Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.12.1985, Page 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.12.1985, Page 8
8-WINNIPEG, FOSTUDAGUR 6. DESEMBER 1985 Write Your Own Joke! Above is a photograph without a as she steps onto his island. Send comment. The idea is that readers your ideas to Lögberg-Heimskringla think of their own line. The question and we will publish the best answers. is: What does the lady say to the man J.Þ. i 'l Up-Coming Events Scandinavian Folk Night: Friday, Dec. 13. A variety of performers will be on hand to sing folk songs, Scandinavian & otherwise. Free stage available for any interested musician, poet or story-teller. 8 p.m. to mid- night, Second floor, Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin St., Wpg. Cash bar — No admission charge! Winnipeg Icelandic Canadian Frón Sunday, January 26: Heritage Day. * * * February 21: Thorrablót V__________________________________________________________________y Every Neil Bardal funeral service is performed with honesty, dignity and respect — a long-standing tradition from two previous generations. Now with a modem interpretation to suit today’s family needs. 984 Fbrtage at Aubrey Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0R6 24-Hour Teiephone Service 786-4716 FAMILYIFUNERAL COUNSELLORS Winnipeg’s only Bardal family-oivned Funeral Seruice. Open 9 to 5 Monday thru Saturday. Ask for a free brochure. I Icelandic The editorial comments on the Ice- landic Festival of Manitoba, Islen- dingadagurinn. At a recent meeting at Gimli, Manitoba, the President, Mr. Glenn Sigurdson, mentioned the fact that in a few years the íslendin- gadagurinn will celebrate its hun- dredth anniversary. As is well known, the first Icelandic festival in Manitoba took place in Winnipeg in August, 1890. The President felt that preparations for this historical event will be launched soon and stated that the writing of the history of the Fes- tival will soon begin but an editorial board is being formed. The Icelandic Festival is one of the Content I Icelandic culture on this continent etc. This annual celebration draws thousands of Icelanders from far and wide so it also serves as means to keep the Icelanders together. When the past is considered, one cannot but notice the many poems and verses dedicated by such poets like Stephan G. Stephansson and Guttormur Guttormsson to the íslen- dingadagurinn. A publication of these poems and verses should also be considered. Last but not least, the input by in- dividuals and groups from Iceland is very important. They bring Iceland and its culture closer. The Icelandic oldest (if not the oldest) ethnic celebrations in Canada. Its purpose has been to commemorate the Festival Committee should make every effort to increase Iceland's participation. pioneers from Iceland, preserve Chlld’s Play Consultants Needed to sell Childrens Books & Games. Part time. If interested phone Karen 885-1975 or apply in writing to: Child’s Play 568 lyle St., Winnipeg R3J 2C5 Tallin & Kristjansson Barristers and Solicitors 501-55 Donald St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1L8 942-8171 TAYLOR BRAZZELL McCAFFREY Barristers & Solicitors winnipeg phone 949-1312 4th Floor - 386 Broadway Gimli phone 642-7955 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3R6 Winnipeg Beach phone 389-2999 Mr. David King attends in Gimli and Riverton on the first and third Friday of each month and Mr. Richard Schultz in Winnipeg Beach in the afternoon on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Office hours are held in Gimli at 3rd Avenue and Centre Street between the hours of 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. In Riverton, Mr. King attends at the Riverton Village office between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Office hours are held at Winnipeg Beach between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the Winnipeg Beach office LOANS ARRANGED • Debt consolidation • Business expansion • Mortgages • Venture capital • Aircraft and marine financing • Farm & agricultural • Trucking • Theatrical productions • stage-screen-TV-video • Educational • Inventions • Franchises • Mining • Oil drilling • Casino and entertainment palaces • Hotels, • Motels • Ranches or for any sound purpose Current interest rate 11 % (Subject of course to change — up or down) Including Arbitrage Lending and Barter Trading $1 Billion$ up Write in confidence for complete details of your needs, or if you’re in a hurry call 203-848-8552. BATES BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 123 Maple Avenue., P.O. Box 233, Montville, Conn. 06353, U.S.A. Telex cable address “BATFIN” WE ARE THE ONL Y MONEY SERVICE IN THE WORLD (THAT WE KNOW OF) THAT SERVES BORROWERS 24 HOURS PER DAY (8 p.m.-9 a.m. recorded service) 365 DAYS A YEAR. IF YOU TOO WISH TO BECOME AN ASSOCIATE LOAN ARRANGER, WRITE OR CALL c/o DR. LOUIS BATES SORRENTINO FOR DETAILS



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