
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.04.1988, Qupperneq 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.04.1988, Qupperneq 5
LÖGBERG CENTENNIAL YEÁR, FÖSTUDAGUR 22. APRÍL 1988-5 World conference on tourism In a letter received from Heimir Hannesson of Reykjavik, Iceland, he advises the confirmation of his ap- pointment to present a paper on be- half of the Northern European Na- tions at a world conference sched- uled to take place in Vancouver next fall. The theme of the conference is, "Tourism a Path to Peace." He included a news clipping from During the spring of 1916 a group of Icelandic women met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Skaftason on Maryland St., to meet with Mrs. Colin H. Campbell and be informed about the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire. World War I had been raging nigh onto two years in Europe. Many of our Icelandic sons had en- listed voluntarily with the Canadian Armed Forces and were involved in combat. It was a concern, that many of the next of kin were finding it difficult to make ends meet, and casualties were beginning to mount. It was for this reason, that leading Icelandic women under the direction The Timinn, a daily newspaper pub- lished in Reykjavik, Iceland. The fol- lowing is a direct translation of this article. "Tourism a path to peace," is the theme of the first conference which addresses itself towards tourism as a worldwide all nations subject. This conference will be helql ,in Vancou- ver, Canada this fall. Representatives of Mrs. J. B. Skaftason, were motivat- ed into doing something to alleviate the circumstances of families whose husband and father were in the ac- tive wartime forces. Mrs. Campbell informed them about the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Em- pire. They unanimously decided to form a Chapter of the I.O.D.E. and name it after Jón Sigurðsson, the great Patriarch, Liberator and Presi- dent of Iceland during the latter part of the Nineteenth Century. With that they carried out a yeo- man's task and brought comfort to the families and next of kin, to those whose father and son were locked in knowledgeable in tourism and for- eign affairs from around the world will be in attendance. Three subject matters will be first and foremost on the agenda of the conference. To begin with, national, cultural and economic matters, which have the greatest impact in connection with international policy will be dealt with. In other words, the deadly combat on the battlefields of Europe. In the fall of l'U6 Mrs. Skaftason went overseas to England while her husband Captain Skaftason was serving in the armed forces. There she remained until the end of the war, visiting and bringing com- fort to the wounded Icelandic soldiers recovering in hospitals. Her home was an open house to the Icelandic soldiers during those difficult years. Under her stewardship as Regent of the Chapter, the well-known Her- manna Bók or Soldier's Book was published, listing the names with a brief historical sketch and picture of every Icelander serving in the Cana- dian and American Armed Forces during World War I. She continued to serve the chapter for many years. Her daughter Mrs. Johanna Wilson followed in her mother's footsteps and served for many years as Regent and is still a very active member. At a recent luncheon held in the new Betelstadur complex on Sargent Ave. at Erin St. by the Jón Sigurðs- son Chapter, Mrs. Wilson presented to Mr. Maurice Eyolfson president of the Betel Foundation, with the Grand Piano the Chapter had purchased and installed at Betelstadur for use and enjoyment of the tenants. The piano was purchased with funds set aside originally to be used in the building of an Icelandic Memorial Hall dedi- cated to the veterans of both World Wars. This project never materialized and the Chapter decided to use the funds for the piona recently present- ed to Betelstadur. The Chapter continues to be active with several annual functions, in- cluding a ceremony each June 17th in recognition of Iceland's Indepen- dence Day, including their son and liberator Jón Sigurðsson. many influences affecting national policies, which have an impact on tourism matters and their implemen- tation will be given priority, includ- ing those matters of a similar nature which come to the forefront, con- cerning nations of the world and their differences will be considered. Many lecturers from around the world have been invited to partake in the conference, to deliver their message from the podium and to otherwise take part in the confer- ence, which relates to the subject matter in hand, including liaison be- tween nations, foreign relationships, educational and cultural matters. An Icelander has been officially in- vited to take part in the conference. He is Heimir Hannesson, former ad- ministrator of tourism and for two years, Vice-President of the Europe- an tourism association. He will present to the conference the cooper- ation between the countries of the north and the historical aspect of tourism development and the inter- national aspect. Heimir is the only delegate from the Scandinavian countries who has been invited to participate in this manner. In the proposed agenda, one can discern various known givern- ment figures which have been invit- ed to attend the conference. Amongst them is Carter, former president of the United States and Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway. Consideration is being given to awards for the best presentation by delegates from within each country. If these awards materialize, further information will be made available. (End of translation). Heimir Hannesson has been here on at least two previous occasions. He has been an active participant as a member of the liaison committee appointed by the Government of Iceland to maintain contact with Western Icelanders. The Govern- ment of Iceland through this commit- tee has been generous to Lögberg- Heimskringla over the years. In this respect we owe Heimir Hannesson a sincere appreciation along with other past and present members of the committee together with the Government of Iceland. Einar Arnason Recent chapter Names unavailable at press time. Early chapter Back row: Mrs. F. D. Wright, Mrs. H. G. Nicholson, Mrs. B. S. Ben- son, Mrs. P. S. Palsson, Mrs. E. A. Isfeld, Mrs. G. F. Jonasson, Miss Vala Jonasson, Mrs. P. J. Swertson. Middle row: Mrs. O. Cain, Mrs. G. P. Paulson, Mrs. J. S. Gillis, Mrs. J. B. Shaptason, Mrs. H. F. Danielson, Mrs. T. E. Thorsteinson, Mrs. L. E. Summers, Mrs. O. Stephensson. Front row: Mrs. Price, Mrs. K. J. Autmann, Mrs. E. Hanson, Mrs. F. Jonsson, Mrs. B.J. Brandson, Mrs. R. Petursson, Mrs. G. Jonsson , Mrs. J. F. Kristjanson. BARDAL FGNERAL HOME AND CREMATORICIM w innipeg's original Bardal Funeral Home has been serving the city's needs since 1894. CALL 774-7474 24 Hours a Day 843 Sherbrook Street Jón Sigurðsson chapter IODE



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