Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.02.1995, Page 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.02.1995, Page 7
 Sat., Fcb. 18 Edmonton Sat., Feb. 18 Illinois UUU Sat., Feb. 18 ICC of BC Þorrablót - "Ebb ofWmter" annual Dinner & Dance at Britísh Columbia Bumaby Lake Pavilion. Coktails 6pm, dínner 7pm. Catering by Creative Catering includíng hangikjöt, haröfiskur and brennivín. Musical entertainment & dancing. For Tickets call Oli Leifsson at 937-0945. □ □ □ Norðurljós ICC Þorrablót - 6pm at Gub Mocombo, St. Albert. Annual dinner & dance. Sample some Icelandic foods & enjoy a super buffet Call Herb Vigfusson 467-7556, Gloria Krenbrenk 458-5896 or 423- 7321 for tickets. $20. per person, $12 students & children □ □ □ Þorrablót - 6pm Cocktails, 7:30 Dinner at Scandinavian Club, 2323 North Wilke Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois. Live Music wíth Bubbi Morthens plus our mysteiY guest, Bogomíl Font, and traditional Icelandíc Food. Raffle: round trip tícket to Iceland, plus prizes from Icelandic Business & Icelandíc CDs. Cost: $40 members & students, $45 non-members, $50 at the door. For reservations call: Guörún Thors (708) 771-4256 or Einar Bachmann (708) 398-3933. □ □ □ I.C.C.T. Meeting - 'Tales From The Gimli Hospital’ - 8 pm Guy Maddín’s satirical film, often referred to as a “black cómedY", about two inmates of the Gimlí Hospital in the late 19th century, is to be shown in íts original form at the Pleasant View Library, 575 Van Home Ave., N. York. □ □ □ Frón Þorrablót - at the Scandinavian Cultural Center, 764 Erin Street. Joín us for dinner, a little drama, choir music and other festivities. Cocktails 6pm, dinner 7pm. Contact Hallthor at 955-9806. □ □ □ Los Angeles Þorrablót - at the Latvian Community Center in southem California. Look forward to Icelandic food & Icelandíc entertainment! □ □ □ New York Þorrablót - at the Holiday Inn Crown Plaza Hotel in White Plains, NY. Great Icelandic & Amerícan food with dancing & revelry. □ □ □ Þorrablót - at Brandon UniversitY. Entertainment, dancing & Ice- landic food. Tickets: Beth Sigurdson 728-3977. □ □ □ Lecture: "Waiting for Passage: Júlíana Jónsdóttir & the emergence of Women’s Poetry in Iceland” by Prof. Helga Kress, Univ. of Iceland, 7:30pm in the Senior Common Room, Univ. College, UofM. Free Admission, Free Parking, Reception following. Sponsored by Dept. of Ice. Language & Literature. RSVP by Thurs. Mar. 2 to 474-9551. □ □ □ Colloquium: ‘'Mighty Maidens: Gender as athe source of narration in the Sagas" by Prof. Helga Kress, Univ. of Iceland, 3 - 4:30pm in the Univ. College Private Dining Room, UofM. Tues., Feb. 21 Toronto Sat., Feb. 25 Winnipeg Sat., Feb. 25 Califomia Sat., Mar. 4 New York Sat., Mar. 4 Brandon Mon., Mar. 6 Winnipeg Tues., Mar. Wínnípeg What's happeninp in your area? We want to hear from you before and after the events... just send us a few lines... or a lot. Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope if materíal and photos are to be retumed. Be sure to send your notices to: , Lögberg-Heimskriagla, 699 Carter Ave., Wpg., Maia., Canada R3M 2C3 Voriö er komið Spring is here “Nú veit ég, hvar ég á heima,” hrópaöi Alda litla. Hún leit brosandi á Árna. Þau voru komin að götunni hennar. “En hvaö heitir nú gatan þín?” spuröi Árni. “Ásagata, Ásagata, nú man ég þaö alltaf. Ásagata heitirgatan mín," sagöi Alda. “Nú skalt þú hlaupa heim til þín,” sagöi Árni. “Ég ætla aö standa hér og horfa á þig á meöan.” “Vertu sæll, Árni og þakka þér fyrir.” Alda hljóp heim, en Árni hélt áfram. “Now I know where I live,” shouted little Alda. She looked at Arni smiling. They had arrived at her street. “But what is the name of your street?” asked Arni. “Ásagata, Ásagata (Ace Street) now I remember everything. “My street is called Ásagata,” said Alda. “Now you should run home,” said Arni. “I shall stand here and watch you while you go.” “(Be blessed), bye, Arni and thank you." Alda ran home, but Arni continued on. Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 17. febrúar 1995 • 7 A Providential Bliss Some women told me love was like the sun, Yet I their many offers would disdain, Not liking hating, the victory I won Was virtue looking to inter its pain In remedies as constant as my faith, And with another seeking my accord Condemning patience in our interface In learning love was more than just a word. Our Providence is guarded from above, And Barb, her chasteness like untram- melled snow, Would seek a cloister for her pious love But God our kind abstention had observed: Our solace won, her blush my payment due, Shé.taught me Love and Faith could both be true. Kevin Jon Helgason earning lcelandic: Keeping in touch with your roots can be more fun ifyou get into a group learningmore about the language and the customs... Didyou know... that the first recorded Hekla eruption was in 1104. SWEATER & WOOL SHOP SWEATERS $125 - $150. ACCESSORIES AS LOW AS $15. WHITE BUFFALO & ICELANDIC LOPI SWEATERS 4- HATS, MITTS & SCARVES 4- SLIPPERS 4- WOOLSOCKS& GLOVE LINERS 4- ASK ABOUT OUR WOOL CEUB PHONE (204) 772-5503 1575 Logan Ave., Wpg., MB R3E 1S5 Brandon Thursdays Winnipeg Tuesdays Wínnípeg British Columbia Wednesdays Toronto Icelandic Language Classes - There aren’t too many second or third genera- tion Icelandíc-Canadians who can speak the language. Now there is a solu- tion to that dilemma: Becka Gunnlaugsdóttir, from Akureyri, has volunteered to teach us Icelandic. She has been in Canada for two years now. We will have six classes, two hours each, once a week. If you are interested in join- ing us please call Becka at 905 - 709-3169. □ □ □ Icelandic Language Classes - 7 to 9 - 10 weeks. Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Levels at the Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin St. Contact Claude Thorsteinson 775-9741 days or 888-4432 evgs. □ □ □• Icelandíc Language & Heritage Classes - 4:30 - 5:30pm - 10 weeks. For elementarY children (grade 1-6) at Hastings School, 95 Pulbeny Street, St. Vital. If you are interested or would like more information please call Mrs. G. Selkirk at 255-4604. □ □ a Icelandíc Language Classes - Contact Óskar Þór Sigurbjömsson at 224-7879. □ □ □ Icelandic Language Classes - 7pm, $25./person. Contact: Óskar Þór Sigurbjömsson at 224-7879. Can you match these words? See how manyyou can put together ofthese lcelandic and English words: VEIT HEIMA HROPA BROSANDI GATA HLAUPA STANDA HORFA ÞAKKA 1. STAND THANK LOOK RUN 5. HOME KNOW SMILING SHOUT STREET Z + 6 ‘£ + '8 ‘T + 'L ‘k+'9 ‘6 + e ‘T+’Þ ‘"8 + '£ ‘£ + 'Z “'9 + 'I :SH3MSNV



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