Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Side 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Side 6
6 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 13. nóvember 1992 Third Art Exhibit in one year newly formed group of artists, calling themselves “Icelandic Canadian Exhib- itors Society”, is holding its third showing in one year, their first being held at the Frón’s Þorrablót in Winnipeg last winter, the second at the Archives Building in August and the third one now on, at St.John’s College, University of Manitoba. The twelve artists featured at this time are: Thura Bjarnason, Don Bjornson, Steve Black, Deb Charlesworth, Joanne Gullachsen, Darren Merinuk, Don Martin, John Matthiasson, Dan Thorkelson, Mabel Tinguely, Norma Torbert and June Valgardson. Each of the artists show two works in variations of style. Even though this group has not been in existance for very long, it has suffered it first loss of a member with the passing of Thura Bjarnason of Gimli. The following is the way the group remembers her: “Our group is much saddened by the fact that Thura Bjarnason passed away on October 23rd, 1992. She was very much looking forward to being part of this present show. Thura was the daughter of Jon Olafur Johannson who is remem- bered as the first white child and the first Icelandic child born in New Iceland. Thura took up painting later in her life, but she more than made up for her late start. Thura had, over the years, won many awards at the annu- al Art Show which is part of the Icelandic Celebration. Thura’s delicate, yet adventure- some approach to watercolour creat- ed paintíngs which took the viewer quite easily into the world of fantasy. She also enjoyed working with pastels. It was with pastels that her much loved flowers developed such vibrancy and brilliance. Thura’s paintings were treasured by many in her town of Gimli.” It is the wish of the members of the Icelandic Canadian Exhibitors Society, to extend their invitation to all artists of visual art, fitting into the name of the society, to join them. Their dream is to connect with others across Canada, the U.S.A. and Iceland for mutual showings. Interested parties should contact: Steve Black 70 Langside St., Winnipeg, Man. R3C 1Z2 Tel. (204) 772-9975 We wish this young group of artists well in the future. Birgjr Letters to the Ecflítor Space Goolies? This is just a short note from a transplanted Winnipegger of Icelandic descent. First, I look forward to receiving each issue of this wonderful and enduring paper which keeps me informed about my heritage and pro- vides news about the Icelandic com- munity to which I am proud to belong. Lögberg plays no small part in continuing to celebrate and cement the common bond amongst people of Icelandic blood wherever it is read. In addition, I have a question and you may be able to provide some information. In CBC Newsworld’s recent coverage of the latest Shuttle launch, a Canadian astronaut by the name of Bjami Tryggvason was inter- viewed. The name is of obvious Icelandic origin and the familiar hint of an Icelandic accent was detectable. Perhaps you could find out more about this outstanding Canadian’s background and let your readers (including me, of course) know more about him. In the meantime, keep up the good work, LH! Ken Davidson, Vancouver Ed. note: If any of our readers know the details of Bjarni Tryggvason’s background, we would be pleased to publish them. Where’s Joan? I am enclosing my renewal sub- scription to L-H. I enjoy reading the paper, but often wish there was more Icelandic content. What has become of Joan Eyolfson Cadham? Has she got lost on the plains of Saskatchewan? I always enjoyed her contribution so much. Also, I think she deserves a big, big bouquet for her letter some months ago to the “Honourable? Harvie Andre.” I enjoy all the stories of the pio- neers as well as the bits of news from Iceland and of the tourists to Iceland. I have been there three times myself, but unfortunately am too handi- capped to make any more trips. I also enjoy the poetiy page. Keep up the good work. Martha V. Callister (nee GudJaugson) Port Albemi, B.C. Ed. note: We hope Joan Eyolfson Cadham will continue to be a regular contributor to L-H. An article by Joan appears this week on page 3. Donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. Thelma Wilson, Winnipeg, MB.....$10. In memory of our dearly lovcd mother & amma Sigrun Stefonson, from Dennis & Clairc, Cheryl, George and family, Brent, Grant & Shannon, Winnipeg, MB....................$100. Matthew, Ken and Margret with Amber and Candice Wonko in front. Remembrance Day No more fighting, no more, no more. Let us make an end to war! by Amber Wonko Voyageur School, Wlnnlpeg, Grade 4, Age 9 (in 1991) The Legion wants us to remember the eleventh of November, When soldiers fought and killed each other — They lost their father, sister, brother. The poppies stand out bright and clear as we remember the soldiers fear. The bombs and gunfire fell to the ground and killed so many people around. Jt' J&' Amber is the daughter of Ken and Margaret, granddaughter of Ernie and Dora, and great-granddaughter of the late Ingimundur and Ásta Sigurdson ofLundar. The St. James Legion in 1991 asked various schools and grades to write a Remembrance Day poem. For her poem Amber received $25. Unexpectedly, in March 1992, she received another $25. when the poem was announced a winner in another contest. Tues., Nov. 17 Winnipeg Sat., Nov. 21 Winnipeg Sun., Nov. 22 Winnipeg Sat., Nov. 28 Vancouver Sun., Nov. 29 Winnipeg Sat., Dec. 5 Vancouver Fri., Dec. 20 Edmonton Upcaming Events ~ X ^ “Friends of Manitoba University Libraries”, 8 p.m., 1992-1993 program U. of M. writers and their works. Westem Icelandic literature. David Arnason, Kristjana Gunnars & Kirsten Wolf will read from their works. Faculty Club, Pembina Hall. □ □ □ FLCW Christmas Tea, 2 - 4 p.m., at First Lutheran Church 580 Victor St. Home baking, lifrapylsa, skyr, handicrafts, white elephant sale & books. □ □ 0 Sunday Brunch, by Icelandic Canadian Frón at Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin St. □ □ □ Luncheon & Bake Sale, by Women’s Auxiliary of Oakridge Lutheran Church, 585 West 41st Ave., Van. □ □ □ Blues Jam, 3 p.m. Admission $3.00. at the Scandinavian Ctre. 764 Erin Street. □ □ □ Christmas Baking & Craft Sale, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Iceland House, 939 6th St., New Westminster. □ □ □ Christmas Party, 2-5 p.m. at McKeman Community League 114 Street & 78 Avenue □ □ □ Sat., Feb. 13 Þorrablót, at the Langford Hotel in Winter Park. Advance Florida price $30 per person for members $35. for non-members. Iceland’s most famous opera singer, Sigrún Hjálmtýsdóttir - Diddú - and Reynir Jónasson, the ever popular accordian player, will be entertaining. Great food and more surprises! Special room rates for Þorrablót guests. Phone Anna & Atli for Þorrablót reservations - 407 - 957-3599. Arnes History Book Now Avcúlable - - contcrining 288 pages of his- tory of farming, fishing, schools, families, etc. and hundreds of pictures. Order now - - cost until April 1, 1993 is $40. (includes GST) Contact: Arnes Historical Society, P.O. Box 12, Arnes, MB ROC 0B0 or phone: Tony (204) 376-2707, Arlene (204) 642-5751 ______or Jonas (Winnipeg) (204) 888-8985



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