Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.11.1994, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.11.1994, Blaðsíða 8
8 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 25. nóvember 1994 Þjóöbókasjóöur stúdenta: Stúdentar við Háskóla íslands afhentu í gær stjórn Lands- bókasafns íslands - Háskóla- bókasafns fyrsta framlag í þjóð- bókasjóð stúdenta. Framlagið var 700.000, krónur og var það afrakstur söfnunar meðal stúdenta sjálfra og innan Háskólans. Þetta er fyrsti ávöxtur þjóðarátaks stúdenta til eflingar hinu nýja þjóðbókasafni sem opnar í þjóðar- bókhlöðunni 1. desember. Markmið þess er að efla kaup á nýjum vísindari- tum í öllum fræðigreinum, en athugun stúdenta hefur leitt í ljós að íslendin- gar standa öðrum þjóðum þar langt að baki. Stúdentar vildu ganga á undan með góðu fordæmi og hafa á undan- förnum tveimur vikum safnað fé í eigin röðum og innan Háskólans m.a. með sölu á barmmerki átaksins. Á myndinni sést Brynhildur Þórarins- dóttir afhenda Einari Sigurðssyni fyrs- ta framlagið. National Library Fund: Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir afhendir Einari Sigurössyni fyrsta framlagiö. Students at the Icelandic University in Reykjavík recently handed over their first instal- ment to the newly established “Students’ National Library Fund” in the amount of $14,000, which stu- dents had collected among them- selves and within the University. This is the first fruit of a national drive among students to strengthen the new National Library which will be officially opened on December lst. The fund is intended to enable the library to buy more professional mag- azines in the various disciplines. Students have found, that Icelandic libraries are lagging behind their for- eign counterparts in this area. The students wanted to take the lead and have for the last few weeks collected for the fund within their own ranks and within the University in Reykjavík. One of their ways to raise funds was bv selling a lapel pin. On the picture Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir is handing over the first instalment to Einar Sigurðsson, director of the Library. Fjórburarnir sex ára: Fjórburasysturnar Alexandra, Bryn- hildur, Dilja og Elín Guðjónsdætur í Mosfellsbæ verða sex ára á þriðjudag. Þær fengu hver sitt úrið í afmælisgjöf. Systurnar eru byrjaðar í skóla og eru í Fyrsta bekk í Varmárskóla. Þegar spurt er um hvað sé skemmtilegast í skólanum segir Alexandra að sér þyki mest gaman að púsla, uppháhald Diljár er að læra heimilisfræði en þær Elín og Brynhildur hafa mest gaman af að perla. Þær eru byrjaðar í sundi og leik- fimi og þykir það skemmtilegt. Stundum fara þær líka í sund með pabba sínum, en þá ekki nema tvær í einu. í skólanum hafa systumar kynnst nýjum krökkum. Þær sögðust allar eiga sömu vinkonuranr, “og við eigum líka sömu frænkumar,” bætti Brynhildur við. FAMILYIFUNERAL COUIMSELLORS Campaí^n 1994 BILLBOARD in lceland National Students Council of the University of lceland has initiated a national campaign in support of the new National and University Library, which will open on the National Independence day, December Ist, in commemoration ot the 50th anniversary of the Republic of lceland. University students have aimed at collecting a substantial amount of money to be used to meet the deficiencies in the Library's col- lection. It is obvious to everyone that a good, scholarly library is the neces- sary foundation of research and scholarship in lceland. A recent study has shown that the lcelanders are far behind other Western nations in the funds allotted for the purchase of new scientific publications and our objective is to change this through the current national campaign. A number of respected university figures and digni- taries sit on the Honorary Board of this campaign, its official Protector is the President of lceland, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir. In the light of the above, we ask your support. A special bank account for the National Book Fund has been established in the National Bank of lceland, West Side Branch (account no. 11294). Contributions may be made directly to this account. Your support will be greatly appreciated. This is a cause for the good of everyone, a strong library is a necessary condition for the independent survival of lcelandic culture in the contemporary context. We very much hope foryour response prior to December Ist. Further information can be requested at the office of the National Union of lcelandic Students, 101 Reykjavík, telephone 621080 or 621081. This space is provided monthly by Neil Bardal Inc., Family Funeral Counsellors, for the use of community groups. If your group would like to use this space, please call us at 949-2200. The quadruplet sisters six years old: Alexandra, Brynhildur, Diljá and Elín Guðjónsdóttirs in Mosfellsbær celebrated their sixth birthday on October 25th. The sisters all got a watch for a birthday gift. They are attending grade one in Varmár-School. At the school Alexandra likes to do puzzles, Diljá likes to play house, and Elín and Brynhildur enjoy doing crafts. They are also leaming swimming and gym- nastics and enjoying it. Sometimes they go swimming with their father, but only two at a time. In school they have made new friends. They all have the same friends and Brynhildur added that they also have the same cousins. Bear or Horse?: Many people were startled when this picture first appeared in the horse magazine “Eiðfaxi” and felt that the animal looked like a bear or a muskox, but on second look it was definitely a horse. His name is Rector and he lives at Holtsmúli in Landsveit. Seen here with Rector, the young lady on the farm, Elín Sigurðardóttir. Rector was her first riding horse. He is now 22 years old. Sigurður Sæmundsson, farmer at Holtsmúli, said that his hair began to grow longer as he got older and for the last few years his hair got so thick, that he had to be sheared in the spring as he was not shedding his winter coat. Rector was once a stallion and took part in horse shows and races. He is now retired and enjoys life among the younger foals at Holtsmúli.



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