Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.1992, Blaðsíða 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.1992, Blaðsíða 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 1. maí1992 • 7 Finding inspiration in lceland Sharon Norman, who grew upin Winnipeg, now lives in Vancouver. Photo Stefán Karlsson Courtesy of News from lceland. Sharon Norman, a Westem Icelan- dic painter, held an exhibition called Refractions in Reykjavík last summer. She said she had felt her pictures were “influenced by an Icelandic character.” This feeling inspired in her an interest in finding her heritage and “experienc- ing the landscape, the light and the people.” During her stay in Iceland, Sharon travelled widely. She felt in tune with the people and found it “amazing how rapidly the landscape changes. One moment you’re in a green grassy area, the next a lava field.” Sharon, who feels it is difficult mak- ing a living as an artist in Canada, was impressed with what she calls “the strength and honesty” of Icelandic art work. She also found the “art commu- nity very well educated and the paint- ings sophisticated.” Sharon, athird-generation Canadian Icelander, feels that Iceland will con- tinue to have a strong influence on her painting. Based on an article by Þorbjörg Daníelsdóttir and Jane C. Dale, cour- tesy March issue ofNews from Iceland p Upcoming Events j Manitoba’s Honourary Every Monday Toronto Every Saturday British Columbia May 1,2 & 3 Manitoba Sat., May 2 Arborg May 2 & 3 Gimli Sat., May 23 Winnipeg Sat., May 23 Calgary Sun., June 14 Markerville Sun., July 26 V ö □ □ Icelandic Classes — Starting March 2nd. 8 - 9:30 p.m. A three month beginners course at Greenwood School (at Greenwood Subway Stn.). $30. plus any materials required. Instructors Brandur Olafsson, bom in Iceland, and Linda Theron, studied in Iceland. Call Merrill to repster 398-5741. □ □ □ Icelandic Classes — 10 a.m. -12:30 p.m. (Eight classes $25) Teachers from Iceland: Sturla Kristjánsson & Bjöm Örvar. New teaching materials, video and audio tapes. Call Sturla or Inga at 224-4374. Iceland House □ □ □ 73rd INL Annual Convention - Gull Harbour Lodge Resort - Hecla, Manitoba. For further info., please contact INL Office headquarters: 699 Carter Ave., Wpg., MB R3M 2C3, Telephone & Fax: (204) 284-5686. □ □ □ Vorblót (Þorrablót), in the Arborg Hall at 6 pm. $22. per person. Fortickets please call Gudmn Johannson, 376-2759 □ □ □ 1992 Interlake Juried Art Show - at the Gimli Recreation Centre — Saturday, May 2, l-6pm • Sunday, May 3,12-4pm. □ □ □ Yard Sale - 9am - 2pm. at the Unitarian Church of Winnipeg 790 Banning □ □ □ Garage Sale, Bake Sale, Bottle Drive - Scandinavian Centre Parking Lot, 9am - 4pm. We urge everyone to get involved! □ □ □ Icelandic Independence Day, 1 - 4 pm. A family day focussing on Icelandic culture & history, featuringheritage crafts, musical entertainment, family games & historic House tours. No Charge. Stephansson House □ □ □ Tombóla Festival, 1 - 5 pm. Annual family festival focussing on pioneer lifestyle, heritage crafts & Icelandic culture. Features top quality entertainmcnt, vintage vehicles/equipment, livestock displays and Stephansson House tours. No Charge. I.LMHI-UH.n-! H. P Tergesen & Sons \ ^ "a great browsing store" Box 1818, GimU, MB. ROC 1B0 ▼ Telephone: 642*5958 Mail Jcclandic-yanodiún 0ral Carraíives Ordcrs Add >3.00 Postagc and HandUng M«inUi twnion ^4.95 Icclandic-Canadian Short StorVes Oral Narratives $29.95 Consul at a new location Birgir Brynjólfsson, the Icelandic Honourary Consul in Manitoba, has moved his office to what has become an Icelandic centre at 699 Carter Avenue in Winnipeg. The Icelandic National League and the Lögberg-Heimskringla also have their headquarters at this location. // Copies of History of Arborg and District A Century Unfolds' still available at Arborg Pharmacy, or Arborg Historical Society, Box 479, Arborg, Man. R0C 0A0 Price $50.00 plus $2. if mailed. The ICELANDIC AIRFORCE T-Shirts / Sweatshirts n O fVV\ rt n Sizes - Med., Lge., XL, XXL Blk*, Wh*. Red, Grey*, Aqua, Pink, Royai*, Navy*, Green * T-Shirts Cheque or Money Order Only Betty Johnson T-Shirts 642-8558 Gimli, MB, Box 995 ROC 1B0 GIMU. MANITOBA Located by the Dock Souvenirs ♦ Gifts ♦ Gallery with original art of the area. Welcome INL Delegates & Guests MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja Pastor Ingthor I. Isfeld 1030 a.m. The Service followed by Sunday School & Coffee hour. First Lutheran Church 580 Victor St., Winnipeg, MB R3G 1R2 Ph. 772-7444



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