Lögberg-Heimskringla - 31.03.1977, Page 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 31.03.1977, Page 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA. FIMMTUDAGINN 31. MARS 1977 3 JÓHANN PÁLSSON SCHOLARSHIPS The Jóhannes Pálsson Mu- sic Scholarships are award- ed annuallv to students of piano or violin within the Evergreen School Division, who obtain the highest marks in examinations from the Royal Conservatory of Music or the Western Board of Examinat ions. Three scholarships and one Award of Excellence were recently awarded for 1976. This year’s recipients were: THORRABLOT IN B.C. This year’s Thorrablot was attended by 172 people and was enjoyed by all. The evening began with a no-host bar at 6:30 p.m., a delicious baron of beef dinnar was served at 7:30 p.m. and after a short programme, danc- ing to the Scott Wright Quart.er from 9 p'.m till 1 a.m The evening also saw the conclusion of one of the Club’s most successful Raffles which raised $665.00 for Club activities. First Prize (Icelandic Shawl) was won by Helga Howardson of Vancouver, Secound Prize (Ice .landic Food Hamper) was won by Mrs. Bjorg Savage of Richmond. Third Prize (Ceramic Chess Set) was won by Margaret Buchanan, a resident of the Icelandic Old Folks Ho'me, Vancouver and fourth prize (a night for two at the Cohoe Inn in Oregon) was won by Mrs. Stefania Morris, Vancouver. “Scene from the highly successful Thorrablot held by the Icelandic Canadian Club of B.C. on Saturday, February 19th in Vancouver. Club President Bob Ás- geirsson andClub Princess Karin Saváge present Life Memberships in the Club to the evening’s honoured guests, Herman and Olof Eyford of Vancouver. — From left: Bob Ásgeirsson, Olof Eyford, Herman Ey- ford, Karin Savage.” BAKESALE Date: Saturday, April 2nd, — Time: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Basement, Lutheran Church of Christ, 585 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Programme: — Sale df Icelandic and Canadian Baking starts at 2 p.m. sharp. Come early so you won’t miss out on the Vínar- terta, Kleinur, Pönnukökur, Icelandic Brown Bread, Rúllupylsa, Skyr and much more! Last year everything was gone in 20 minutes. We hope to have more of everything this time — especially the rúllupylsa and skyr. Sale of Plants to be held also. Just in time for spring! • Showing of film on lOOth Anniversary Gimli Festi- val held in 1975. Made by Icelandic Television Crew. Coffee and Social Get-Together to end the after- noon. Liane Wlosek, age 14, se- nior award of $50 for Grade VI piano in which she re- ceived marks of 81 and 92. Liane’s parents are Victor and Lillian Wlosek of Gimli. Noreen Sólmundson, age 13, intermediate award of $35 for Grade IV piano ex- amination mark of 82. No- reen’s parents are Roy and Joan Sólmundson of Gimln Grace Liang, age 7, junior award of $25, received a mark of 88 in Grade I piano. Grace’s parents are Dave and Solange Liang of Gimli. Mrs. Liang teaches piano at Gimli. Laurel Magnússon receiv- ed the Award of Excellence for her mark of 91 in Grade I piano. She was two months over the maximum age re- striction set, but because of her outstanding mark the committee decided to make an exception. Laurel’s par- ents are Ralph and Connie Magnússon. The Jóhannes P á 1 s s o n Memorial Music Scholarship, administered by the Win- ninipeg Foundation, now stands at $2,253. Members of the scholarship committee are Lilja Martin, Brandon, Steve Guttormson, Arborg, Magnea Sigurdson, Arborg, Sylvia Sigurdson, Riverton, and Hedy Björnson, Gimli. N. DÁNAR FRÉTTIR Hermann Johannes Fjelsted lést í Misericordia sjúkra- húsinu 8. febrúar, síðast lið- inn 64 ára að aldri. — Hartn lætur eftir sig eiginkonuna Lauga (Laura) á Prichard Avenue. Hermann var fædd ur i Árborg, Man. Hann var í kanadískS sjóhernum i síð- ari heimsstyrjöldinni, og var lengi í kirkjukór First Luth- eran