Lögberg-Heimskringla - 08.03.1985, Side 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 08.03.1985, Side 4
4-WINNIPEG, FOSTUDAGUR 8. MARZ 1985 Ritstj órnargr e in Vor í lofti Fátt gleður eins mikið í byrjun marsmánaðar og örlítið sólbráð eða jafnvel hiti yfir frostmarki. í dag, 28. febrúar er 4 stiga hiti í Winnipeg og lundin því léttari en hún var fyrir nokkrum dögum þegar skóf í skafla. Undirritaður hefur stundum haldið því fram í ritstjórnargreinum að ein af_mörgum ástæðum fyrir íslensku landnámi í Manitoba hljóti að hafa verið veðurfarið. Ekki vegna þess að íslendingar hafi hrifist svo mjög af snjóþungum og afspyrnu köldum vetrum og svo brennandi heitum sumrum heldur hafi þeir geta haldið við merkilegum íslenskum sið. Þessi siður er svo ríkur í íslenskri menningu og hefur verið öldum saman, en eins og menn muna þá var það ætlun landnemanna íslensku að viðhalda íslensku máli og menningu. Ekkert málefni er eins oft rætt og einmitt tíðarfar, því ýmist bölvað eða lofað. Það getur því ekki komið neinum íslending að óvörum þótt undirritaður kætist örlítið með hækkandi sól og snjóbráði. The Icelandic Unitarian Connection This book has recently become available and given us a historical in- sight into a segment of our history around the turn of the century. It is an unfinished story of religious disagreement that led to a break- away faction, from the established Lutheran church within the communities of the people who came from Iceland. This caused con- siderable turmoil, culminating during the thirties when a more tolerant mood prevailed and brought har- mony to our people. This is symboliz- ed by our paper Lögberg- Heimskringla, an amalgamation of the two forces that battled each other during this period of rift in the old Icelandic community. The book gives us a brief insight in- to the thoughts and actions of the principal motivators that led to the establishment of the Icelandic Unitarian movement. It also ranges further to include well-known per- sons of influence and their impact on the Unitarian movement. One being Rev. Matthías Jöchumsson who gave Iceland its National Anthem sung to this day. Another is Stephan G. Stephansson, highly recognized as one of the greatest Icelandic poets, who made Canada his home. There are also included lesser known per- sonages directly involved in the movement. The untimely death of the author, Rev. Emil Gudmundson B.D., D.D. has denied us all but a small insight into the beginnings of Unitarianism within the Icelandic community. As a man of Icelandic background, a product of the Manitoba Interlake area, well versed in the Icelandic language he would undoubtedly have given us an interesting insight into this religious era of the past. Yet this book has value of great interest other than set out in its original purpose. It gives us an insight of historical significance during the era at the turn of the century. Through being an un- finished work, it does not include a summation of the effects of the Unitarian impact. Each part can be read separately as a piece of history pertaining to our people. Being in the English language it gives a small in- sight, into the history of our Cana- dian heritage, which is locked in Icelandic. Emil has unlocked a part of our heritage which gives the book an added value. Eric Bjornson discerned the value of these writings and has successful- ly brought them together in book form for all of us to enjoy. Einar Arnason Lögberg - Heimskringla Published every Friday by LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 525 Kylemore Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1B5 Telephone 284 7688 New Office Hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. EDITOR: Jónas Þór BUSINESS MANAGER: Caroline Darragh MAILING: Florence Wagar REPRESENTATIVE IN ICELAND: Magnús Sigurjónsson Umboðsmaður blaðsins á íslandi Skólagerði 69 Kópavogi, Sími 40455 Pósthólf 135 Reykjavík Typesetting, Proofreading and Printing — Typart Ltd. Subscription $25.00 per year — PAYABLE IN ADVANCE $30.00 in Iceland — Second class mailing registration number 1667 — All donations to Lögberg-Hcimskringla Inc. arc tax dcductiblc undcr Canadian Laws. Hvað er í raun dásamlegra en að vaða snjóbráð í ökla, aka á um í óhreinum bíl, komast ekki að húsi vegna vatnselgs o.s.frv? Því verður seint neitað að hafa verður fyrir vorinu en sú mikla sæla sem það flytur er sannarlega þess virði. Og svo kemur sumarið. Þá er yfirleitt ástæða til að amast yfir of miklum hita, óvinveittum flugum, þorsta og hvað þá helst. Sólbruni hrjáir unga sem aldna en samt er þessi ásrstími sá er við bíðum hvað mest eftir. í raun og veru er allt þetta tal um veður ósköp dapurlegt og margir gætu sagt, hreinlega niðurdrepandi. Varla er um mikið andríki að ræða og því mætti taka undir orð karls: "Hvað er þetta kerling? líður þér vel í dag? Þú hefur ekki minnst á veðrið." Hvað sem tautar þá segja fróðir menn að enn megi búast við byljum og langt sé enn í moskítóflugur, þrumur og eldingar. En er ekki rétt að gleðjast? J.Þ. ICELANDIC UIMITARIAIM COIMIMECTIOIM 8EG,rsH°^c^T'----,sM Solskin The members of Solskin, the Ladies Auxiliary to the Icelandic Care Home (Hofn), have elected their officers for 1985. They are as follows: President — Alma Johannson; Vice- President — Gwen Dowding; Secretary — Sylvia Wetten; Vice- Secretary — Sylvia Isfeld; Treasurer — Helga Howardson; Vice-Treasurer — Ann Penway. The ladies of Solskin, with the staff of the Home assisting, hosted the Christmas Party for residents on December 21st with gifts for all. Each year the Auxiliary raises funds to give meaningful and useful gifts to Hofn. If you would like to join and help in this work, please contact Alma Johannson at 298-6031. New members are always welcome.



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