Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.06.1992, Blaðsíða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.06.1992, Blaðsíða 1
Lögberg neimsKringia North America’s lcelandic Weekly Newspaper Lögberg Stofnað 14. janúar 1888 Heimskringla Stofnað 9. september 1886 Inside this weeks PAGE From When to Where, by John K. Hjalmarson...............2 lcelandic-Canadian citizen honoured in Guatemala........3 Poet's Corner ..........................................4 lceland Diary: A Western-lcelander finds the Homeland, by Edith Bjomsson (continued)..................... 6 "f. *—*• cd co cn ro ac m . 33» C3» ^ o -t*. -- •—-« 1 03 —«-? -Hi- ___ w _____________________________________________________________ 106.Árgangur Föstudagur 5. júní 1992 Númer 21 106thYear Publications Mail Registration No. 1667 Friday, 5 June 1992 Number 21 Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, lceland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, is second from right. Ministerial Meeting in Reykjavík A ministerial meeting of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) was held at Hótel Saga in Reykjavík late last month. At the meeting, it was decided that the EFTA Court of Justice, which will be established in connection with the European Economic Area (EEA), will be located in Geneva, Switzerland; it was also decided how the costs of the EEA agreement would be shared among the EFTA member countries. It is expected that Iceland’s share will amount to 200 million krónur annually. A large portion of that money will be retumed to the country in the form of a number of funds to support various research and cultural activities. The EFTA ministers agreed that all the languages of the member countries are equally important. Keep it cool Approximately 200 Ger- mans gathered for an exqui- site feast on Vatnajökull, Europe’s largest glacier, at the invitation of Cointreau in Germany. The group was made up of both customers and German journalists. Vatnajökull was chosen to emphasize that Cointreau liqueur should be served on ice. News Happy with the eatch: The crew members of the boat Ófeigur Islands) are very happy with their first catch of the lobster season, in the waters southeast of the islands. Ona millson to ^ h<»rring museum: The ÍslandsbankifBank of lceland) Cul- in support of the construction of a herring museum in Síglufjörður. Next: year, 90 years will have passed since the boginning of the herring índustry in that town. Suspicious air travel: Þorgeír Þorsteinsson, saysthat lcelan- dic authorities have for the past three counterparts in the monitoríng of sus- picious air travel across the Atlantic. Accordíng to Mr. Þorsteinsson, ít is believed that small private planes, which are transportíng illegal drugsto ma in land Europe from the US.may be refuelling in lceland. | jjp s, í ■ ' ■ ■ Afloat on fire the shrímp boat Litlanes ÍS 608, from ísafjörður, after it suddenly caught fire in Hýnaflái. The three crew members abandoned ship and went into a life- boat when they were unableto put out the fire. The crew of the boat Ingimundur gamli HU, which wös fish- ing in the vicíníty, picked them up. Transiated from iceiandlc ^ newspapers, H.K.D,^ lcelandic



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