Church og áður í kirkju kórnum í Árborg. — Hann hafði starfað hjá Winnipeg School Division undanfarin 12 ár. Auk konu sinnar, Laura, lætur Hermann eftir sig dótturina, Jo-Anne Kathryn, tvo bræður, sem báðir eru i Winnipeg: Thor og Ásgeir bg tengdasystur Thorey, tvær frænkur, Janice og Ing rid og frændann John. Útförin fór fram frá First Lutheran Church, séra Dale Berg jarðsöng. Heiðurs'lík- menn voru Howard Higgins, Joseph Jdhnson, Ven John- son, Ervin_ Stanley, Alfred Sigurdson, Arthur Sigurd- son, Jack Elmhirst, Art Sch- ultze, Waldo Klawuhn og Dave Jennson. — Líkmenn voru John Fjelsted, dr. Thor Johannesson, Len Latozski, ^Georg Hartle, Grant Schap- pert og Mundi Nordal. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Þjóðræknisfélag íslendinga í Vesturheimi FORSETI: STEFAN J. STEFANSON ,37 Macklin Ave. Winnipeg, Maniioba R2V 2M4 Slyrkið félagið og deildir þess, með því að gerasl meðlimir. Ársfi.iald: EINSTAKLINGAR $3.00 — HJÓN $5.00 . Sendið ársgjöld til gjaldkera ykkar eigin deilda, eða til Féhirðis — GRETTIR L. JOHANNSON, LL.D. 76 Middlegate Wmnipeg, Mamtoba R3C 2C4 RICHARDSON AND COMPANY BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 274 Garry Streel, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 1H5 — Phone 957-1670 Mr. S. GLENN SIGURDSON attends in GIMLI and RIVERTON on the lst and 3rd FRIDAYS of each month. Offices are in the Gimli Medical Centre, 62-3rd Ave., between the hours of 9:30 AJ4. and 5:30 P.M. with Mr. Sigurdson and his legal assistant in at.tendanee. — (Telephone 642-7955). In Riverton, Mr. Sigurdson attends Ln the Riverton Village Office between tne hours of 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. i Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, Man. R3E 0A9 PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin Williams C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS and GLAZING WOOD and ALUMINUM WALLPAPER 783-5967 Phones: 783-4322 FREE DELIVERY ASGEIR ASGEIRSON GEORGF ASGEIRSON TRÁ VINI A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNEHAL home 843 Sherbrook Slreet Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur utbunaður sá bezti. Stofnað 1894 Ph. 774-7474 Minnist <BETEL í erfðaskróm yðar Tallin, Kristjansson & Smith Barristers and Solicitors 300- 232 Portage Avenue WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 0B1 S. A. Thorarinson BARRISTER and SOUCITOR 708 SOMERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE. ' R3C 0B9 Off. 942-7051 Res. 489-6488 Skúli Anderson Custom Jewellery Engraver 207 PARIS BLDG. 259 PORTAGE AVE. Off. 942-5756 Res. 783-6688 Divinski, Birnboim Cameron & Cook Chartered Accounlants 608 Somerset Place, 294 Portage Ave., Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0B9 Teleohone (204) 943-0526 ÉSTAURANT AND PIZZA HOUSE hilly Licencad Restaursnt Dine In — Pick-Up — Home Delivery 3354 Portage Avenue PHone 888*3361 St. James-Assiniboia ICELANDIC STAMPS WANTED OLDER ICELANDIC STAMPS ANO LETTERS ARE VALUABLE I am en Expert Collector, able to Appraise or Buy BRYAN Brjánn WHIPPLE 1205 SPRUCE STREET, BERKELEY, Cal. 94709 U.S.A HADLEY J. EYRIKSON Barrister and Solicitor 298 Sí. Anne’s Road. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 4Z5 Business phonc: 256-8616 The Westem Paint Co. Ltd. 521 HARGRAVE ST. WINNIPEO “THE PAINTERS *SUPPLY HOUSE” I VÍT | SINCE 1908 Ph' 943 7395 J SHIMNOWSKI, Pr.tid.nt A. H. COTE. Tr.a.ur.r GOODMAN and KOJIMA ELECTRIC ELECTRICAl CuNTKACTORS 640 McGee Streei Winnipeg, Man. R3E 1W8 Phone 774-5549 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA Evenings and HoUdays Fátt er svo með öllu illl.. Ástin er blind, svo oft er sagt, og á það viS hvort sem er kyniS En hifl er ekki undir hælinn lagt aS hárfínt er snertiskynið. Faest enn hjá höfundi, $10.00 P.O. Box 1027, Swan River, Manitoba.



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