
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 19.06.1975, Qupperneq 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 19.06.1975, Qupperneq 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 19. JÚNI 1975 3 POLLI í islenska dýrasafninu Þetta er dverghesturinn Polli, ættaður trá Katadal I Húnavatns- sýslu, og mun vera tveggja vetra. Hann er aðeins rúmur meter á hæð. Hann kom í gær I tslenska dýrasafnið i Breiðfirðingabúð frá Viðinesi á Kjalarnesi, þar sem hann hefur verið á fóðrum að undanförnu. Ari Kárason fór I dýrasafnið f gær og tók þá þessar myndir af Kandý Friðjónsdóttur og hestinum Polla, sem henni þvkir afar vænt um. Dverghestar sem þessi eru afarfátiðir á ts- landi, og er ekki að efa að mörg- um muni leika forvitni á að sjá Polla I Dýrasafninu á næstunni. Flugleiðir mótmœla Flugleiðir háfa sent frá sér mótmæli vegna fyrirhugaðrar á- lagningar flugvallarskatts. Segir að álagningin myndi hafa i för með sér fækkun á komum Utlend- inga til landsins. Hækkun lend- ingargjalda myndi einnig hafa neikvæð áhrif á flugrekstur. 1 mótmælunum segir að svo geti farið að Flugleiðir verði að taka á sig allt flugvallargjaldið fyrir útlendinga fram til 1. október, en það. þýddi yfir 100 milj. kr. i aukin rekstrarútgjöld. Hækkun lendingargjaldanna myndi hækka rekstrargjöld um 44.5 milj. kr. á þessu ári. Mótmælum flugfélagsins fylgja ýtarlegir útreikningar. Nýft símanúmer Lögbergs- Heimskringlu 247-7798 Our new telephone number: 247-7798 TO BE OR NOT TO BE YOUNG What’s more fun than to be young in a world’ that’s treating you right? Nothing according to popular opinion, but what’s wrong with having been young long ago and able to tell the young from a great height how to enjoy youth. George Bernard Shaw of blessed memory, is said to have opined that youth was to precious a commodity to wast on the young. But then what did he not say? His life- time spanned almost a century and he spent most of it say- ing quotable things about everything under the sun- He was also a rebel who quarrelled openly with the powers that be, including the omnipotent and maybe his famous observation just broke out of his system in a moment of wistful reflection during his armchair years. But who said that youth was a perishable commodity that had to be consumed in just so many calendar years or lost forever? Youth is a state of mind and so is fun, and nobody has more fun than the young old ma» and his young old woman who just roll along with rushing time, giving and getting as they go their merry way. “The good old days are wonderful dream material,” an elderly farm woman said to me once, “but I wouldn’t want to live them over again.” When I asked her whether she would use her youth differently if it were given back to her she answered with a ripple of merry laughter: ‘That’s a silly question. I couldn’t choose my own time to be young and neither can the young people of today.” She said that for the first few years of life, her body was endowed with a renwable source of energy, and this was a good arrangement. If young people weren’t equipped with a surplus c£ strength their hectic working years would be drudgery instead of a ohallange and fun would be no part of their life. “Youth is work, ambition and struggle,” she said- “I spent mine earning the freedom I have today. I enjoyed life because I was young and strong. Now I’m no longer strong, but still young enough to enjoy a number of things I had no time for when I was young and busy. She thanked the machine age for the true liberation of farm women. She and her husband had worked side by side in the field when they were young. They were in con- stant competition with the elements, which sometimes seem ed possessed of a wanton will to deprive them of the hard eamed fruits of their labours. Often her evening hours were used up doing housework, her husband’s choring around the barn. Baking a batch af bread tied her to the house for a day and the family laundry made equal demands- But they had fun, plenty of it, in the horse-and-buggy days, spending hours of travel to get to town or to attend a dance. That was their youth and they had no option to spend it any other way. They were past middle age when they finally achieved liberation from dawn-to-dark labour, because modern mech- anical devices shouldered more than half the load. In the way of her peneration, spoke dreamily of broadened horiz- ons, and it was easy to picture the young girl who in capt- ivity gazed across the wheat fields to the prairie