Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.10.1993, Side 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 22.10.1993, Side 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 22. október 1993 Kristjanson Famiiy by Hannes G. Kristjanson Seattle, WA. The progeny of Kristján G. Kristjánsson, bom 1850, son of • Kristján Þorsteinsson, Gíslason and Svanfríður Jónsdóttir, Benj- aminson bom 1855, met for their 4th 5-year celebration in honour of the arrival of the couple in the new world in 1878. The first was held in Mountain, N.D. in 1978. Every event has been attended by 200 to 300 mem- bers from across the U.S. and Canada. The couple had 11 children of which 1 died in infancy. They had 53 grandchildren of which 41 are living, the oldest being 86 years old and the youngest 53 years old. 29 of the living lst cousins were there. They and their progeny numbered 255 souls at this last reunion. This was a 4 day event with a reg- istration and banquet and a talent show and dancing in the evening. The second day a golf outing and general visiting, the third day a picnic and games for all ages was held at Silver Lake. The last day, Sunday July 18th was reserved for Church services at the Calvary Lutheran Church in Ballard and saying good-byes till another 5 year celebration may be held. Obituary: Sigriður Josephine Franks by Harold L. Johnson Sigriður Josephjne Franks (nee- Sigurdson), passed away August 18, 1993 at Foss Home in Seattle, Washington. She was known by most of her friends as Sadie or Sig. Sadie’s father was Stefán Sigurðsson,'who immigrated to Canada from Iceland. Her mother was Auðbjörg Sigurðsson (nee Peterson) who was born in Winnipeg of Icelandic parents. ■ Sadie was predeceased by a broth- er Eddy and a 'sister Johanna Ingibjorg (nee Magnusson). Her younger brother is Oscar P.eter (Chummy) Sigurdson of Lundar, Manitoba. Sadie was born April 2, 1905 in Baldur, Manitoba. After a few moves the family settled down in Lundar. After graduation from Lundar High School she moved to Winnipeg and took a job at Eaton’s Department Store. She met her husband Walter (Buster) Franks at a co-workers home. They were married in Chicago in 1930. In 1939 they were blessed with a daughter Darlene Clare. They operated three night clubs, the Slip In, Rendezvous and the Brown Derby, in the Chicago area for twelve years. Buster’s health prompted a move to Tucson, Arizona. After a brief stay in Arizona, they moved to Seattle, Washington, where they would live out their lives. Her daugh- ter Darlene became ill with Leukaemia and died at the age of thirteen. In 1973 she lost her hus- band Buster. Sadie and her sister Hanna having both lost a daughter and a husband, became very close and lived out their remaining years together. Our friend Sadie Today we lost a very good friend. We stood by her till she entered God’s hands. She had some struggles to get to this end. When her time came she peacefully entered his heavenly land Her open eyes did not see us, but when we spoke, she answered with a gentle grasp. Thoughts entered our minds of her meeting Love ones on the other side. Her faith in Jesus was strong and. in his hands she belongs. We bid you farewell now, till we meet ágain in the promised land. £ eimskringla At&Ul! for the perfect investment ín your lceíandic heritage Your Weekly lcelandic Newspaper □ Manitoba $39.90/year (inc. GST & PST) □ Elsewhere in Canada $37.45/year (includes GST) □ United States/lceland/Others $40./year □ Donation in addition to subscription (Charitable #: 0582 817-22-21) Name: Address: City/Town:_ Prov./Country: Post/Zip Code: _Phone #:_ Mail with cheque or money order to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. 