Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.11.1994, Side 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.11.1994, Side 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 25. nóvember 1994 • 7 Gvímkell’s Story, c«nrd remarks by a gift of a purse of a hundred marks of silver. “I respect you for your concem, Little Grímr,” was Thorkell’s final answer. “I shall do my best to act as mediator between the two. If I don’t succeed, it won’t be that I didn’t tiy.” “I know of no one I tmst better,” said Little Grímr, and they parted friends. Grímkell came to the Alþingi attend- ed by most of the settlers of the district he represented, who considered it their duty to support him in a just claim. Torfi’s were as numerous, but although- some were the legitimate settlers of the district which he represented, many oth- ers were bragging adventurers, who made no secret of their adherence to Torfi and his cause. The atmosphere was precarious, and all good men feared a catastrophe. Even though weapons were not allowed at the Alþingi, everybody knew they could be concealed within easy reach. Þorkell, the Law Speaker, lost no time in seeking out Grímkell and Torfi in his promised attempt to bring about a peaceful settlement and after several meetings reached the point where each agreed to abide by his judgement. Hence when the charges against Torfi were brought up at the Law Rock, Þorgeirr arose and informed the Legislature and the assembly of people that he had been authorized by the principals to settle their dispute. All eyes were on white-haired Þorkell as he stood on the Law Rock facing the multitude and in a firm resonant voice pronounced his verdict. “I dismiss the charge of attempted murder, for lack of first-hand evidence. As for the dowiy, my verdict is that Torfi pay Grímkell six hundred marks in sil- ver, but that he be allowed the use of it till Hörðr comes of age and claims it and that then Torfi pay him twelve hundred marks in silver. Deep silence followed Þorkell’s speech, broken by the voice of Grímkell, saying, “This pleases me well. This shall be part of Hörðr’s inheritance and saves me handling any of Torfi’s tainted money.” To this Torfi replied scomfully, “This money I shall pay to Hörðr only if he proves himself a better man than his father.” Quick as lightning came back Grímkell’s retort, “To my sorrow I’ve heard that undesirable traits of uncles sometimes show up in men’s characters, which makes me shudder for my son’s future.” These sallies were greeted by jeers and laughter by the crowds, but nothing further developed, and all parted in peace if not in friendship. Continued next week hildren’s Corner: Úti - Sunnudagur Outside - Sunday Þaö var snjór yfir öllu. Gatan var hvít. Garöurinn var hvítur. Og öll húsin voru hvít. “Eigum viö ekki aö búa til snjó-karl?’ sagöi Árni. "Jú, stóran snjó-karl,” sagöi Erna. "Stóran, stóran snjó-karl,” sagöi Anna. Og svo búa þau til snjó-bolta. Anna býr til lítinn snjó-bolta. Erna býr til stóran snjó-bolta. Árni býr til enn þá stærri snjó-bolta. Snjó-karlinn á aö standa fyrirframan húsiö þeirra. There was snow everywhere. The street was white. The yard was white. And all the houses were white. “Shouldn’t we make a snow-man?” said Arni. “Yes, a big snow-man,” said Erna. “A big, big snow-man,” said Anna. And then they made a snow ball. Anna makes a little snow-ball. Erna makes a big snow-ball. Arni makes an even bigger snow ball. The snow-man is supposed to stand. in front of their house. VFZ77TTT íritísh Columbia Thursdays Winnípeg Tuesdays Winnipeg Sat., Nov. 26 BC Sat., Nov. 26 Calgary Sat., Nov. 26 Toronto Sat., Nov. 26 Alberta Tues., Nov. 29 Canada Sat., Dec. 3 BC Sun., Dec. 4 Winnipeg Tues., Dec. 6 Toronto Thurs., Dec. 15 BC Sun., Dec. 