canadian Fish Producers Ltd. J H. PAGE, Manoging Director Wholesale Disfrlbutors of Eresh orvJ Frozen Flsh 311 CHAMBERS STREET Office: BUS.: SPruce 3-0481 SPruce 2-3917 Ykkar einlægur, Roberi Jack.



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