699 CARTER AVE., WINNIPEG, MB, CANADA R3M 2C3 TEL.: (204) 284-5686 Reunion Kristján and Svanfríður left Iceland from Seyðisfjörður aboard the ship Queen coming to Duluth, Mn. Then by train to Fisher’s Landing, just east of Grand Forks, N.D. They boarded a boat there for Riverton, Man. They left Riverton in the spring of 1879 for Pembina, N.D., staying there for 4 years and then on to Mountain, N.D., where they lived out there lives, both dying in 1952. Genealogy of both grandparents was written up and distributed by Hannes G. Kristjanson and Lara K. Stanton. The books are still availablé. Vattnabyggö lcelandic Choir by Rosellen Bjarnason Our chpir started 1993 off by singing at the New Year’s Day Levee at the Wynyard Civic Centre. We sang for Pauline Laxdal, Laura Johnson and Thor Bergman funerals. We were part of the program £or Þorrablót in Wynyard on March 27. In June we performed at Carnival : Days in the Wynyard Arena. July saw us at Libby and Peter Shewchuk’s retirement party at their | home where we sang for them. August lst we sang at Grant and ■ Shirley Ann Laxdal’s fortieth wed-; ding anniversary in the Federated Church parlprs. ön August 8th we wcre back at the Federatéd Church to sing at their annual church service. In September we entertained at the Council of Service Auxiliary Rally hosted by Golden Acres Auxiliary of Wynyard. We are planning to start regular practise in the near future. We meet every Monday night at 7 p.m. at the Lutehran Church. Our upcoming per- formances will be at New Year’s Day Levee, Epiphany Service, Carol Festival, Þorrablót and the Winter Games. Vattnabyggö member a published poet Oli T. Goodman submitted a poem to a contest conducted by the National Library of Poetry. It was one of hundreds of entries but was selected to be pubished in the book, Where Dreams Begin, and was judged in the top ten. The book of poems is available at the Regional Library in Wynyard. Congratulations, Oli! \ THE WORLD MY HOME Some men are born contented souls • But I was born to roam The open road my only goal A pack sack my only home ln Australía the land below In London town or Rome In Timbucktoo or Buffalo You’íl flnd me well at home I’ve travelled east, I’ve travelled west My fortune tö unfold But welcome friend, be my guest Mean more to me than gold I’ve travelled all around the world Its beauty to behold Its mountains, rivers, lakes unfurled Its forests and fields unfold It makes no difference where I be Upon the land or on the sea The place I am is the place to be The world’s a home for me Jcelanijic Nationai íeague ©rQauizeb 1918 Imorporateb 1930 Thank you for helping us preserve and promote our Icelandic heritage with your donation. Sigurdur Johnson Anne Bell Helga Malis John & Martha Hjalmarson Dr. T. Thordarson Augusta Newton-White A. Oscar Palsson Margret G. Reykdal Telephone: (204) 284-3402 Olive K. Gislason Tom Blondal S.P. Bergson J.T. Bildfell Fax: (204) 284-3870 Lögberg-Heimskringla PU8LISHE0 EVERY FRlDAY BY - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editoriaí Office: (204) 284-5686 Advertlsing Office: (204) 478-1086 NEW OFFICE HOURS: Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. | presidenT: Neil Bardal vice presidení: Don Bjornson treasureR: Gordon Thorvaldson | secretary: Barbara Sigurdson editor: Tom Oleson advertising director & icelandic eðitor: Birgir Brynjolfsson assistant editoR: Laurie Oleson recording secretary: Rosemarie Isford office manager: Laúrie Oleson board members: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Brian Petursson, Gordon Peterson, Bea Sharpe, Oli Narfason, Hal Bjornson, Dennis Stefanson, Baldur Schaldemose representative in icelanD: Þjóðræknisfélag (slendinga : Umboðsmaður blaðsins á Islandi Hafnarstræti 20 101 Reykjavík, Sími 621062 Telefax 626278 i| Graphic Design: Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: KeyStOne Graphics • Pnnting: Vopni Press Subscription - $39.90 per year (includes GST & PST) in Manitoba, $37.45 per year (includes GST) in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - Afl donatlons to tögberg-Helmskringla Inc. are tax deductlble under Canadlan Law$.



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