Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.04.1992, Blaðsíða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.04.1992, Blaðsíða 1
Lögberg eimskringla i—OT I— ro cn ro 33* i—»• x —i ras r~H C3 —• C3 'UTI m l-o =K m r-. -C •— 3=> '=D -O X O 1— o C-J .-Ck. 3» I— CO -c^ The lcelandic Weekly Lögberg Stofnaö 14. janúar 1888 Heimslrrinrjla Stofnað 9. september 1886 Inside this week: Letters to the Editor................................page 2 Þorkell Þorgeirsson, retold by Einar Kvaran...................................3 The Life and Death of Little lceland, by John Kimantas.....................................4 & 5 Afi's Journal...............................................6 106. Árgangur I06th Year Publications Mail Registration No. 1667 Föstudagur 17. apríl 1992 Friday, 17 April 1992 Númer 14 Number 14 Alcohol sold on board: A new bill, proposing changes to the lcelandic News laws which govern the salesofalcohol, will soon be put before the Alþingí (lcelandic parliament). The change in- volves the inclusion of a new clause whieh wíll allow the minister of justice tö permit the sales of alcohol on board domestíc flíghts and ferries. Geysir will be quiet: Néflmwetndarráð, or the Nature Preservation Board, has de- cided that the artificialínduce- ment of erup- tíons in Geysir will not be al~ lowed. tt is thought that Geysír came into be- *ng duríng a great earthquake in the thirteenth century. In 1915 Geysir had almost ceased toerupt, butwas reacti- vated in 1935 by lowering the water level. Nowadays, eruptíon has been induced by lowering the water level and by throwing detergent into the of the Geysir. In 1991, the Nóttúruverndarráð became responsí- for looking after the Geysír, Last aummer, the Board permitted three artificial indgcements of eruptions ín the Geysir, Árnl Tryggvmon A new short docu- ^entary premiered: premiere showing of the shart documentaryfilm Handfærasinfónian, °f The Hand-Line Symphony took place recently at Hótel Loftleiðir in 7eykjavík. Actor and small boatowner ^fni Tryggvason produced the film. £/e received grants from an lcelandic .m íund as well as from the Associa- hon of Small BoatOwnersto make the ilm, whích is 42 minutes long. Trans/ated from Icelandic newspapers. H.K.D.j Gleðilega Páska This Easter holiday our Icelandic cousins will be able to enjoy the early arrival of spring. In Iceland most people get five days off from work while students enjoy a two-week-long holiday. Happy Easter from all of us at Lögberg-Heimskringla. Enjoylng the holidays. Photo courtesy of the Moigunblaö. A scene from Friörik Þór Frlórlksson’s fllm Chlldren of Nature. New York: Preparation for an lcelandic Film Festival The nomination of Friðrik Þór Friðriksson’s Children ofNatureior an Academy Award and an Icelandic Film Festival planned for fall have been the focus of recent activity of the Icelandic American Society of New York (IASNY). The IASNY showing of Children ofNature at the Alliance Francaise on March 23 was sold out long in advance, and many were tumed away at the door. At the reception afterwards, an exuberant crowd expressed great en- thusiasm for the fílm’s landscape cin- ematography, its moving story, and its evocative symbols. The Honorable Helgi Gíslason, Consul General of Iceland and Permanent Representa- tive of Iceland to the United Nations, and his deputy, Kornelíus Sigmundsson, were in attendance, as were many members of the Icelandic business and artistic community. Edda Magnusson, the Society’s Presi- dent, declared the evening a spec- tacular success. Encouraged by the large tumout of its members and other film enthu- siasts, IASNY is going fullspeed ahead in its preparations for the first Icelandic Film Festival in New York. The Festival, sheduledfor late Octo- ber, is to run four days and screen ten films in a retrospective survey of Icelandic cinema. The festival will include several receptions for Ice- landic fílm directors, producers, and actors, and will conclude with a panel and forum on the development of the Icelandic film industry. In early April, Kornelíus Sigmundsson of the Icelandic Con- sulate in New York, hosted a kick- off event to organize financial and institutional support for the festival and to honor Friðrik Þór Friðriksson’s academy award nomi- nation. Among the more than sev- enty guests who attended, were rep- resentatives of both U.S. and Icelan- dic film makers, govemment offi- cials, representatives of Time Maga- zine, Hearst Publications, and other media organizations. The Icelandic American Society of New York has a membership of 500 families. IASNY has traditionally had strong representation from the significant community of Icelanders who have immigrated to the USA over the past several decades. Many of these families have members that are Ameri- can citizens. As is common among Icelanders living abroad, they have formed strong community ties and organized regular social events to cel- ebrate their Icelandic heritage. The film Children of Nature touched a resonant chord in the hearts of these people. IASNY also publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Society News, that alerts the Icelandic community to cul- tural events and reports on items of general interest. Editor Eva Becker has significantly increased the news- letter’s coverage over the past couple of years and made improvements in the format and content. Recent edi- tions have included interviews with prominent Icelanders in the New York region and coverage and commentary on Icelandic social, political, and eco- nomic affairs.



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