Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Síða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Síða 1
[ Lögberg 1 eimskringla The lcelandic Weekly Lögberg Stofnaö 14. janúar 1888 Heimskringla Stofnaö 9. september 1886 Inside this week: « SK ro o to >-5 *-3 »~1 W I-I r*3 rs.** sar: "z *~* 50^ s •=* ^ cc: PO 3> P3 *<3 Stefansson collection...............................2 S f The shrinking school................................3 § Ambassadors from lceland...........................4 Kris the fish......................................7 106. Árgangur 106th Year Publications Mail Registration No. 1667 Föstudagur 13. nóvember 1992 Friday, 13 November 1992 Númer 40 Number 40 o m Se> =a C3 c= Cli ca cn P5Í CI-J tr- »-* E&* se: cra lcelandic CHRISTMAS CONTEST News Arnar Bjarki Twins to Dutch Soccer Club Amar and Bjarki Gunnlaugsson, iden- tical twin brothers from Akranes, have ín mind to accept an offer from the Professional Dutch Soccer Club Feyenoord, according to relíable sources. This means that they wi11 not be going to the German club VfB Stuttgard as had had been under discussion, and a planned trip to Germany has been called off. In all líkelyhood a contract with this top division team will be signed soon. It is expected to be a two year contract. The twíns were in the Netherlands a short time ago and practised with Feyenoord. The brothers were key play- ers wíth theír home team , the Akranes Soccer Club, the club becoming lcelandic Soccer Champs 1992. Another lcelander, Pétur Pétursson, has been playíng wíth Feyenoord. Morgunblaðið October 23rd. 1992 ■ ■ ■ Haukur Morthens One of lceland's best known and beloved enter- tainer, Haukur Morthens, pass- ed away in Reykj- avík October 1 3th, 1992. At 68 years of age, Haukur had entertained lcelanders and visítors to lceland for almost half a cen- tury, having started performing in 1944. With hís kind mannerism, warmth and feeling he.put ínto his performances, he sang htmself ínto the hearts of genera- tions of lcelanders. Haukur was also weli known in Europe and performed frequently in better restaurants and dan- shouses there, most often in Denmark. Through his recordings we will be able to enjoy his singíng of popular tunes for years to come. Haukur travelled through Canada and the U.S.A. a few years ago and brought back memories to many transplanted lcelanders that had grown up with his sínging in lceland, and enjoyment to all that lis- tened. Haukur's last performance was only last New Year's Eve at the old restaurant Naust in Reykjavik. L Birgir . Calling att kidsl r Lögberg-Heimskringla is pleased to annoúnce that it will once again hold its annual Christmas children’s drawing contest for children aged 12 and under. The theme of the contest is the Jólasveinar, magical Christmas men who are unique to Iceland and to Icelandic lore. Previous contests have drawn some excellent entries, and all submissions have been enthusiastic. The deadline for entries is December 3, and the first prize winner’s picture will be featured on the front page of the Christmas issué. Drawings should be no bigger than 8 by 11 inches and can be in pencil, crayon, ink or what ever inspires you. With your entry please send us a picture of yourself, your age, the school you go to and some information about your background, interests and family. There will be prizes for the winners — watch for details in next week’s paper — and other entries will be featured in L-H when we return from our Christmas break. What follows here is some infor- mation about the Jólasveinar just to get you started and to give you some ideas. The Jólasveinar are unique to Iceland. They come down from the mountains, one by one, visiting Icelandic homes during the 13 days preceding Christmas. Each Jól- asveinn has his own unique attribute. Stekkjastaur (Stiff-legs) comes first, then Giljagaur (Noisemaker), Stúfur (Shorty), Faldafeykir (Skirt-tosser), Bjúgnakrækir — Pottasleikir (Pot-licker), Askasleikir (Bowl-licker), Hurðaskellir (Door- slammer) come after. Then come Skyrgámur (Skyr-glutton), Bjúgn- akrækir (Sausage-stealer), Glugg- agægir (Window-peeper), Gáttaþefur (Door-sniffer), Kjötkrókur (Meat- stealer), and Kertasníkir (Candle-beg- gar)- Sausage-stealer In the old days, they used to play strange tricks on people, but they have mellowed over the years. Nowadays, they put small toys or candy in the shoes of little children, if they are left on the window-sill; how- ever, if the children have been naughty, they get a rotten potato instead. Readers respond to family in need In its October 30 Outreach issue Lögberg-Heimskringla told the story of Sigurður and Pórdís Baldursson and their family. They are immigrants from Iceland to the United States — they have lived in the U.S. for 14 years now, but for them the American dream has recently gone sour. Sigurdur has terminal cancer, medical bills are mounting astronomically and they are seriously threatened with the loss of their home due to bank foreclosure. L-H appealed to readers to help out if they could. Response has been swift and generous. In the week after that issue of the paper was delivered, almost $1,000 has been raised and we are confident that more will come. This is a family in trouble through no fault of its own. They have worked hard and taken all reasonable precautions, but the fates are often not kind. Next week we will publish a list of all donations to the Baldursson Fund that have come in by publication time, but in the meantime we repeat our earlier appeal: Help Þórdís and Sigurður keep their home by donating any amount that you can afford, no matter how small or how large. Because American banks can charge high fees for cashing and converting cheques in Canadian funds, please make your cheques payable to Lögberg- Heimskringla, clearly marked for the Baldursson fund. American donors can simply make out their cheques in American funds and forward them through L-H. Donations will be acknowledged in L-H and the names of their donors forwarded to Þórdís and Sigurður, unless of course you prefer to remain anonymous.



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