Lögberg-Heimskringla - 20.10.1977, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 20.10.1977, Blaðsíða 8
Subscribers in: CANADA, ICELAND, U.S.A., and more than 20 other countries in EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA. liigherg - ^etmsfertngla 1383 138S ICELANDIC WEEKLY 20. OKTOBER 1977 AUNIQUE PAPER FOR MORE THAN 90 YEARS 67 ST. ANNE'S ROAD WINNIPEG, MANITOÐA R2M 2Y4 CANADA Telephone (204) 247-7798 iryw líírw (|i THE CLUBSM The Leif Eiríksson lcelandic Club, Calqarv, Alberta The Club has several activities in progress, such as: — Our October get-together will take the form of a Pot Luck Supper on Sunday afternoon, October 23rd, at 4:30 p.m., at the Scan Centre, Valhalla Room. One of the six young people who visited Iceland last summer will be there to share her experiences and im- pressions. The trip was sponsored by the I.N.L. of Can- ada, Kópavogi, Reykjavik and Akureyri as an ex- change program. Stefan Stefansson, President of the I.N.L. (Canada) wishes to extend thanks to those families in Calgary who billeted the six young people from Iceland, and to all those who assisted in showing them our part of the world. Bazaar and Tea, Saturday, November 12th, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Valhalla Room, Scan Centre. Planning for the Christmas Party, December 9th (Friday) is underway, and Inga Henrikson has orginiz- ed a “Cook-In” at the Scan Centre on Wednesday, Oct. 26th at 6:30 p.m. An event of special interest ís the upcoming per- formance of a talented young woman of Icelandic de- scent. Doreen (Borgfjord) Joachim, daughter of Eggert Borgford’s brother, Edward, presently lives near Tor- onto and studied in Winnipeg, Calgary Edmonton and Toronto. The Calgary Concert will be the first of six ín a Western Canada Tour. Included will be three Iceland- ic songs, a song cycle in French by Berlioz, music by American composers and operatic arias. Highlight of the concert will be the world premier of the song cycle “I am the Earth, the Water” by Canadian com- poser Dr. Charles Wilson who will act as accompanist on this tour. Date: Tuesday, November 22 — Time: 8:00 p.m. — Place: Boris Roubakine Recital Hall Calgary hall, Uni- versity of Calgary — Sponsor: Department of Music, U. of C. Admission: FREE. Ra'gnheiður Gunnarsson is teaching the Icelandic Class at Queen Elizabeth School. She reports that all participants are new to the language, and are non-Ice- landic persons interested in the culture. Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto The members of the Club have recently received a letter from the President of the Club, Mr. Robert A. Miller, in which he informs the members about the winter program, and then he writes as follows: “Now this is all very nice but is this what you want? A club is only as strong as its members and we must admit that a great number of our members are getting on in years. We must have a program which will at- tract the young people to our meetings and at the same time retain our older members. How do you feel about our club? What would you like to see changed? I, as your president, want to kno your feelings. Let us have your suggestions so that we can lay the foundat- ions for the years ahead. Now is the time to stand up and be counted. I am enclosing a questionaire which I ask you t.o please complete and retum no later than October 18th, 1977. Do it today. Your feelings and opinions are important to us and I will not be satisfied with anything less than a 100% response.” AÐALFUNDUR íslendingafélagsins í Washington var haldinn í siðustu viku, og þá var kjörinn nýr formað- ur, Laufey Downey. I félaginu eru um eitt hundrað manns, og er starfsemin allvíðtæk. I byrjun næsta mán aðar, 5. nóvember verður basar á vegum félagsins, en það er árlegur viðburður, og verður þar að vanda margt eigulegra muna. Þessa dagana eru félagsmenn (aðallega konur) að undirbúa þátttöku Islands í Norrænni vörusýningu, sem haldin verður á vegum verslunarsamsteypu í Washington. Þar verða sýndar íslenskar vörur, þjóðbúningurinn og myndir frá Islandi og er allmikil vinna, sem felst í því að undirbúa þetta, og gera veg Islands sem mestan í sýningunni. Þorablótið verður i byrjun mars, og það sækja venjulega um tvö hundruð manns. já Greetings from minister Tourism, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Minister Ben Hanuschak (left) receives a picture of Mount Hekla in Iceland given to the province “in appreciation for venerating the Icelandic Heritage throughout the Hecla Island Provincial Park and the Gull Harbour Resort Hotel.” — The presentation was made on behalf of three groups: The Icelandic National League of North America, represented by Stefan J. Stefanson (right) of Winnipeg; Thé Icelandic National League of Reykjavik, Iceland, represented by Bragi Friðriksson (center) of Reykjavik, and the Icelandic National League of Akureyri, Iceland. Haustfagnaður ICELANDIC CANADIAN FRÖN CLUB will hold a Haustfagnaður — Fall Social — on Saturday evening October 22nd at the Charlswood Legion Branch no. 100, 6003 Roblin Boulevard. In the Spotlight The Honourable Bub Cullen (right) Minister of Em- ployment and Immigration is seen extending best wishes to Jón Ásgeirsson (left) on becoming Editor of the Lögberg-Heimskringla. Mr. Cullen was in Winnipeg recently for a press conference with the ethnic press of Winnipeg in order to discuss the new Immigration bill which will become effective early next year. CENTENNIAL GIMLI LUTHERAN CHURCH On November 6th 1977 the Gimli Lutheran Church will be celebrating its Centen- nial. There will be a special service at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Harold Sigmar as Preacher. Other Pastors who have served the Church will be in attendance. At 2:30 p.m. there will be a service of dedication for our Centennial Bell Tower. In the evening there will be a banquet at 6:00 p.m. People are invited to at- tend all of these events, but if you plan to attend the banquet please contact Past- or Peterson at P.O. Box 118, Gimli, Manitoba. SKÁK EINVIGI Á ISLANDI? SKÁKSAMBAND Islands iiofur ákveðið að bjóðast til þess að lialda einvígi þeirra Karpovs, núverandi heims- meistara, og sigurvegarans í einvígi Spasskys og Korfcsn- ojs. Slíkt kostar mikið íé, en síðasta heimsmeistaraeinvígi sem haldið var í Iieykjavík fyrir nokkrum árum vakti alheimsathygli, og þykir það nokkurs virði, — liefur það ra.uiuir orðið til þess, að ís- laií'l er aA verða ems konar Mecca .skáklistarínnar i heiminum. Einvigið veröur einhvern tíma á næsta ári, og hefur Ferðamálaráð íslands heitiö stuöningi sínum. Heimir Ilannesson, formaður Ferða málaráðs sagði í blaðavið- lali fyrir skömmu að það hefði orðið að samkomulagi oftir viðræður fulltrúa Ferða málaráðs og landkynningar- nefndar, sem starfandi er innan ráðsins, við fulltrúa Skáksambandsins, að Ferða- málaráð tæki frumkvæði i þessu sambandi og byði fram aðstoö sina. Tveir stjórnarmanna Skák sambandsins hafa síðustu daga setið fund Alþjóðaskák sambandsins i Caracas, Venzuele, þar sem þeir hafa kynnt áhuga íslands i þess- um efnum, og jafnlramt unn ið að framboði Friðriks ÓI- afssonar til kjörs forseta AI- þjóðaskáksambandsins. Það eru þeir Einar S. Einarsson, forseti Skáksambands ís- lands og GísJi Arnason gjald keri. já



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