Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.04.1992, Blaðsíða 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.04.1992, Blaðsíða 6
6 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 17. apríl 1992 The personal account ofan Icelandic immigrant’s experiences in America - from 1886 to 1930 Continued by Stefan Jónsson (changed to Johnson in U.S.A.) Translated from the oríginal hand-written lcelandic byStefan Johnson’s eldest grandson, Jon Willard Freeman. Finally the ice got so thick the horses stopped and one lay down. The wagon was practically afloat and there were the women! One (my wife) with one child in her arms and the other at her side, and the other woman aged and unwell. The old man, Ásgrímur, wasted no time. He grabbed an old axe, jumped into the ice and water and broke the ice ahead of the horses. God protects us The wagon now was almost on its side but it righted and the horses continued and they were safe. My wife has often said that God had willed that the wagon be not upset into such deep and cold water after being almost on its side. And so it is in our life. God protects us when we believe and trust in Him. We were now forced to turn back to father’s knoll, for I had the same trouble with my oxen and the livestock that I led and drove before me. They could not break the ice, and were deathly afraid of it. It was sorrowful to see the poor ani- mals standing in water and ice suffering cold and hunger, particularly our milk cows on which we depended so much. The rext day the weather was much milder. We waited until noon when the ice had melted considerably and then Stefán's children: Jón Magnús, Þórunn Sigríöur (married Oliver S. Freeman), Anna Gísiína were able to reach the high ground near the Laxdahl place without serious trou- ble. The shanty floated like a ship where the water was deep enough even thou we had a stove and various household goods in it. We had hoped to get shelter and ac- commodations, at least for our cows, from the Laxdahls but there were so many there ahead of us who had also fled the flood. We were able to make do with an old corral over one corner of which we made a make shift roof. The brothers, Guðmundur and Jóhann (Laxdahls?) did all they could to help us and certainly proved to be fine, compassionate men. Lost Cattle There we were in the spring of 1893, HOIIDflVS PRESENTS ICELflNDIC FESTIVfSL IN GIMLI, MANITOBA JUIV 30 - QUGUST 5/92 > 7 PflVS Includes: * SCWCT Coach Transportatíon * 6 Nights Accommodation * lcelandic Festiy^ & Parade in Gimli ★ Winnipeg City Tour & River Cruise ★ Baggage Handling * Fully Escorted ★ G.S.T. & Room Taxes * Farewell Supper & Welcome Reception FOR MORE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS CALL EARL GR1MS0N 887-2809 (Sylvan Lake) ------------------------OFt------------------- SCLCCT HOUDDVS LTD. 1-800-661-4326 (Toll Free in Aíberta) Main Street, innlsfall, Alberta 403 - 227-3545 ___________PICKUP EDMOUTON, RED DEER, CALGARY FAMILYI FUNERAL COUNSELLORS Choices. . . How will you make the choice that is right for you and your family? Ask us. 949-2200 having moved there May lOth. Then on May 18th a blizzard struck with such force that men could not remember such weather so late in spring. We had about 100 head of cattle, 5 were mine, but mostly cattle that we had agreed to care for and feed. All disappeared, having drifted south ahead of the storm. When the weather cleared we had to go to look for them. John Goodman went with me. Werodegood horsesand headed south, expecting the stray cattle would have gotten into some of the big ranch- ers’ herds, which were everywhere. We had ridden about 8 miles when we came upon a herd being driven by a cowboy. We rode along with him and he said he had been rounding up cattle which had strayed in the storm. Áfter a bit I spotted many of our strays and saw that 3 were branded and wondered about this and we questioned him. He said these were all his cattle that had strayed and that be had not branded any for a long time. But we saw that the brands were bare and obviously new. This man’s name was Saeng Boorney and he said that many men were out from the ranch looking for their cattle that had strayed in the storm. He said furtherthat any unbranded strays could be branded and would then be the property of the brand owner. This was the law and it favored the hig ranchers and ifthey found and put their brand on an unbranded critter it was theirs and could not be claimed by the rightful owner even though he had witnesses, etc. I thought this very unfair, although I was advised by many to abide with the law. I can be stubbom I was determined to secure the cattle I owned regardless of the brand. So here was one who admitted that many were not his and we were free to take those that were unbranded but not my 3 that were branded. He was very straightfor- ward. But I was determined and when we cut out the strays, I also took my 3 home with them. I was told by many, including George Freeman, that I was in the wrong. They said I could be arrested and even jailed. Not a pleasant prospect for a poor man who only wanted what he knew was his, but I can be stubbom. I still lacked 2 of mine and on my next search I found quite a few belonging to the others and one of mine and took him. He was branded like my other ones and I could not understand why they branded mine and not the others. The only expla- nation could be that since mine had been together since they were calves and ani- mals tend to stay together thereafter, so they were caught and branded at the same time. I don’t know that any others had the same experience but I do know that many were not found and probably were taken and branded. Continued next week The very center of the worl • Bargaln stopover tours of lceland. • Super Saver car rentals In Luxembourg. • FREE bus service from Lux- embourg to cities in Gerrrjany. • Reduced train fares to Switzertand and France. 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