Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.07.1966, Blaðsíða 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.07.1966, Blaðsíða 7
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 28. JÚLl 1966 7 CANADA AND THE ICELANDER Framhald af bls. 5. the large modern poetical lit- erature which is dear to his heart. Any suggestion that it were well for his children to drop it entirely would bring into conflict feelings of loyalty which had hitherto existed peaceably side by side. But he does not want a bi-lingual school. He wants his public school to be on par with the best public schools in the country, and his experience and judgment have taught him that the division of in- terest between two different languages in the public school will not produce the best re- sults. The child is, therefore, taught the rudiments of the Icelandic language at home and encouraged to practice it at home by the reading of Icelandic books, newspapers and periodicals. T h e Icelanders perceive clearly the great educational advantages to be attained by the retention of their language as long as possible. The man with common education has thus access to the literature and contemporary thought of the nation to which he is re- lated by ties of blood, as well as of tíie nation which has adopted him. If his develop- ment is to be healthy he should draw on both sources thus broadening his mental horizon. But he owes his first duty to this, his adopted coun- try, and the retention of his mother tongue should not in- terfere with his duties to- w a r d s the community in which he lives. Then it would become a handicap instead of an asset. For You By Gus Sigurdson I take my pen in hand to write In pure and simple fond delight A little gem for you; That you may read when you are sad, One little rhyme to make you glad And prove that life is not as bad As you might think, when blue. Just turn the corners of your mouth A little up, a little south, Towards the smiling sun. Let golden sunbeams in your eyes Like angels shine in Paradise, Till all your gloom and sadness dies In just a little fun. Staka Þeim sem eitthvað minna megna maður skyldi hjálpa fús, • það er ljótt með æti að egna út í dauðann svanga mús. P. G. SKRÍTLUR Þorsteinn í Upphúsum á Kálfafelli í Suðursveit var fjármaður góður og hafði yndi af því að snúast við sauðfé. Hann heyrði eitt sinn þá frétt lesna í blaði, að Albert Belgíukonungur hefði hrapað til bana í Ardennafjöllum. Þá varð Þorsteini að orði: „Gaman hefur hann haft af því að ganga til kinda.“ * * * Einn gamall og góður náungi sat eitt sinn heima hjá vini sínum, meðan þjóðkórinn geisaði 1 útvarpinu. Þeir sátu báðir hljóðir, meðan þau ósköp dundu yfir, eins og fólk í loftvarnarbyrgi í loftáras. Þá spurði vinurinn náung- ann: „Hvernig líkar þér yfirleitt þjóðkórinn?“ „Því er nú ekki fljótsvarað fyrir jafn ósöngfróðan mann, eins og ég er. Það er foráttu- talandi á Páli, og þegar þetta blandast allt saman, þá finnst mér það þægilegur hávaði.“ Tilkynning til INNFLYT JENDA Stjórn Canada ráðleggur því fólki, er óskar að flytja til Canada, að sækja um það á Canad- isku innflytjendaskrifstofunum erlendis. Gestum í Canada mun ekki verða leyft að staðfestast hér sem innflytjendur, nema að þeir uppfylli eftirfarandi skilyrði: Þeir There are also to be found those who would attempt to stem the gradual loss of the language by means of the est- ablishment of Icelandic high schools or colleges. While at present the Canadian youth of Icelandic extraction receives a working knowledge of his mother tongue in the home, the facilities for further study of the language by those who desire to do so are lacking to a large extent. If this need is satisfied by the establishment of Icelandic high schools or colleges, which would make for a partial intellectual isola- tion of the youth during their years of study we should be making a step backwards in the course of the development of the Canadian nation. What we need is the opportunity for such study without isola- tion at the educational institu- tions of the country. That condition given in general, the development o f a unified Canadian nation would only be a matter of a short space of time. 1. sendi umsókn áður en landsleyfi þeirra er úírunnið; 2. hafa ekki brotið í bága við heimsóknarskilyrðin; og 3. hafa framvísað umsóknum áður en þeir koma til Canada; 4. gætu fengið innflutningsleyfi án ábyrgðarmanns, ef sótt væri um það erlendis; eða 5. væru, áður en þeir kæmu, giftir eða börn borgara eða löglegra búenda í Canada. Þessi stjórnarstefna á ekki við þ^, sem eru útilokaðir samkvæmt 5. grein Innflytjendalöggjaf- arinnar eða þá, sem komið hafa inn í Canada á sviksamlegan hátt. Þær manneskjur, sem ekki geta uppfyllt skilyrðin um fastan bústað í Canada, verða að fara úr landi sjálfviljugar, þegar landsleyfi þeirra er útrunnið, ef ekki verður hafinn undirbúningur að burtrekstri þeirra. Frekari upplýsingar fást hjá nálægustu Innflytjendaskrifstofu eða með því að skrifa til De- partment of Citizenship & Immigration. Honourable Jean Marchand, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. —T. Thorvaldson



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