Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.09.1994, Blaðsíða 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.09.1994, Blaðsíða 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 2. september 1994 • 7 Góður gestur „Kom inn." Nei, þetta var skrýtið, lög-reglu-þjónn. „Hvað var hann að gera héma?" hugsaði Árni. „Komið þið blessuð og sæl, krakkar mínir. Má ég koma inn til ykkar?" „Já, gerðu svo vel. Það er gaman að sjá þig," sagði kennarinn. „Má ég tala við börnin?" sagði lög-reglu-þjónn-inn „Já, þó það nú væri," svaraði kennarinn. Good visitor "Come in." No, this is a surprise, a police man. "What is he doing here?" thought Ami. Hello, children. May I come in to see you? "Yes, please. We are happy to see you," said the teacher. "May I speak to the children?" said the policeman "Yes, of course," said the teacher. Can you match these words? See how manyyou can put together of these Icelandic and English words: LÖG-REGLU-ÞJÓNNf ’ i | FUN/GLADNESS SKRÝTIÐf 2 i ; W H AT HUGSAÐlf 3 i |talk GAMANf 4 ITHOUGHT TALA f 5 < |policeman HVAÐf 6 i |0F C0URSE ÞÓ ÞAÐ NÚ VÆRlf ? < |blessed BLESSUÐf 8 ISTRANGE/SURPRISE ■L + S ‘9 + L Z + '9 *’£ + S ‘ l + 't ‘y + ■£ ‘’8 + ’Z ‘ S + I :SU3AVSNV A Whale of a Visit While fishing in Breiðafjörður on their six-ton motorboat “Leifur RE”, Björn Halldórsson and his companion, had an interesting visit. They were on their way back to shore when they spotted a beak- whale (hrefna) right by their boat. Björn had just filleted a fish and tossed it overboard. This brought the beak-whale closer and he swam around the boat and dove undemeath it a few times. He then came so close that Bjöm could pat him on the snout with a fish. This was an adult whale travelling alone, its size about the same as the boat, or nine meters. Björn has often spotted beak-whales before but never had one come so close and for so long. This °ne hung around for half an hour, putting on a show similar to tame ani- mals. Bjöm said he would roll over on his back and let himself sink under- neath the boat. In the end Bjöm kicked an aluminum lid which made a loud noise and then he bid good bye and left. Wed., Sept. 7 Gimli Regular Meeting INL Gimli Chapter - 7 pm at the Betel Home. Thurs., Sept. 15 B.C. Sat., Sept. 10 Winnipeg Sat„ Sept. 17 Winnipeg □ □ □ Sólskin Hawaiian Party - at 2 p.m. at the Icelandic Care Home Höfii 2020 Harrison Drive in Vancouver, B.C. □ □ □ Viking Golf Classic - Frón's Annual Golf Toumament $25. at Tuxedo Golf Course followed by potluck supper at the Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin St. Everyone Welcome (if not for golf, come for the supper). For more information caU Stephen Hjalmarson at 467-8398 or HaUthor at 955-9806. □ □ □ IODE Fall Luncheon at Betelstaður - ll:30am - 2 p.m., 1061 Sargent Ave. ★ Home baking sale. Jón Sigurðsson Chapter IODE Be sure to send your notices in early to Lögberg-Heímskríngla. We all want to know what’s happening in your area. We would also Iike to hear from you after they’re over... just send us a few lines telling everyone how they tumed out. All photos wíll be retumed if requested. Please send to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Editor, 699 Carter Ave., Wpg., Man., Canada R3M 2C3 Children everywhere Iove the simple joys offriendship and play as these young ladies in Iceland demonstrate.



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