horizin wondering what say beyond- She said she had been to towns and cities she had never hoped to see, when she was young, and she talked of the pleasures and problems of modern living, of pollution and politics, the gentle melodies of her youtih and the rock music of today’s young. She kept working and playing and concerning herself with the chang- ing issues of her time. She is still very much alive, and isn’t that the essence of youth, after all? C.G Our new address is 67 St. Anne's Road and our new phone no. is 247-5140 GÁRDAR PRINTING LIMITED GARLIC LAUKUR ER HEILNÆMUR Sem einn ágætasti næringarauki frá náttúrunnar hendi, hefir garlic laukur verið notaður við matartilbúning í Evrópu öldum saman. Garlic laukur hefir verið fæða Evrópu manna I mörg ár. Þeir hafa trú á honum sem kraftmeti og heilsubætandi náttúru- fæðu. ADAMS GARLIC PEARLES innihalda ekta Garlic Olíu. ADAMS GARLIC PEARLES hafa verið seldar í 35 ár og notaðar af þúsundum ánægðra neytenda. Náðu þér 1 öskju af ADAMS GARILC PEARLES nú í dag og sannfærðu þig um hve vel þetta náttúrunnar jurtalyf á einnig við þig! Lyktarlaus og bragðlaus pilla! • Business and Protessional Cords % Þjóðræknisfélag íslendinga í Vesturheimi FORSETI: STEFAN J. STEFANSON, 37 Macklin Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2V 2M4 Styrkið félagið og deildir þess, með því að gerast meðlimir. Ársgjald: EINSTAKLINGAR $3.00 — HJÓN'$5.00 Sendið ársgjöld til gjaldkera ykkar eigin deilda, eða til Fjármálaritara, Mrs. KRISTÍNAR R. JOHNSON, 1059 Dominion St., Winnipeg, Man., R3E 2P3 ICELANDIC STAMPS WANTED OLDER ICELANDIC STAMPS and LETTERS are VALUABLE I am an Expert Collector, able to Appraise or Buy. BRYAN Brjánn WHIPPLE 1205 SPRUCE STREET, BERKELEY, CAL. 94709 USA A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL HOME 343 Sherbrook Street ílelur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúnaður sá bezti Stofnað 1894 774-7474 TALLIN, KRI5TJANSSON & SMITH Porristers & Solicitors 3rd Floor, 232 Portage Avenue, WINNIPEG. MANITOBA R3C OBl Goodman and Kojima Electric Elcctricol Controctors 640 McGee Slreel, Winnipeg, Maniloba R3E 1W8 Phone: 774-5549 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA Evenings and Holiday' Phone: 783-3971 Building Mechanics Ltd. Pointing - Decoroting - Construction Renovoting - Rool Estote K W (BILL) JOHANNSON Manager 910 Palmersion Ave. Winnipeg R3G 1J5 774-7855 ESTIMATES FREE J. M. Ingimundson Re-roof, Aspho't Shingles. Roof P.epoirs. Install Vents, Insulotion and Eovestroughinq. 774-7855 632 Simcoe St., Wínnipeg 3. Man. Thc- Westerr, Paint Co Ltd. 521 HARGRAVE ST WINNIPEG “THE PAINTERS’ SUPPLY HOUSE" SINCE 1908 943-7395 I SHIMNOWJKI, Presldent A. H. COTf, Treosurer Selkirk Funeral Chapel Ltd. Oirector GARTH CLARv Licensed Emboimef Serving Selkirk ond Interlake oreot Ambulonce Service Coll Selkirk Phone 482.6284 Collect 209 Dufterin Av«.. Selkirk, Mon S. A. Thorarinson Barritter 1 Solicltor 701 SOMERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE R3C 0B9 Office 942-7051 Residence 489-6488 Skúli Anderson Custom Jeweltery Engravei. 207 PARIS BLDG. 259 PORTAGE AVE. Office: 942-5756 Home: 733-6688 Oivinsky. Birnboim & Company Chartered Accountants 228 Notre Dame Avenue. 300 Lindsay Building, Winnipeg. Manitoba R3B 1P2 Telephone: No. 943-0526-7-8 •ffeclive July 3. 1972 Minnist BETEL í erfðaskrám yðar CAPITAL LUMBER Co. Ltd. 'THE COTTAGE BUILDERS’ >92 Higgins Ave. Winnip., Man Prefab homes, Cottages, Garages, CMHC approved Roof Trusses 943-1455 943-1455 Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargenl Avenue Winnipeg 3, Manitoba PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin William? C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS & GLAZING ■ WOOD & ALUMINUM WALLPAPER Phones: 783-5967 - 783-4322 FREE DELIVERY ASGEIR ASGEIRSSON GEORGE ASGEIRSSON RICHARDSON AND COMPANY BARRISTER AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 274 Garry Sireet, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 1H5. — Tel: 957-1670 Mr. S. GLENN SIGURDSON attends in GIMLI and RIVER- TON on ihe lst and 3rd FRIDAYS of each month. Offices are in the Gimli Medical Centre, 62—3rd Ave, between the hours of 9:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. with Mr. Sigurdson and his legal asslstant in attendance. — (Telephone 642-7955). In Riverton, Mr. Sigurdson attends in the Riverton Village Office between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M.



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