Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.1992, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.1992, Blaðsíða 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 1. maí 1992 Winnipeg potter Good Things Coine in Small Packages is the title of the Manitoba Graft Council’s 7th Annual Spring Exhibition, held at Craftspace Gailery, 7-100 Arthur St., until May 2 and then moving to the Winnipeg Convention Centre, tnga Tarfadóttlr atthe wheet. Twisted From the editor Look at your label In May of last year, a number of our subscribers received a subscription renewal notice, which was placed in- side the paper to save on mailing costs. However, the company in charge of our mailing may have made some mistakes. It seems that some sub- scribers, who were all paid up, received a notice, while others, who had not paid for their 1992 subscription, did not. Consequently, over 400 subscrib- ers have yet to pay for their 1992 sub- scription. Before sending out new renewal notices, we are asking our subscribers To our Lately we have been receiving quite a lot of copy, mostly poetry and short stories, for publication. Unfortunately we have not been able to make room for all of it in our paper. The material is being kept on file and will be published as soon as space allows. In the mean- to look at the mailing label attached to the top right comer of their paper. If it indicates that your subscription will expire before July 31, 1992 (92/07) then please submit payment as soon as possible. However, subscribers who have paid within the last two months should be wamed that their mailing label may not have been updated yet, but will be within days. We greatly appreciate your support in this matter, and encourage our over-. due subscribers to fill out the form on page 2 and send it along with the pay- ment to our office. ivriters time, we ask our writers, whom we could not do without, not to fret. Your poetry, stories and articles will soon be appearing in our paper. We are very grateful for these submissions, and wish to use this opportunity to extend our thanks to all our loyal contributors. Inga Torfadóttir’s contribution to the exhibition is in the form of twisted teapots, which she refers to as “Ðancing Dwarfs.” Alison Gillmor, who wrote a review of the show for the Winnipeg Free Press, describes Inga’s “FairyTale Teapots”as havingan “animated feel to them.” She explains how the artist “takes the staid, stable, Victorian notion of a teapot and gives it eccentric spin—a shift in scale and a dangerous sense Of motion.” Inga’s teapots, which do, in fact, look like rounded, happy little dwarfs, are stoneware, and although intended as decorative pieces, are functional. “I fínd working with porcelain very exciting,” says Inga. “It gives me an opportunity to work with colours--making the process challenging and creative, Most of my functional ware is made of porcelain. Working in stoneware is no less challenging; most of my decorative pieces are made with that material.” Ingamoved to to Canada in 1976andhaslivedin Winnipeg since 1980. Through the years, she has taught pottery courses at the Stoneware Gallery on Corydon in Winnipeg, and adult and chil- dren’s courses at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. There is an excellent opportunity to view or buy some of Inga’s work at the Stoneware Gallery’s Annual Spring Sale, May 7-9. H.K.D. Wo need more news We are receiving a lot of creative writing from our contributors, but very little in the way of news. What we do need more of is news from the Icelandic communities in North America, and news of Icelanders where ever they may be. Writing an article can be a really enjoyable challenge. So why not try your hand at it. But please try submit- ting typewritten copy, as we often have great difficulty deciphering long, hand- written articles. H.K.D. PUBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG . HEIMSKRfNGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: 284-5686 Advertising Office: 478-1086 New Offíce Hours: Tuesday through Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. PRESIDENT: Neil Bardal VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER: Gordon Thorvaldson EDITOR: Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Birgir Brynjolfsson SECRETARY: Barbara Sigurdson RECORDING SECRETARY: Valdine Scrymgeour BOARD MEMBERS: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Tom Oleson, Ray Gislason, Brian Petursson, Donald Bjornson REPRESENTATIVES: Dawn Rothwell, Rose Clyde, Helga Sigurdson, Baldur Schaldemose REPRESENTATIVE IN ICELAND: Þjóöræknisfélag íslendinga Umboösmaöur blaösins á íslandi Hafnarstræti 20 101 Reykjavík, Sími 621062 Telefax 626278 Graphic Design: Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: Keystone Graphics • Printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $35.00 per year + GST in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - All donatiom to Lögberg-Heimskringla lnc. are tax doductible under Canadian Laws, , Rcncw Your Subicription Now Name: Address: C ity/To wn:________ Province/Country:. Post/Zip Code: _____ _Subscription Expiry Date: r □ P/ease renew for. . . Canada.....................................$35.00 (Cdn. subscribers add $2.45 GST) ~1 |__United States / lceland / Others ...................$40.00 My cheque is enclosed for subscription renewal $ ___________ I would also like to help with a donation of: $ ___________ Total cheque enclosed $_______________ (Donations are tax deductible under Canadian Laws) □ Renewal □ New □ Gift Givc a Gift Subscription For anyone interested in the Icelandic culture Lögberg-Heimskringla is the perfect gift that lasts all year. Gift cards are available upon request. Make cheques payable & mail to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3M 2C3



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