
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1970, Qupperneq 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1970, Qupperneq 2
2 LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 26. MARZ 1970 4 Betel Of The Future Several months ago an arti- cle appeared on the pages of “Logberg-Heimskringla” enti- tled “Betel Looks to the Fu- ture”. Reference was made to the Annual Meeting which authorized the construction of three separate projects, in- volving a programme of ex- pansion directed towards in- creasing our resident capa- city and improving existing Home facilities. These pro- jects were planned with the object in mind of providing increased facilities, thereby fumishing a greater mea- sure of care and security for our aged residents. vince. This objective we pro- pose to achieve by providing an atmosphere which will af- ford the resident security, and peace of mind, together with a high standard of personal care and comfort. It is with a feeling of pride that we report that our Gimli complex now provides three levels of care. (1) Modern residential hous- ing for the elderly — (low r e n t a 1, self contained apartments). (2) A modern hostel to care for ambulent persons. with large outside windows. Quality hospital fumishings are on order and charts have been prepared to furnish pleasing color harmony which will accentuate the drapes and the fumishings. Months of careful planning by the Architects and the Board of Directors will result in a functional building of good design incorporating the latest features to provide maximum efficiency and a high level of patient care. Construction is progressing favourably and the contractor has set April 30th as the com- pletion date. Qualified authorities in the field of geriatrics are of the opinion that three levels of care are required to adequa- tely serve our aged popula- tion. In recent years serious research has been conducted embracing the several aspects of care as it relates to the many problems of old age. These s t u d i e s include the whole speetrum of related problems with reference to the aging population, • health, security, housing and care, etc. We will not attempt in this brief article to analyze or en- large upon this vast and com- plex field of human welfare other than to say that we of the Betel Board of Directors are mindful of the tremen- dous advances which have been achieved in this chal- lenging area which affects the lives and well being of some 25% of the human race. The board and Management of Betel have fimily resolved to provide a standard of care for our aged people which equals or surpasses the best facilities available in this Pro- (3) A 25 bed personal care ward for persons requir- ing extended care. We have now achieved the ultimate in providing c£u:e for the elderly and are confident that this ambitious program of expansion and develop- ment will set a new standard of elderly persons’ care in the Province of Manitoba. Included in our develop- ment program is a 30 bed Personal Care building in Selkirk, constructed to pro- vide for those persons who, through old age and infirm- ity, require total care. This beautiful building now under construction will feature the most modem facilities and equipment available. This new addition to the Selkirk Home has been designed to conform with the architecture of the main building and is connected by a main corridor thereby integrating the two buildings into a composite unit. The Personal Care build- ing contains 12 semi-private rooms and 6 single rooms. All rooms are spacious and bright T h e 1969-70 construction program involves three sepa- rate projects: I An addition to the main building at Gimli measur- ing 24 feet by 52 feet to- gether with a complete renovation of the kitchen and othe^hnprovements. II Construction of an 11 suite apartment building on First Avenue in Gimli, opposite the Home. Each dwelling contains three rooms, fully modem, in- cluding a common recrea- tion room, also a laundry room equipped with a washer and dryer. Stoves a n d refrigerators and drapes are provided but individual residents will furnish the apartment ac- cording to his or her own choice. III This article contains fairly detailed reference to the S e 1 k i r k Personal Care addition and further com- ment is