Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.02.1995, Page 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.02.1995, Page 1
2 eimskringla The lcelandic Weekly Lögberg Stofnaö 14. janúar 1888 Heimskringla Stofnaö 9. september 1886 109. Árgangur 109th Year Publications Mail Registration No. 1667 Föstudagur 17. febrúar 1995 Friday, 17 February 1995 Inside this week: Searching for Laxdal descendants... See you at the party!, fay Tom Oleson.3 News from Toronto, Borg & "Minneapolis ....4 Grímkell's Story, eighteenth installment.5 A friend remembered.................6 Upcoming Events....................7 Númer 6 Number 6 lcelandic News Snow White: ■ A new version of the family play, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, premiered in Mosfellssveit, just outside Reykjavík, on January 12th this year. Guðrún Þ. Stephensen was the producer and director. Mr. Jens Hansson composed the music and Jón Sævar Baldvinsson made the stage setting. Snow White was played by Dagbjört Eiríksdóttir, and the queen by Gunnhildur Sigurðardóttir. Twenty four actors altogether are involved in the play. A music tape was released at the same time. Many rare species of birds: ■ An annual bird counting took place in lceland in the middle of January. At least 72 species of birds were spotted, whích is an unusually high count. Kristinn Haukur Skarphéðinsson, a biolo- gist at the Naturalist Institute of lceland said that this is the great- est number of species since courit- ing began in 1952. Favourable weather conditions were no doubt a contributing factor that so many vagrant birds were found. About 40 common species winter in lceland. Amóng the unusual birds this time were: Arctic skua, water- rail, wood snipe, gray plover, and some very rare birds such as smew and peewit. GUNNUR ISFELD Kristjansson receives Young Entrepreneur Award Kristjan Kristjansson, the owner of Progressive Communications Inc., a Winnipeg telephone communications company, received the Federal Business Development Bank’s “Young Entrepreneur Award” at a ceremony in Ottawa last October. Kristjansson’s ability to recognize opportunity at a critical junction and tum it into a success- ful enterprise figured highly in his winning the award. Every year for the past seven years, the Federal Business Development Bank (FBDB) has recognized the achieve- ments of outstanding young Canadian entrepreneurs dur- ing October’s Small Business Week. Twelve entrepreneurs, one from each province and territory, aged 29 years or younger, are chosen to receive the award. For the first time this year, each winner was matched up with a prominent business leader from his/her province or territory. These leaders have volunteered to act as mentors to the award recipient for a period of one year. Each men- tor has agreed to share their knowledge and experience with their protégé and to help with upcoming business changes and challenges. An interesting happening in Kristjanson’s case is that his mentor is a Canadian of Icelandic descent, Mr. Hartley Richardson. On a cool January day I made my way over to ProComm, which has recently moved to a new locaton on Waverley Street in Winnipeg. The 3,600 sq. ft. attractive facility is complete with a boardroom and a huge front office. In spite of the cool weather outside the mood inside was up-beat. The company had recently installed over 250 telephones and a computer network for the Provincial gov- emment. So what is the background to this success? Kristjan Kristjansson is the son of a successful Winnipeg restaurateur, Þráinn Kristjansson, owner of the Grapes Restaurants. His mother Edda Kristjansson has also achieved success as a Shaklee vitamin and supplement consultant. Kristjan came to Canada with his parents at the age of five. He grew up in a business environment.” I was very fortunate that my parents always let me come with them to business things”, says Kristjan. “My dad has always had an open mind. He’s always been the teacher.” Kristjan said that his father, who is a strong proponent of post-secondary education, was dismayed when Kristjan talked of dropping out of the Arts program at the University of Manitoba and even attended some classes with him to get a firsthand sampling of what he felt was interesting but not particularly relevant in the comtempo- rary marketplace. After leaving school, Kiristjan worked at the family Cont’d. page 3 Toranta Club ta hold Þorrablót at INL Convantlon In order to capitalize on the opportunity afforded by the Icelandic National League con- vention, the Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto has decided to move its annual Þorrablót celebration from the end of March to the evening of Saturday, May 6. “Þorrablót has been our most pop- ular event”, said President Pat Stephens, “and we’re really pleased to be able to share it with our col- leagues from all across the country.” Since this is the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Þorrablót in Toronto, it will be a particularly spe- cial one. Traditional foods will be fea- tured, including rúllupylsa, hangikjöt, lax and skinka. Desserts will include vínarterta, pönnukökur and skyr. There will be one or two surprises on the menu as well. Dancing will follow dinner. On the entertainment side, the evening will feature George Johnston, who will be reading from Thrand of Götu, one of his recent translations. In addition to the two Icelandic sagas from the Flat Island Book contained in Thrand of Götu, he also translated the Saga of Gísli (1963); The Faroe Islanders’ Saga (1975) and The Greenlanders’ Saga (1976) from Old Icelandic. From Modern Icelandic, Johnston has translated Pastor Böðvar’s Letter by Ólafur Jóhann Sigurðsson (1985). This is an ideal opportunity for Ontario members to get together with their extended families as well as to meet other Icelanders from across the country. The Toronto club is very pleased to be hosting the INL convention for the first time and is planning to make the whole weekend a very pleasur- able one for all who attend. The club will provide more details on the con- vention and on additional entertain- ment planned as the event draws closer.



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