Lögberg-Heimskringla - 20.10.1978, Side 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 20.10.1978, Side 7
Lögberg-Heirnskringla, föstudagur 20. október 1978 7 OBITUARY DR. H. FREDERICK THORLAKSON A memorial service for Dr. H. Frederick Thorlakson, who died in Seattle on Sept- ember 6, 1978, was held at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church there on Tuesday September 12. Dr. Thorlakson, 80, was a retired eye physician and surgeon in Seattle. Born June 27, 1898 in Park River, North Dakota, he was the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Niels Steingrimur Thorlaks- son. When he was two years old, the family moved to Sel kirk, Manitoba, where he re- ceived his early education. He enlisted in the Canad- ian Army in 1917 and served overseas in World War One. He was a graduate of the University of Manitoba Medi ;al School and did post- graduate work in Vienna. In 1925, Dr. Thorlakson married Doris Bousfield of Winnipeg and the couple made their first home in Crystal, North Dakota where Dr. Thorlakson serv- ed the community in general practice. Following his training in Vienna, Dr. and Mrs. Thor- lakson moved to Seattle in 1930. The doctor practiced Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat in the Cobb Medical Centre, later limiting his practice to Eye. His son Neil joined him in practice in 1956. Dr. Thorlakson was a past president of the Puget Sound Academy of Optham- ology and was a member of the King County Medical Society and the Washington State Medical Association. He was a member of the Seattle Golf Club, Rainer Club, Norwegian Male Voice Chorus and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Mrs. Thorlakson died in 1970. Surviving are two sons Dr. Neil F. and D. Paul Thor lakson, both of Bellevue; a daughter, Mrs. Anne T. Tayl or, Seattle; two brothers, Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson, Winni- peg and Halfdan Thorlakson, Vancouver; and two sisters Mrs. Margrethe Sigmar, Kelso, and Mrs. Erika East- vold, Seattle. Dr. Thorlakson’s memorial service was conducted joint- ly by his nephews, the Rev. Harald Sigmar, Seattle and the Rev. Eric Sigmar, Aub- urn. Rev. Harald Sigmar, in his meditation during the serv- ice, spoke lovingly of his uncle, remembering the many happy incidents in the past associated with his uncle. “I still recall the pride I felt in being related to this admired, trusted and belov- ed country doctor,” Rev. Sig- mar said, while remember- ing his own stay in Moun- tain, North Dakota. Rev. Sigmar paid tribute to Dr. Thorlakson’s generos- ity, graciousness, discipline and free and happy spirit. “With his wife, he celebrat ed life not only by contri- buting to individuals, Church and society, but also by enjoying the gifts of life to the fullest. “This I saw and much more. Grateful children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, friends and patients have all had the privilege of seeing him uniquely through their own eyes, and many though eyes that he had healed or clarified. Each in his or her own way has OBITUARY LOUISE JONASSON Mrs. Louise Jonasson, aged 83 years, of the Bethany Care Centre, Calgary, passed away on September 9, 1978. Mrs. Jonasson was the widow of the late John Dav- id Jonasson and the beloved mother of Mrs. Thelma Mel- ville of Calgary and Gordon Jonasson of Regina, Saskatc- hewan. She is also survived by 10 grandchildren, one great- granddaughter, a sister in Iceland and by a daughter- in-law Mrs. Nadia Jonasson of Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was predeceased by her husband in 1965, also by a son Dr. Harold Jonasson in 1972 and a son-in-law Willi- am Melville in 1967. Born in Iceland, she came to Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1905, where she resided until coming to Calgary in 1963, residing there since. The service was held at “Chapel of Remembrance” with Rev. Delmar D. Christ- ensen officiating. Internment. was at Queen’s Park Cemet- ery. reason to join us this day in a doxology: ‘Thank God from whom all blessing flow apd thank You for letting those blessings flow so richly through your son and servant Frederick Thorlak- son.” t LINDA HELCA DOLL On September 25,1978 at the family residence Stonewall, Linda Doll aged 42 years, widow