unnecessary other than to say that this need- ed project will cost some $300,000.00 on completion. According to a recent tabul- ation the cost of the three projects mentioned will total some $450,000.00. The Govem- ment of Manitoba have agreed to subsidize these de- velopments through grants as formulated under the Elderly Persons Housing Act, the to- tal subsidy being $102,000.00. The remaining balance will be financed through C.M.H.C. Mortgage Loans together with the sponsors equity of some 20% plus the cost of the fur- nishings. The Betel Home Foundation is therefore obliged to raise an estimated amount of $125,000.00 to meet the immediate commitment. The cause of Betel has always received the whole- hearted support of our Ice- landic people and we are con- fident that our present finan- cial appeal will result in gen- erous financial response. The deep interest, generosity and goodwill of our people has enabled Betel to achieve tre- mendous forward progress during the past 12 years. With your continued support we will r e a c h our campaign objective. Our past President, the late Rev. Sigurdur Olafson, once said, that “Those things which we attempt in God’s name and for His sake will be richly blessed”. K. W. Johannson, PRESIDENT. Fréttir frá íslandi Framhald af bls. 1. rafvirkjar verða ekki fyrir truflunum hvor frá hinum. — Það er spursmál um skipu- lagningu sagði Kristján. Kostnaðaráætlun liggur ekki fyrir þar er verkið hefur ekki verið boðið út, enn, en það verður bráðlega. Gert er ráð fyrir, að hótelhæðirnar verði fullgerðar og teknar í notkun 1. maí 1971. Kristján kvað sennilega ekki þurfa að bæta við nema 20 manna starfsliði vegna nýju álmunnar, til viðbótar 140, sem nú starfa á hótelinu. Tíminn 7. febrúar. * * * Metár hjá Gullfossi Árið 1969 ferðuðust 8107 farþegar með Gullfossi í milli landa og er það um 9% fleiri farþegar en árið áður, og meiri farþegafjöldi en áður hefur ferðast með skipinu milli landa á einu ári. Á milli hafna innanlands flutti Gull- foss 449 farþega. Samkvæmt upplýsingum sem blaðið hefur frá farþega- deild Eimskips kom ferðaá- ætlun Gullfoss 1970 út í des- ember sl. og var þá byrjað að taka á móti farmiðapöntunum fyrir næsta sumar. Hefur ó- venjumikið verið pantað með skipinu í sumar og miðað við sama tíma í fyrra höfðu hLnn 1. þ.m. borist allt að 43% fleiri pantanir en árið áður. Eru bæði innlendir og erlend- ir aðilar sem pantað hafa far- miða með skipinu. Á þessu ári fer Gullfoss í alls sex skemmtiferðir auk jólaferðar. Hafa slíkar ferðir verið mjög vinsælar og því er þeim nú fjölgað á þessu ári. Má þar nefna páskaferð frá Reykjavík til ísafjarðar dag- ana 25. til 31. marz, sem er að verða fullbókuð. Þá verður farin önnur ferð með skíða- fólk og aðra farþega frá Rvík. til ísafjarðar 15. til 19. apríl. Hvítasunnuferð verður farin til Vestmannaeyja 15. til 19. maí, og er sú ferð mjög þægi- leg fyrir áhugamenn í sjó- Framhald á bls. 7. Nýkominn til Canada? Það sem þú þarft að vila um tekjuskail? f Canada er tekjuskattur grundvallaður á bústað en ekki borgararéttindum. Fólk, sem á hér heima, gefur skýrslur um allar tekjur sínar, þótt sumar komi utanlands frá. Ef að tekjur þínar eru vinnulaun mim vinnuveitandi þinn hafa dregið frá þeim tekjuskatt. Hann verður að gefa þér T4 miða fyrir lok febrúar, sem sýnir laun þín og frádregna upphæð. Þú festiir eitt afrit af þessum T4 miða á skattskýrslu þína. Ef þú hefir unnið fyrir fleiri vinnuveit- endur á árinu, verður þú að senda T4 miða frá hverjum. Flestir skattgreiðendur í Canada fá skýrsluform sín í pósti. A þau eru prentuð nöfn þeirra, heimilifang og _ Social Insurance númer. Nýr innflytjandi verður að fá fyrsta skattform sitt á póst- húsinu. Þegar við fáum skattskýrslu þína munum við bæta nafni þínu á listann og næsta ár færð þú skýrslu- formið í pósti eins og aðrir. Leiðbeiningar fylgja hverju skýrsluformi, sem svara flestum spumingum. Ef þú þarfnast frekari leiðbeininga, getur þú fengið þær ókeypis frá skattgreiðslu skrifstofu. Þú getur farið þangað, símað eða skrifað. Margt af skrif- stofufólkinu kann önnur tungumál — eða, ef þér sýnist, getur þú komið með vin til að túlka fyrir þig. Þarfnist* aðstoðar? notið lciðbeininga bæklinginn Dcpartmcnt of National VB/ Rcvenue The Hon. Jean-Pierrc Cólé, Minister



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