
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Qupperneq 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Qupperneq 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 13. nóvember 1992 Stefansson artifacts collected collection of Vilhjalmur Stefansson memorabilia has been donated to the Univer- sity of North Dakota’s Chester Fritz Library by UND alumnus Robert Henry, and the UND Alumni Foun- dation. Stefansson, who was born in Arnes, Manitoba, grew up in North Dakota and was a famous Arctic explorer and a former UND student. The gifts include several books written by the explorer and they are as follows: The Northward Course oí Empire, The Fat ofthe Land, Hunters of the Great North, and The Friendly Arctic. All of these books are first edi- tions and each book bears the signa- ture of the author. In addition, the Library has received a large and handsome bronze bust of Stefansson, a collection of polar explorer stamps issued by the United States Postal Service, an Icelandic flag, and a framed poster that highlights Stefansson’s accomplishments as a scholar and an explorer. These items have been placed on permanent dis- play in the Library’s recently renovat- ed Main Reading Room. The Library seeks to acquire addi- tional material on Stefansson and on Iceland. The Library’s Department of Special Collections particularly strives to maintain a collection that reflects the rich heritage of the people who settled North Dakota. To this end, the Library has established a special fund to purchase additional materials on or about Iceland. Indi- viduals who wish to contribute to this fund may call or write the Director of Libraries at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. Also, Bergsteinn Jónsson, Professor of History at the University of Iceland, has just completed a two month resi- dence at UND this semester. Professor Jónsson is doing research on his long- term project, “Icelanders in North Dakota.” Last October the Library had another scholar in residence, Kristín H. Pétursdóttir, Librarian/Manager at the Records Center and Archives of the National Bank of Iceland. Ms. Pétursdóttir was researching a “Biblio- graphy of Icelandic Genealogy.” And speaking of Icelandic publications, your readers may be interested in learning a new publication is sched- uled to be published on Iceland (below left). From Frank D’Andraia Director of Libraries University of North Dakota lcelartdic Bibliography ■ ■ ■ Francis R. McBride, head of referenee at Aifred University’s Herrick Memorial Libraty, has been selected by Oxford, England’s Clio Press to compile an annotated bibliography on Iceland. McBride’s project will Ínvoive updating what hc has dcscribcd as an “analytical guide to English- language materials” on the countiy, including its history, literature, geogra- phy, economy, politics, agriculture, people, culture, customs, religions, and social organizations. To make thc information timely, he will include the present status of housing, education, health, newspapcrs, and recreation. McBride said he has already gone over to Iceland to do his initial research and has made “good headway” during a two-and-a-half-week visit in July. One of the more unique aspects of lceland is its seasonal phenome- non of having 24 hours of daylight, which makes for somc unusual opportu- nities. “Golf is getting very big in Iceland,” McBride explained. “They hold the Arctic Open golf tournament at the end öf June with players coming from all over the world so they can tee off at midnight.” It was not McBride’s fírst trip to Iccland; he scrved there for two years as a membcr of the U.S. Air Force. He believes his familiarity with the language and the cul- ture weighed heavily in his favor during the selection process. His research isn’t due to Clio Press until 1994, and he estimates the finished voíume will follow the year aftcr. Library Joumal Owings Mills, Maryland (USA) — The National Library of Poetry has announced that $12,000 in prizes will be awarded this year to over 250 poets in the North American Open Poetry Contest. The deadline for the contest is December 31, 1992. The contest in open to everyone and entry is FREE. Any poet, whether previously pub- lished or not, can be a winner. Every poem entered also has a chance to be published in a deluxe, hardbound anthology. To enter, send one original poem, any subject and any style, to The National Library of Poetry, 11419 Cronridge Dr., P.O. Box 704-ZT, Owings Mills, MD 21117. The poem should be no more than 20 lines, and the poet’s name and address should appear on the top of the page. Entries must be postmarked by December 31, 1992. A new contest opens January 1, 1993. PUBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: 284-5686 Advertising Office: 478-1086 NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. president: Neil Bardal vice president: Don Bjornson treasurer: Gordon Thorvaldson secretary: Barbara Sigurdson editor: Tom Oleson advektising director & iceuandic editoR: Birgir Brynjolfsson editorial assistant La urie Oleson RECORDING SECRETARY/OFFICE MANAGER: Rosemarie Isford boardmemberS: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Brian Petursson, Cliff Johanson, Gordon Peterson, Bea Sharpe, Oli Narfason, Hal Bjornson, Dennis Stefanson, Baldur Sehaldemose REPRESENTATlVE INICELAND: Þjóðræknisfélag Islendinga Umboðsmaður blaðsins á íslandi Hafnarstræti 20 101 Reykjavík, Sími 621062 Telefax 626278 Graphic Design. Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: Keystone Graphics • Printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $37.45 per year (indudes GST) in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax deductible under Canadian Laws. Icelantiic National leaguc ©rganizrb 1918 Incorporatfb 1930 Thank you for hclping us preservc and promote our Iceiandic heritage with your donation. Mike Sedik Kristine Harkess Selkirk Winnipeg Murray Benson Helen Warkentin Selkirk Winnlpeg Laurie Goodbrandson East Selkirk H.S. Fraser Winnipeg Dan & Sandra Yackoboski Sylvia Madder Winnipeg Winnipeg Wilene Place Selkirk Maureen Wiebe Selkirk Telephone: (204) 284-3402 H.S. Dalman Dan Thorsteinson Selkirk Selkirk Fax: (204) 284-5686 • Bargaln stopover tours of lcofand. • Super Saver car rentals tn Luxembourg. • FREE bus service from Lux- embourg to cltles in Germany. • Reduced train fares to Swttzeriand and France. THE OBIGttlAL L0W COST AIRUNE TO europe mmmmm gitf —'r * Jhe very center of the worlcK) wf - O Your European holiday, centered aroend breathtakingly beautiful lceland, not only puts you in the very heart of things but saves you a nice bit of change, too. • Eurobargain and Soper Bar- gain fares on direct flights from New York and Orlando, Fla. to Luxembourg. * Low cost round trip service to París. Frankfurt, London and Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, Gothenburg, Bergen.



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