Lögberg-Heimskringla - 27.11.1992, Page 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 27.11.1992, Page 5
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 27. nóvember 1992 • 5 Russian fishermen were a big hit in SauOárkrókur. The Russians came An invasion of sorts took place at Sauðár- krókur during the 3rd week of November, when a large Russian factory trawler landed 6-700 tons of cod there.The crew of 75 set its mark on the town during their stay from Monday through Friday. At first the townspeople were apprehensive, given the experience at Akureyri some weeks earlier, when another Russian trawler landed its catch there, and some crew members proved to be less than trustworthy. This time the crew, from Murmansk, endeared themselves to the people of Sauðárkrókur, even though they at first reminded them, in looks and clothes, of the characters in the famous movie, The Russians Are Coming. It was soon clear to everyone, that these fishermen were poor, earning only the equivalent of Can. $2.00 per day. By pooling their money they managed to buy up all Lada cars (Russian make) that could be found in Skagafjörður, regardless of condi- tion, knowing that resale in Russia áv k ByBirgir Brynjólfsson —would bring a hefty profit, so much that each car would bring enough to buy apartment in Murmansk. One farmer in the area, Mr. Hafstað, brought his old Toyota down to the docks and gave it to the crew. One can only wonder how many apart- ments that will buy. After the initial shock of the “inva- sion” and overcoming the appre- hension, the townspeople treated the visitors to sight seeing tours and showed their northem hospitality. For the landed cod, the ship got IKR 112.00 per kg. which is rather high. The cod being of high quality, the fish will be processed into blocks and most likely sold to the US. When the ship left Sauðárkrókur Friday, November 20, the visit had established friendship and respect for these honest, hard working but poor fishermen of the northernmost fish- ing grounds in the world. Now, now, don’t get any ideas. Yes we have some Lada cars in Manitoba and Russian ships do call on Churchill during the summer, but then on the other hand.. ^ News from New York On behalf of the Icelandic American Society, I would like to thank you for your outstanding support this year as reflected by the percentage of mem- bership dues paid for the 1992 calen- dar year. In addition to the $10 dues, many of you made additional dona- tions that were much appreciated. Our Þorrablót in early March was fully booked and a great success. Unfortunately, because of the increase in cost for transportation und equipment rental, costs were greater than our ticket revenues. Our Film Festival has been post- Poned until March 1993 due to diffi- culties in arranging for a theater loca- fion. The film festival is a major undertaking for our Society. The ten- tutive locations for the festival are at Mrs. & Mrs. Lucky! We have told you about Ásgeir Ásgeirsson, the talented Icelander, who made our logo and gave us our new flag. He wanted to try to find his luck in the USA but was not doing too well. For fun we said to him that he should find a nice girl and get married here. We joked about this, and when he came with us to work on the prepa- rations for the June 17 celebration we told Bimi Fawcett that Ásgeir needed a wifé! “O.K.,” she said. “I have just the right girl for him. My girlfriend Ása needs a husband. She is divorced and lives in Ohio.” She contacted her friend in Ohio — and to make a long story short, they are getting married later this year. They are just waiting for some papers to clear. he and Asa are very much in love and very happy. Maybe after this Ásgeir should change his name: Ásgeir the Lucky! Courtesy Landinn either the Angelika Film Center on Houston Street or at the Lincoln Center Cinema. We will show seven to ten award-winning Icelandic films. First and foremost, we will need your support and participation in this great venture. You will soon be receiving a newsletter with complete details. (Our newsletter has received high honours among the various eth- nic newsletters. It is our vital link of communication to you.) We are planning a musical pro- gram as part of our annual member- ship meeting at the end of January 1993 — we hope to have a big crowd. Sincerely, Edda Magnusson President Icelandic American Society New York rvogcii íiaa inuvcu up winu, anu Ásgeir and Ása GUEST EDITORIAL How ’bout thc Lögberg-Heimskríngla gets a fak bit of feedback from its readers, but >se Blue Jays? true winners of the World Series are the Toronto fans. Approxi- not nearly as much as we would like — orasmuch as we need. It appears we’re not the only ones with that problem. Thete may be a message in this editoriai. mately 500 thousand of them cele- brated in the streets of Toronto for close to 48 hours without any seri- ous incidents. Sure, we had traffic jams and Yonge Street had to be Hfi^pH tu/fi tir tVirpp HmPQ hut fViA By Krittínn Amsr Ooófónsson T T TeU folícs’ we sive up- If 1 A / you don’t want to write r r US, there is not much use for a speciai members forum. So as of today this part of the newsletter IVrU :U1 lulVU UlllVO, l/Ul UlC important thing is that for the most part the fans behaved in an orderly fashion. This is true testimony to the civilized personality of these fans and of all Canadians. “Football hooligans” in Britain would have torn London apart under similar becomes the editorial page. Now, we the editors have a forum of our own to express our opinions. We will, of course, always have room in circumstances. It is difficult to say how the out- come of the constítutional referen- dum will affect the future of UUI uCWDlCiiGl IUI uliy iClLCtö yuU might send in, so feel free to write. knnws vnu will fínd Lanátia. inese weeics tnat nave passed since the Canadian publxc need to comment on some views ín thp Aflitnriíil saiu no nave cenainiy not Drougnt: with them any noticeable changes. CAprcííU lli LliC CUUUIioi. : Incidently, any views expressed wnat is most mteresung about uus outcome is the fact that while the licic att/ luUðC ui uic pcidUii wniuig the editorial and should not be looked upon as views or policies of leaders of the major political parties in Canada supported the Yes side, the public had a different opinion. I the ICCT. We are living in times of rapid rhanupj; nf whirh havp talfpn think this reflects a certain distrust and lack of communication place since the publication of the last newsletter. The Blue Jays won : :between the púbhc and their poiíti- cians. The only way politicians can overcome this distrust is by taking the World Series, Canadians voted ‘NO’ on the constítutional referen- rftiiti hppatvtp ð ntiAitPr more notíce of opinions of ffie com- mon man on the street. It is UUIU díiu DUMl UCLaiUC a UllC'-UJi’ mer and this is just in North America. mevitabie that lite m the big ívory tower they call Parliament Hill (or Queens Park for that matter) will, It was especially interesting for me to have the opportunity to wit- ness the Jays win over the Atlanta with time, distance even those with best of intentions from the reality of ordinary folk. Braves. Since I moved to Canada, two years ago, I have been aston- ished by the fact that anyone could find baseball interestíng or excitíng, It is even more difficult to pre- dict how the results from the USA presidential election will affect the until now. Yes, even I sat in front of the TV screaming and cheering the Jays and almost crying when the Braves tied the game at thc bottom of the ninth. Like the rest of the 10 million Canadians that were watch- UI pvupiC Ul 1^1 /TVUlvUUI <UU1 the rest of the world. We can, how- ever, say that the new president will bring a different style to the office, hopefully a younger and more ener- getic one. Meanwhile comedians ing the game on TV, I screamed with joy when the Jays sealed their victory in the eleventh. The Jays víctory is, to say the least, fantastic, but in my mind the uövc juoi uiic ui lucir iavuunic uir* gets, Dan Quail, it wiíl be interest- ing to see who will be their next victim. Will it be ‘The Ozoneman’? Cotuiesy of the Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto



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