Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1980, Blaðsíða 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1980, Blaðsíða 15
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, HÁTÍÐARBLAÐ 1980 Hugheilar árnaðaróskir _ TIL ALLRA ÍSLENDINGA Á þjóðminniNgardaginn □UDO □OG OQQ ARNASON FURNITURE (1977) LTD.QQ □□0 □a OQO JTJ iVl I. A Box 130 Gimli. Manitoba ROC 1B0 (204) 642-7954 FURNITURE & APPLIANCES BANK OF MONTREAL Centre Street and First Avenue BOB FRIESEN, Manager PHONE: 642-5196 GIMLI, MANITOBA C-HICKEN DEU6-HT Restaurant and Take Out Service Pizzas — Ribs — Shrimp and Fish Ask About Our Catering and Buik Ordcrs "Don't Cook Tonight — Ca/I Chicken Delight" Centre Street GIMLI, MANITOBA Phone 642-5121 Shoreliner Motel 39 firstavenue on the Sandy Beach of Downtown Gimli Beautiful 2-Bedroom Cottages LHK UNITS OVERNIGHT ROOMS All With Showers — Air Conditioned OPEN ALL YEAR Doug, Ollie & Michael Baldwin Phone 642-5992 TAYLOR PHARMACY GIMLI MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING Centre and Sixth — Gimli, Man. Pharmacists: BILL and LOUISE MORGAN Phone 642-7470 Evenings and After Hours — 642-8370 FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY JAY DEE#S SPORTING GOODS CO. Specializing in Women’s, Family and Melanie’s Clothing P.O. Box 1316, Gimli, Man. P'hone: 642-5509 MARTIN'S HANDI MART “THE BIG LITTLE STORE” at No. 9 Highway and Airport Road Groceries - Meats - Produce Open 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m., 7 days a week For your convenience. Brian and Brenda Martin Phone 642-5330 Congratulations From: SHOESTRING Fine Lealher Shoes and Handbages Phone 642-8330 Centre Street, Gimli JS A MEMORIAL TO SNORRI RÖGNVALDUR GUNNARSSON He was born January 31, 1924 and died March 25, 1979. Snorri was born in Akureyri, Iceland, his parents were Gunnar Snorrason and Inga Gud- mundsdottir. He is survived by his loving wife Asthildur Tomasdottir, and his son Sturla Tomas, his mother, two brothers, Sverrir and Gunnar and two sisters, Svanhildur in Iceland and Inga Kristin Henrikson, in Calgary, Alberta. We first met Snorri and Asthildur in 1961. They had arrived in Vancouver, B.C. in 1957, making their permanent home there. We became good friends from the beginning. We were all interested in maintaining Icelandic culture on the west coast, so we met frequently to discuss and plan, and have fun together. Snorri was President of the Icelandic Club “Strondin”, in Vancouver, B.C. Charter member of the Icelandic Club of Greater Seattle, President of the Scandinavian Businessmens’ Club Van- couver, and a lifetime Honorary member of The Icelandic National League. Snorri was an architect and master builder for several years in Vancouver and vicinity. He built private homes, apartments, and shopping malls, as well as remodelling homes. He was very imaginative and clever in design and interior decorating, as well as a good builder. He became very successful in his business after a few ups and downs. Snorri and his wife travelled extensivelý throughout their life together; especially in the last several years. While in Iceland he learned master ship- building, and later they bought a yacht in England, which became their pride and joy. He took a special course in seamanship, to be able to cruise to many different places. One of his favorite countries was Mexico. There he put his artistic talent to work. He studied the art of painting, leaving a number of pic- tures, both in oils and water colors for his family and friends to enjoy. Snorri was a wonderful host. He loved entertaining and their home was and still is always open to friends and relatives. He was very helpful to all Icelanders who came to Canada seeking em- ployment. We miss our dear friend deeply, as yet time has not healed our loss and sorrow; but we still have and enjoy our friend Asthildur, whom we love dearly. May ‘God bless Snorri’s memorv. Tani and Sigrid Bjornson INTERLAKE AGENCIES LTD. REAL ESTATE — AUTOPAC — INSURANCE HOMES — COTTAGES — FARMS COMMERCIAL AND REVENUE PROPERTIES IN WINNIPEG AND THE INTERLAKE DICK ARNASON, F.R.L., Broker INGTHOR ISFELD, Sales Manager FRED THORVALDSON, JUDY TAVERNER — MARIE ARNASON JOAN ARNASON — KATHY CRITCHLEY LORRAINE SIGVALDASON In Gimli 642-8859 — In Winnipeg 284-1490 Selkirk Phone: 482-6944 Stonewall Pone: 467-8930 nrö LrUJJ y&úkouu Jim LARRY SOBKOWICH Men’s & Women’s Hair Styling For appoíntment call: 642-5141, Gimli, Manitoba. Ear Piercing Hair Styling Body Waves Tinting Frosting, etc. GIMLI THEATRE 72 SECOND AVENUE Phone 642-7460 or 642-7445 Great Movie Entertainment for Everyone. Air Conditioned for Your Comfort. SASAGINNIGAK LODGE— "The Best in Fly-out Fishing". Less than one hour from our Riverton Seaplane Base puts you into some of the finest fishing^ in North America and NOfíTHWAY AVIATION - providing air transportation to the North for sportsmen, contractors, business men, etc. Give us a call and make a booking. "The Johnsons" Box 72, Arnes, Manitoba, Canada. Phone 204-642-5631. Compliments of . . . KARDY'S PRO HARDWARE Phone 642-8838 CENTRE STREET GIMLI, MAN. Compliments of . . . RIVERTON MOTOR INN 12 Luxurious Units - Fully Air-Conditioned Colour TV - Licensed Dining Room Cocktail Lounge - Coffee Shop Sophie and Marshall Hurdal Box 115, Riverton, Man. Phone 378-2224



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