Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.04.1988, Side 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.04.1988, Side 6
6-LÖGBERG CENTENNIAL YEAR, FÖSTUDAGUR 22. APRÍL 1988 PC PRIORITIES FOR M A N I T O B A PfíOTECT AND STRENGTHEN MANITOBA ’S HEALTH CAfíE SYSTEM Health care is the most important service that government provides. Progressive Conservatives are committed to protecting and strengthening Manitoba’s health care system. SENSIBLE MANAGEMENT OF GOVERNMENT AND THE CROWN CORPORATIONS The Progressive Conservatives will manage government sensibly — the way Manitoba families manage their homes, farms and businesses. That will stop the losses. REAL SOLUTIONS FORAUTOPAC All Autopac rate increases will have to be approved by the Public Utilities Board, with the books open to the people of Manitoba. QUAUTY EDUCATION TO HELP MANITOBANS BUILD THEIfí FUTURES Education is an jnvestment in the people oiManitoba. Children, older workers who need new skills, young adultSfiwho dropped out öt school, women re-entering the workforce — all of these people deserve'&Very educational opportunity we can provide. A CLIMATE WHERE SMALL BUSINESSES CAN THRIVE A PC government will phase out the payroll tax and help small businesses train their employees in today’s technologies. We’ll help them open new markets and take advantage of new opportunities. TAX STABIUTY FOR FAIRNESS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH A PC government will not increase personal income taxes throughout our first term, and will make personal income taxes a priority for future tax reductions. “I I have the privilege of leading a team of dedicated men and women — people from all walks of life, from all regions of this province. They’re people with experience, who have served their communities well in the past. I’m very proud of them, and I know that they will provide Manitobans with the best ?, government they’ve had in a long, long time. HELPBUILDA BETTER MANITOBA. ONAPRIL 26TH, VOTEPROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE.



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