Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.01.1988, Side 4
Jóla og Ný-Ár hatíðar ligja í fortíð.
Samsafn framkvæmda gagnvart
árinu 1987 verða tekin saman og
virt í samræmi við liðna tíð. Stjórnar
fjárhags astæður munu verða
ransakaðar og bornar saman við
fortíðar árin gagnvart fjármála halla
og þar með akevðið tekjufall. Þrátt
fyrir þá eymd sem þessar töllur
birta, mun 1987 vera eitt hið
merkilegasta framkvæmdar ár.
Á fundi Reagan — Gorbachev í
Reykjavík örðum við vongóð, er
þeir í samtali rædu vopna hlé, en
The Christmas and New Year sea-
son is now a part of the past. The
summation of achievements during
1987 will be assessed in a compara-
tive sense, with previous years. Fis-
cal matters will come under scruti-
ny, and government deficits will be
compared with other years, on the
basis of increases and in the unlike-
ly sense of a decrease. Regardless of
the Doom and Gloom these tabula-
tions bring forth, 1987 has been a
year when real hope for the future
will mark it as a year of achieve-
It was during the Reagan-Gorb-
achev Reykjavík Summit meeting,
Ritstj órnargr ein
von okkar glataðist, er fundi var
lokið án samþykki. Urskurðaleysi
þýdi framhald á mótkepni
framleiðslu kjarnaflauga. Þetta
orsakar áframhald hótanir og
mögulega eyðileggingu vestur
álfunar þar til afleiðingin er orðinn
kjarnorku eyðimörk.
Á siðusta ári kom breytni
gagnvart vopna mótkepni,
skrifleigir samningar ákveðu að
afnema meðaldrægra kjarnaflauga.
Enfremur hafa báðar andstæðu
þjóðirnar vopna hlé aætlun. Góð
von er að Rússar munni flytja herin
í Afghanistan heim.
Umræður gagnvart utrými
kjarnaflauga sem hafa kraftmagn til
að komast á milli alfa mun verða
næst á vopna hlé skráni. Á fundi
Reagan — Gorbachev í Reykjavík
var sampykkt að draga úr þess
konar vopn um helming, en
glataðist er þeir gátu ekki sampykkt,
Stjörnnorkuframleiðslu Banadaríkj-
anna. Rússar hafa skift um skoðun
og heimta ei leingur útrýma
Stjörnnorkur Reagans.
that our hopes were raised, at this
meeting of the major global an-
tagonists, ostensibly to discuss and
agree on matters of arms reduction.
Our hopes were quickly quelched
when the meeting ended in a stale-
mate. A repetition of many previous
East-West meetings, which implied
the continuation of nuclear threats,
ongoing arms build-up with a capac-
ity that could destroy western civili-
zation, and convert it into a nuclear
wasteland. The year has seen the
continuation of confrontation,
change to one of agreement in the
form of a signed treaty, to disman-
tle and destroy intermediate range
nuclear missiles.
Both sides have shown flexibility
on arms control issues. There are
hopes for an early withdrawal of
Russian forces from Afghanistan.
The discussions have entered into
a new phase of deep cuts in strateg-
ic long range weapons. At the Sum-
mit meeting in Reykjavík last year,
Reagan and Gorbachev agreed to a
50 per cent cut in these weapons,
but floundered when they failed to
solve the issue in a dispute over
U.S. Star Wars, or in more techni-
cal terminology, Strategic Defence
Initiative. The Soviets have now
hinted they no longer require a U.S.
Þetta eru malefni sem valda góðar
vonir að kjarnaflauga hætan
útrýmist í nalægri framtíð. Mun pað
verða veruleikur sem gefur okkur
frið og framtíðar samveru.
Fjárhags vandamál geta orkað
harðindi, en hægt er að leisa úr
þeim, aftur á móti er kjarnaorku
eiðimörk, skemd og eylífðar tjón.
Á framtíðar lífs veigi gætti 1987
kallast hlé árið sem varnaði
aframhald kjarnaflauga hættu, og í
stað þess gaf okkur framtíðar frið.
renunciation of the space based
Nuclear Umbrella.
These are factors that give new
hope to the eventual elimination of
a nuclear threat, and once achieved
will assure continued existence as
we know it.
Problems that plague world eco-
nomics can cause hardships but a
Nuclear Wasteland is forever.
Down the road in retrospect, 1987
could be the year during which our
future changed from a grim threat
to a continued existence as we
know it.
Iceland and the Falcon
Frequently during past years the
Icelandic press has reported the ar-
rest of foreign nationals in the
process of smuggling Falcon eggs out
of Iceland. The Iceland Falcon has
long been in demand for bird hunt-
ing, which over the centuries has had
a royal status as the sport of kings.
Its origin and when it first became
popular is not known. Records show
that the sport existed in Central and
Eastern Asia dating back thousands
of years.
History reveals that when Marco
Polo visited China the Emperor had
10,000 Masters of Falconry and when
he went on a falcon Hunting expedi-
tion his entourage consisted of 20,000
The Norse kings engaged in the
sport which is verified in the writing
of Snorri Sturlrson.
The Iceland Falcon seems to have
become known in Europe Royalty
around the year 1,000, according to
the annals of history. The exact date
can only be guessed at.
The bird became popular, which
created a great demand. The result
was the church and the King of Den-
mark competed intensely.in claiming
the rights to this bird and for a long
time it was questionable who would
become the final authority. Gradual-
ly the kings won out through the
enactment of legislation establishing
the royal rights. During the 17th cen-
tury to the middle of the 18th centu-
ry the king used the falcon as a
source of revenue through rental ar-
rangements. He also purchased birds
which he used for gifts to other roy-
al houses.
Illegal hunting of the falcon was
Lögberg - Heimskringla
Published every Friday by
Rm. 40 - 339 Strathmillan Rd., Winnipeg, Man. R3J 2V6
Telephone 831-8952
New Office Hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3 p.m.
EDITOR: Einar Arnason
I' BUSINESS MANAGER: Caroline Darragh MAILING: Florence Wagar
BOARD MEMBERS: Neil Bardal, A. F. Kristjansson, Evelyn Thorvaldson, Bill Perlmutter,
Sigurlin Roed, Lloyd Kristjansson, Linda Collette, Dee Dee Westdal, Gloria Meadows,
' Helga Sigurdson, Lee Brandson, Hulda Danielsdottir
Umboðsmaður blaðsins á Islandi Skólagerði 69 Kópavogi, Sími 40455
Pósthólf 1457 Reykjavík
Typesetting, Proofreading and Printing — Typart Ltd.
Subscription $25.00 per year - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE
$30.00 in Iceland
— Second class mailing registration number 1667 —
All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax deductibie under Canadian Laws.
known to have taken place by
foreigners who were mainly from En-
gland. To discourage this raiding of
the Iceland Falcon, the laws were
tightened as to whom the falcon
could be sold, and finally they were
permitted export only on the ships of
the shipping monopoly. This law
dates back to 1636.
The falcon was held to be a royal
right and to this day adorns honours
bestowed on citizens considered wor-
thy of government recognition.
During recent times the demand
seems to have been from the oil rich
Middle East and probably the root
cause of raiding eagle nests for eggs
to be smuggled out of Iceland.
The present concern and strict pro-
tection of the Iceland Eagle is likely
the preservation of this species,
which could otherwise become
This article is based in part on a re-
cent write up in the Morgunblað.
The Iceland Falcon.