18 Sun., Dec. 18 BC Sun., Jan. 8 BC Icelandic Language Classes - Contact Óskar Þór Sigurbjömsson at 224-7879. _ _ □ O □ Icelandíc Language Classes - 7 to 9 - 10 weeks. Beginners, Inter- mediate & Advanced Levels at the Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin St. Contact Claude Thorsteinson 775-9741 days or 888-4432 evgs. □ □ □ Icelandic Classes in St. Vítal - Every Tuesday 4:30 -5:30p.m. at Hastings School, 95 Pulberry St. Minimal.registration fee. Contact: Mrs. S. Koblun 254-1269 or Mrs. A. Scowen 255-7238. □ □ □ Luncheon & Bake Sale - 1 lam to 1 p.m., at 585, West 41st Ave., Vancouver - by Women’s Auxilíary of the Oakridge Lutheran Church □ □ □ Annual Christmas Party - Leif Eiríksson ICC at the Scandinavian Ctre. 739 20 Ave. N.W. Adults $17.50, youth $10., children under 6 free. Cocktails & dinner 6 & 7pm, program at 8 & dancing at 9pm. Reservations/tickets Bob 281-6005, Christine 244-1560, Drew 262- 5119, Linda/Lome 242-4558. □ □ □ Gautrek’s Saga - 8pm presented by Fireside Epic, featuring story- teller Carol Karlsdóttir McGirr at St. Andrew's United Church, 117 Bloor St. E., Toronto. Call Carol 421-3877 for tickets ($10. ea.) □ □ □ Leif Eiríksson Icelandic Club of Calgary Christmas Party - Cocktails at 6pm, Dinner 7pm, program 8pm, dance 9pm at the Calgary Scandinavian Centre, 739-20th Ave. NW, Calgary. Tickets: Linda Bjarnason (403) 242-4558 or Bob Solvason (403) 281-6005. □ □ □ CTV - W5 will feature a special 1 hour program on Iceland □ □ □ Christmas Baking & Craft Sale - lOam - 3 p.m., at Iceland House 939, 6th St., New Westminster, B.C. (comer of 6th St. & lOth Ave.) Handmade crafts, artwork, Icelandic foods. Do you Christmas shop- ping. Drop in to our “café”. For info call Naomi 942-9594 □ □ □ Icelandic Service & Frón Chrístmas Party - starting at 1:30 at the First Lutheran Church - Party starting right after. Everyone welcome! □ □ □ Fálkinn Christmas Party - 8pm Come and see your friends! Learn how to make Icelandic treats, create Christmas crafts, sing Icelandic songs at Pleasant View Líbrary, 575 Van Home Ave., N. York □ □ □ Annual Sólskin Christmas Party - 2 p.m., at Icelandic Care Home Höfn, 2020 Harrison Drive, Vancouver, B.C. □ □ □ Norðurljós Christmas Party - in Edmonton □ □ □ ICC of BC Children’s Christmas Party - 2 - 4 p.m., at Bumaby Lake Pavilion. Pre-Register: Irene 294-0799 before Dec. 13. $5. ea. child Adults asked to bring donation for afternoon coffee. □ □ □ ICC ofBC Seníors’ Party - 2 - 4 p.m., at Iceland House. Coffee & Cake. CaH Gerri 279-0420 What's haopenine in vour area? We want to hear from you before and after the events... just send us a few línes...'or a lot. AIl photos will be retumed if requested. Be sure to send your notices to: Lögberg-Heimskríagla, 699 Carter Ave., Wpg., Man., Canada R3M 2C3 Can you match these words? See how many you can put together of these lcelandic and English words: GATA GARDEN OR YARD HVIT MAKE OR CREATE GARÐUR SN0WMAN HUS STREET BUA TIL BIG SNJOKARL SN0WBALL STOR WHITE SNJOBOLTI HOUSE '9 + ’8 “S + 'L ‘S +‘9 “Z+'S “8+'k “I +'C “Z + Z “k + 'T :SH3AVSMV r 3 Heimskringla y\fo*cu/ for the perfect investment in your lcelandic heritage Your Weekly lcelandic Newspaper □ Manitoba $39.90/year (inc. GST & PST) □ Elsewhere in Canada $37.45/year (includes GST) □ United States/lceland/Others $40./year □ Donation in addition to subscription (Charitable #: 0582 817-22-21) Name:__________________________________________________________ I Address: City/Town:_ I I | Post/Zip Code: Prov./Country: Phone #:_______ Mail with cheque or money order to: j—j renewal Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. □ gift 699 CARTER AVE., WPG., MB, CANADA R3M 2C3 TEL.: (204)284-5686



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