Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.06.1991, Side 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.06.1991, Side 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 7. júní 1991 Don’t Miss It! Lana Thorarinson Betts, flutist, and David Enns, pianist, both of Montreal, will be part of this year’s Eaton Celeb- rity Concertat íslendingadagurinn, Au- gust 3, 1991, at 8 p.m. at the Gimli Composite High School. Lana is pres- ently completing her Bachelor of Mu- sic in flute performance at McGill Uni- versity. She has won several awards and scholarships. She is the soprano section leader in the church choir at St. George’s Anglican Church. Lana is the daughter of Lorraine Betts, grand-daughter of Anna (Sigvaldason) and the late Kristjan Thorarinson of Riverton. She is the daughter of Dennis Olson, son of Lara (Einarson) and the late Raymond Olson, now of Stonewall. David is originally from Swift Cur- rent, SK. Hehasspentayearin Iceland after graduating from Brandon Univer- sity, where he was awwarded the Silver Medal. His activities in Iceland included everything from music teaching to di- recting a church choir to working on a fishing trawler. These two talentedyoung people will delightyou, so plan to attend. Watchfor further announcements on the Eaton Celebrity Concert. Icelandic content Our editor, Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir, writes about real or im- aginary differences between Western Icelanders and Icelanders in Iceland in her article Spjall, or Chat. The story Skriúabúðin, by Guðrún H. Finnsdóttir, will continue in our upcoming issue. A short English synopsis of it will be fea- tured upon its conclusion. Card Craze What on earth is going on at Djúpivogur — have they all gone card crazy? Judgingfrom the letters Lögberg- Heimskringla has been receiving lately, they have. It all began with a letter from a very polite little boy in Djúpivogur, Iceland, who wrote that he is collecting playing cards, but only one from each deck, and could we please publish his request for cards in our paper. Since then, we have received 5 such requests, all from young people in Djúpivogur. It is my theory that some of our read- ers must have responded to the first request, and that word got round among eager card collectors in Djúpivogur, who now want to add Canadian cards to their collection. I find these exchanges exciting and the children’s letters remind me of my ín our last Issue, an error appeared In the ad: SCHOLARSHIP OFFERED. Tbe aö below ís correct. We apologlze for any inconvenlence. The Ministry of Education li> lceiand Tbe Ministry of Educstion m lcefand ínvítes students of lcelandíc descent to apply for a 400.000 krónur scholarshlp to study ícelandlc language and ííterature at the Unfversity of lceland during tHe 1991-1992 schoof year. The chosen candidate must arrlve ín Reykjavlk, lceland, no later than Ist of September. 1991. Deadline for appflcations Is Jurte 21st, 1991. Forfurther information, and to apply, píease wríte to: The lceimuilc Natlonal League, 308*393 Portage Ave., Wfnnipeg, Nianltoba, Canada, R3B 3H6 PUBUSHED EVERV FRIDAY BV LÖCBERC > HEIMSKRiNCLA INCORPORATED Rm. 40 - 339 Strathmillan Road, Winnipeg, Man. R3J 2V6 Telephone: 831-8952 New Office Hours: Tuesday through Thursday lOa.m. - 5 p.m. PRESIDENT: Robert V. Oleson EDITOR: Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir VIŒ PRESIDENT: Gordon Thorvaldson TREASURER: Gordon Thorvaldson SECRETARY: Valdine Scrymgeour ÖOARD MEM8ERS: Nell Ssrdal, Lloyd Christianson, Linda Collette, TomOleson, Sigurlin Roed, Valdine Scrymgeour, Barbara Sigurdson, Ray Gislason REPRESENTATIVES: Dawn Rothwell, Rose Clyde, Helga Sigurdson, Baldur Schaldemose REPRESENTATIVE IN ICELAND: Þjóðræknisfélag Íslendínga Umboðsmaður blaðsins á (slandi Hafnarstreeti 20 101 Reykjavlk, Sími 621062 Telefax 626278 Graphic Destgn: Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: Keystone Graphtcs • Printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $30.00 per year - PAYABlF IN ADVANCF - $40.00 in lceland - Second class mailing reglstration number 1667 - Alf donattons to LBgberg-Heimskrlngla ln«, are tax deductlbte undor Canadlan Laws. Lögberg-Heimskringla — Why not? Why not subscribe to