
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.02.1982, Qupperneq 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.02.1982, Qupperneq 7
WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 5. FEBRÚAR 1982 7 Birth announcement Clayton Björn Sigvaldason was born January 1, 1982. He is the son or Lorne and Leslie (nee Goodman) Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Goodman of Arborg, Manitoba. Proud grandmothers are Johannes Haraldur Johnson of Winnipeg, January 25. Olafur Freeman of Lundar, Manitoba, January 3. Sigridur Smith, formerly of Lund- ar, Manitoba, January 23. Christine (Stine) Hermanson of Winnipeg, January 10. Mrs. Elizabeth Gudbjartson and Mrs. Lara Sigvaldason of Gimli, and Mrs. Valla Nordal of Arborg. What a lucky little boy. Two "afi's” and six ammas and four of them "long” amfnas. I wonder how many children can boast of this. Steinthora (Steina) Gudridur Johnson of Winnipeg, January 9. John Allan Kartanson of Min- nedosa, December 10. Kristjan (Kris) Stefansson of Win- nipeg, January 28. Bjorg Bjornson of Arborg. The extended Icelandic family is truely a wealth we offer our children without ever really think- ing of it. Perhaps this factor is basis of our culture still thriving so well in America. The longevity of Icelandic women is also born out in this in- stance. Searching for family roots has becorne very fashionable of late. It's interesting to note that most Icelanders have got a good base to start their research. Can you im- agine the weath of information these grandparents have to offer? The very best wishes to Clayton Björn and all his family. Athough I do not know the family other than one "long" amma I do know he has a rich heritage already. Lorna Tergesen Deaths in December and January MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja JOHN V. ARVIDSON PASTOR 10:30 a.m. The Service followed by Sunday School & coffee hour. Icelandic Service — 7 p.m. Obituary Mrs. Vilborg Einarson passed away peacefully, December 13, 1981, at Victoria, B.C. She was born in Iceland in 1888 but emigrated with her parents and resided in the Arborg district. She was predeceas- ed by her husband, Thorsteinn in 1945, a daugher in 1974 and son Thorstein in 1981. She leaves to mourn her son and daughter-in-law, Leives and Emmeline, son Paul and daughter Laura Sigurdson, daughter-in-law Margaret and son- in-law John Brown, 13 grand- children and 19 great-grandchild- ren. Also her sister Anna and brother Stefan Stefanson of Arborg. Funeral services were held at Belthory Lutheran Church in Camp- bell River, B.C. and burial in the famiiy plot in Campbell River, B.C. Betel Home Foundation — Donations ,In memory of Lily Olafson Rev. S.S. Olafsson Minneapolis, Minn.....................................$ 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. Ipsen Minneapolis, Minn...................................... 25.00 In Ioving memory of Gudrun F. Lillian Olafsson Augusta and Doddi Bjarnason Riverton, Man.. ...................................... 25.00 In memory of Mr. Bjorn Sigurdson Minerva Ladies Aid Gimli, Man........................................... 25.00 In memory of Mrs. Jona Arason Margaret and Frank Dalman Petersfield, Man....................................... 10.00 In mémory of Mr. August J. Trommberg Mr. Henry J. Benningen Winnipeg, Man.......................................... 25.00 In memory of Mr. Barney Sigurdson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Winnemuller Gimli, Man............................................. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. R.B. McQuistan Shorewood, Wiséonsin.................................. 10.00 In memory of Mr. Valdimar Stefanson Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers St. Paul, Minn........................................ 15.00 Þjóðræknisfélag íslendinga í Vesturheimi FORSETI: JOHANN S. SIGURDSON Lundar, Manitoba Styrkið félagið og deildir þess, með því að gerast meðlimir. Ársgjald: EINSTAKLINGAR Í3.00-HJÓN $5.00 Sendið ársgjöld til gjaldkera ykkar eigin deilda, eða til Lilju Arnason, 1057 Dominion St., Winnipeg, Manitoba Business and Proff essional Cards TAYLOR, BRAZZELL, McCAFFREY 4th Floor, Manulife House 386 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 3R6 Telephone (204) 949-1312 Telex 07-57276 Mr. Glenn Sigurdson attends in Cimli and Riverton on the first and third Fridays of each month Gimli Office - 3rd Ave and Centrð St., Telephone 642-7955, Hours 9:30 a m to 5:30 p.m Riverton Office - Riverton Village Off ice, Hours 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p m Asgeirson Painfs & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, Man. R3E 0A9 PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin Williams C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS and GLAZING WOOD and ALUMINUM T.A. GOODMAN & CO. Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public. Room One, Municipal Building 337 Main Street P.O. Drawer 1400 Stonewall, Manitoba Telephone: 467-2344, 467-8931 Winnipeg Line: 476-9692 TEULON OFFICE every Thursday 144 Main Street Telephone: 886-3193 783-5967 Phones: 783-4322 ALBERT W. EYOLFSON, LL.B. Barrister and Soticitor Associated with the firm of CHRISTIE, DEGRAVES, MACKAY 400-433 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man., R3B 3A5 Ph. Business (204) 947-6801 Ph. Residence (204) 888-2598 GOODMAN and KOJIMA ELECTRIC EIECTRICAL CONtKACTORS 640 McGee Streel Winnipeg, Man. R3E 1W8 Phone 774-5543 M KOJIMA RES 889-7564 Evenmgs and Holidays Divinsky Cameron Cook & Duhard Chartered Accountants 608 Somerset Place 294 Portage Ave., Winnipeg Manitoba R3C0B9 Telephone (204) 943-0526 S. A. Thorarinson BARRISTER and SOLICITOR 708 SOMERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE. R3C0B9 Off. 942-7051 Res. 489-6488 Taliin & Kristjansson Barri&ters and Solicitors 300- 232 Portage Avenue WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 0B1 Minnist TETEL í erfðaskróm yðor



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