of the late Wesley Doll of Stonewall. Born in Riverton, Mrs. Doll had lived at Hecla and when she was married, moved to Stonewall. Dearly beloved mother’ of Belinda, Howard and Brenda all of Stonewall. Also surviv- ing are her father Paul Paul- son of Hecla and her step- mother Ingibjorb Paulson and one sister Mrs. Walter Latta (Hope) of Delta, B.C. Prede- ceased by her husband Wesley on June 10, 1976 and her mother Fjola Paulson on June 16, 1968. ICELANDIC LESSON The second set of Icelandic Lesson Helps is now ready. Written by Guðbjartur Gunn arsson and Guðrún Jör- undsdóttir; illustrated and published by the Icelandrc National League in conjunc- tion with the DeRartment of Education, Province of Mani- toba, it contains: Introductioh to Icelandic, part II; Lestrarbók, level C; Vinnubók (exersises) ; Vísna bók (Icelandic Foiiksongs): A. BrD. framburðá(íefingar. This set for $12.00 (five sec- tjons). The first set of lessons is no longfr available. The lps-/ sons may be ordered from: Mrs. H, F. Danielson, 869 Garfield St., Winnipeg, Canada R3G 2M6 MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska kirkja JOHN V. ARVIDSON PASTOR Sundoy School 9.45 Scrviccs Sundoy 9.45 ond 11.00 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Þjóðræknisfélag íslendinga í Vesturheimi FORSETI: STEFAN J. STEFANSON ,37 Macklin Ave. Winnipeg, Maniloba R2V 2M4 Slyrkið félagið og deildir þess, með því að gerasl meðlimir. Ársg.iald:" EINSTAKLINGAR $3.00 — HJÓN $5.00 Sendið ársgjöld til gjaldkera ykkar eigin deilda, eða til Lilja Arnason, 1057 Dcwninion St., Winnipeg, Manitoba RICHARDSON AND COMPANY BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 274 Garry Sireel, Winnipég'. Man. R3C 1H5 — Phone 957-1670 Mr. S. GLENN SIGURDSON attends in GIMLI and RIVERTON on the lst and 3rd FRIDAYS of each month. Offices are in the Gimli Credit Union Bldg, Centre St., at 3rd Ave., between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. with Mr. Sigurdson and his legal assistant in attendance. (Ph. 642-7955). In Riverton, Mr. Sigurdson attends in the Riverton Village Office between tne hours of 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, Man. R3E 0A9 PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin Williams C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS and GLAZING WOOD and ALUMINUM THOMAS A. GOODMAN, B.A. LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public 373 Main Street, Stonewall, Manitoba ROC 2Z0 P.O. Box 1066 Ph. 476-2344 A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Street Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúqaður sá bezti. Stofnað 1894 Ph. 774-7474 Minnist CBE'TEL Divinsky Cameron & Cook Chanered Accounlants 608 Somerset Place, 294 Rortage Ave., Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0B9 Telephone (204) 943-0526 hilly Licenced RMtnr.nl Dine In — Pick-Up — Home Mivary 3354 Portage Avenue Phone 888*3361 St. Jamet-Assiniboia .......mm,W ICELANDIC STAMPS WANTED OLDER ICELANDIC STAMPS ANO LETTERS ARE VALUABLE I »m an Expert Collector, able to Appr.iie or Buy BRYAN Brjánn WHIPPLE , 1205 SPRUCE STREET, BERKELEY, Cal. 94709 U.S.A HADLEY J. EYRIKSON Barrister and Solicitor 298 St. Anne’s Road, " Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 4Z5 Business phone: 256-8616 í erfðaskróm yðar Tallin & Kristjansson Barrislprs and Solicitors 300- 232 Portage Avenue WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 0B1 Now is the time to insulate your home or business. The Right Combination * Cellulose fibre for your attic * Foam-in-place insulation for your walls C.M.H.C. AND HYDRO APPROVED FOR A FREE ESTIMATE PH. 256-0275 S. A. Thorarinson BARRISTER and SOLICITOR 708 S0MERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE. R3C 0B9 Off. 942-7051 Res. 489-6488 GOODMAN and KOJIMA ELECl’RIC electrical CoNTKACTORS 640 McGee Streel Winnipeg, Man. R3E 1W8 Phone 774-5549 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA Evenings and Holidays ALBERT W. EYOLFSON, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Associated with the firm of CHRISTIE, DEGRAVES, MACKAY 400-433 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man., R3B3A5 Ph. Business (204) 947-6801 Ph. Residence (204) 888-2598



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