Lögberg- Heimskringla? — after all it is, to the best ofour knowledge, the oldest ethnic newspaper published in Canada — and that is certainly something we can all be proud of. Consider that no less now than dur- ing the days of Framfari, which was published froml877 to 1880, are we documenting our presence in North America. We are writing our history. Years from now, eccentric scholars may become interested in researching our publications to find out what our values are and how we feel about a wide variety of issues. They will, of course, first and foremost turn to Lögberg-Heimskringla for such infor- mation. Or, one of your very own de- scendants may be bitten by the infa- mous genealogical bug, to whose bite Icelanders have proved to be particu- larly vulnerable, and would it not be a treat for her — straining her eyes while own youthful collections. I also suspect that this card craze is unique to Djúpivogur, but not a hobby common to all Icelandic children. As a matter of fact, after I finish this article, I will head to the comer store to buy a deck of cards to send to them, and I sincerely hope some of L-H’s readers will follow my example. The children’s names and addresses can be found on page 8. H.K.D. peering at microfiche of Lögberg- Heimskringla’s pages — to find your, her forefather’s name there! Our paper covers news from Ice- land and the Icelandic communities in North America and human interest sto- ries. In order to reach the-largest number, we now publish all but one page in English. Our financial situation is such that we can only hire a limited staff. Our subscribers, however, have been very supportive. Not only have they do- nated money to the paper, they have also provide us with articles for publi- cation. Some send us poetry, others send us stories and still others news items of interest. Our most famous writers such as Bill Valgardson, David Amason, Betty Jane Wylie, Kristjana Gunnars and others less well known, often write for Lögberg-Heimskringla, and we make sure to provide our read- ers with reviews of their books soon after they have been launched. In Lögberg-Heimskringla you will find information which you could not possibly get anywhere else. So think about it! If you already are a subscriber then recommend us to your relatives or friends or give them a subscription to L-H for Christmas or on their birthday. But it’s you we want. You who used to say “ No, I don’t subscribe, I don’t read Icelandic.” It is to you, the potential subscriber, that we say: “ We need you — Subscribe to Lögberg-Heimskringla and help keep our Icelandic heritage alive!” H.K.D. / FAMILYl FUNERAL COUNSELLORS BILLBOARD Come & Celebrate the 47th Anniversary of Iceland’s Independence Day, Sunday, June 16,1991 2:00 p.m. Annual Wreath-laying Ceremony — Jón Sigurðsson statue Manitoba Legíslative Building grounds, Winnipeg; 70th Anniversary of the unveiling of the statue 2:45 p.m. Program follows at St. Stephen's Broadway United Church (Broadway and Kennedy) Admittance $5.00; children, free. The program is sponsored jointly by the lcelandic Canadian Frón and the Jón Sigurðsson Chapter IODE. We are proud to announce that the youth of lcelandic background will lead the procession from the Legislative Building to the statue. We encourage all adults attending to bring their children with them. Two youths, Brock Arnason and Jon Bardal wi11 give readings. We will be especially featuring the Gimli Festival 1991 Fjallkona, Johanna Wilson, a former Regent ofthe Jón Sigurðsson IODE, during the day'scelebration. We will also be honouring Paul A. Sigurdson, poet and composer, during the mainly musical program at the Church. A fantastic array of talented young lcelandic Canadians will be incioded inthe program: Freyjaand Lara Arnason, Signy Arnason, Kathryn Antenbring, Jocelyn Stewart-Hay, Pearl Stelmack, Tristin Tergesen, Margaret McKee, Barry Thorgrimson, Douglas Anderson, Laureen Narfason, and the Scandinavian Canadian Choir. Refreshments will be served. All cordially invited! This space is provided monthly by Neil Bardal Inc., Family Funeral Counsellors, for the use of community groups. If your group would like to use this space, give us a call 949-2200.



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