
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.11.1984, Qupperneq 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.11.1984, Qupperneq 8
8-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 9. NÓVEMBER 1984 Icelandic Canadian Icelandic Content Club of Toronto News The first meeting of our Icelandic-Canadian club 1984-85 season, was held on Tuesday, Oc- tober 16th last. Whereas we have used the North York Community Hall for several years, this meeting was held at the Scandinavian Centre at 91 Starmount St. in the Lawrence Ave.-Bathurst St. area. The November 20 meeting is to be held in this location as well. Don Gislason, one of our long-standing members was the guest speaker and told us about all the dif- ficult conditions that prevailed in Iceland prior to the emigration of a substantial portion of the population during the latter part of the 19th cen- tury. His presentation was laced with the most erudite documentation from sources such as government records, steamship manifest lists and other equally valid founts of information. We were caught up in mixed emo- tions when we learned that our splendid young president, Brian Lögberg- Heimskringla meeting in Wynyard, Sask. The president of Lögberg- Heimskringla Inc. and its directors have accepted an invitation to attend a meeting in Wynyard, Saskatche- wan, November 24. Directors and friends of Lögberg-Heimskringla in Manitoba planning to attend are en- couraged to contact the office of the paper as soon as possible. Further details will appear in next week's issue. Petursson was resigning his position due to his being transferred to Win- nipeg. However we all rejoiced with him in his promotion. As usual, we were regaled with re- freshments after the formal portion of the meeting and now we look for- ward to hearing Stephanie Paulson speak to us at the November 20th meeting on "How Fashion affects our Lifestyle." At the subsequent October meeting of the Executive we were pleased that Eric Hagan, a staunch supporter of our Club, accepted the Presiden- cy for the balance of the season. Þinn einl. Magnus Editorial The assassination of Indira Gandhi and similar attempts on leaders are commented on in this week's issue. It has not been the policy of Lögberg- Heimskringla in recent years to discuss politics. The reason for that is the fact that L.H. is a newspaper concentrating on Icelandic affairs on this Continent and in Iceland. However, no newspaper can ig- nore politics completely and when something takes place, for example the murder mentioned above, which shocks the whole world, a rule has to be broken. It appears that no leader, be it the Pope, President or Prime Minister of powerful nations, is safe from attacks of this nature. The world, in spite of tremendous discoveries in tech- nology, medicine and what not, is a Icelandair changes to Single 800 Number NEW YORK — Now you have on- ly one Icelandair toll-free telephone number to remember from anýwhere in the continental USA outside the metropolitan New York City area. The transatlantic low cost pioneer has changed to (800) 223-5500 as its sole toll-free number from the 48 contiguous states. Formerly the car- rier had different 800 numbers for each region of the country, and in some instances several numbers within a given region. New York City and surrounding area residents may continue to call (212) 757-8585. Consumers and travel agents may call the new toll-free number to make reservations, get fare information or book tours, and elicit details of stopover tours in Iceland or Luxem- bourg, free buses for passengers ar- riving in Luxembourg, and the full range of other Icelandair services. European passengers returning home will find the switch to one number especially helpful for re- confirming their return flights and in gaining other travel information, no matter what section of the USA they may be in. Working To Keep Our Heritage Alive CANADA ICELAND FOUNDATION SECRETARY: 1 - 204 - 475-8064 40 Garnet Bay Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 0L6 constant battlefield. The attack on In- dira Gandhi is another reminder of that. Directors of Lögberg- Heimskringla The following are the newly elected directors of Lögberg- Heimskringla Inc. President: Mr. Einar Arnason; Past President: Mr. Aðalsteinn Krist- jansson; Mr. Neil Bardal; Mr. Neil Johannsson; Mr. Fred Isfjord; Mr. Leigh Syms; Mr. Johann Sigurdson, President of the Icelandic National League; Professor Haraldur Bessason; Miss Diane Kristjansson; Mrs. Linda Collette; Mrs. Sigurlin Roed; Mr. Haraldur Godmannson. Tallin & Kristjansson Barristers and Solicitors 300 - 232 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C OBl Minnist HETEL í erfðaskrám yðar I will do Icelandic Gene- ological Research 6/hr. Write to: Ethel Stephenson 1916 E - 3700 South Salt Lake City, Lftah 84106 Subscribe to Lögberg-Heimskringla Lögberg-Heimskringla is one of the oldest ethnical newspapers in Canada. It will soon be one hundred years old. It is the only Icelandic weekly published in North America and brings you news from Icelandic communities on this continent as well as Iceland. Christmas subscriptions should be arranged with the of- fice of Lögberg-Heimskringla as soon as possible so proper delivery can be as-sured. Subscribe now, write Lögberg- Heimskringla, 525 Kylemore Ave., Winnipeg, Man. R31 1B5. Information is requested from anyone knowing the whereabouts of any next-of-kin of: Juliana Hallson (nee Johnson) who was born on January 16, 1897 at Port Wing, Wisconsin, and died at Kamloops, B.C. on February 5, 1977. Her brothers and sisters were: Porfennur Haraldur Isfjord — born on December 22, 1881 at Montreal, Quebec; Gundumdur Bjarne Isfjord — born August 1, 1889 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; and Petrena Segredur Isf- jord — born October 31, 1887 at Stakastader, Iceland. Please contact the: PUBLIC TRUSTEE, File No. 0139993 Attention: R. J. Sulentich 800 Hornby Street Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2E5 BARDAL FCINERAL HOME AND CREMATORIOM XA/irmipeg'5 original Bardal Funeral Home has V Vbeen serving tbe city s needs since 1894. Bardal Funeral Homes offers a wide uarietu of traditional and modern seruices forall faitns. For consultation contact Dauid Pritchard or Jack C. Farrell. CALL 774-7474 24 Hours a Day 843 Sherbrook Street



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