Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.04.1995, Page 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.04.1995, Page 5
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 28. apríl 1995 • 5 in Luxembourg The Icelandic History Committee in Luxemburg has published a new book: The Icelandic Settlement in Luxembourg. Above left: The Luxembourg Book Committee hard at work. Left: Author Heimir 'Gestur Hansson. donations from individuals and com- panies. We feel that this book would be of wide interest, especially those who are planning to embark on cataloguing Icelanders living abroad. With this in mind we would like to ask you to introduce the book to your organiza- tions. Also, if you know of a library in your neighbourhood, which might be interested in owning the book. The price of the book is 3.300, Bfr. The book can be mailed COD, or paid for on SIL’s account #0-135/0239, to Banque International Luxembourg, 69, rue d’Esch, L-1470 Luxembourg G.D. If you would like more informa- tion, please contact the following individuals. Orders may be sent to the same. Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir 7, rue Bel Air L-5488 Ehnen Luxembourg G.D. Fax: +352 769009 Guðrún íris Þorkelsdóttir 11, rue de Blaschette L-6196 Eisenborn Luxembourg G.D. Fax: +352 78030 IODE book a fine effort! This book details the circum- stances which led to the Icelandic emigration to the tiny state of Luxembourg, in the heart of Europe. The life and manyfold work of the Icelanders still living there and those who have moved away is detailed. Also the history of compa- nies established and/or owned by Icelanders. The book contains a record of Icelanders now residing or previously residing in Luxembourg and it is illustrated with over two hun- dred pictures, many in colour. The book is 320 pages in hard cover. Heimir Gestur Hansson, historian, did the research and wrote the book. The book was printed at the Oddi Printing and published in 1994. The Icelandic History Committee in Luxembourg was established in 1990 by the following members in the respective positions; Guðlaug Guðfinnsson, president, María Huesmann, vice president, Greta Engilberts, secretary, Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir, treasurer and Guðrún Iris Þorkelsdóttir, committee work. The committee began operation in early 1991 and the objective was to write the history of the Icelandic Settlement in Luxembourg. In the fall of 1991 Jóhannes Helgi Jónsson, writer, began co-ordinating the work and Heimir G. Hansson completed information gath- ering and began the writing. The book was completed in 1994. The history committee looked after financing the project, obtaining a bank loan — giv- ing personal collateral — as well as Following is a letter received by the IODE from a very distinguished veteran of lcelandic descent: Thanlc you for your prompt response to my request for a copy of the book Veterans of Icelandic Descent — World War 2. My brothers and I are shown on page 16. With reference to my elder brother — his name was Norris (not Norriss as shöwn). Norris joined me at 428 Squadron in the spring of 1943 flying Wellington bombers from Dalton, Yorkshire. He went missing on a minelaying mission off the coast of Holland. In regard to Elmer (who preferred to be known as Andy) he was a mem- ber of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Regiment when he was killed by a mortar in Holland. By the end of WW2 I had been promoted to Squadron Leader and had been awarded the DFC and a Mention in Dispatches. To update your information, I con- tinued with the RCAF after the war and was commanding Canada’s air defense forces when I retired in June 1973 having achieved the rank of Major General. In 1973 I was one of the first officers (6 of us) appointed a Commander of the Order of Military Merit. This boolc is a fine effort and those involved in its production and distrib- ution are to be congratulated. Sincerely, Major General (RTD) Nórman L Magnusson CMM DFC CD Victoria, British Columbia We were pleased to receive this letter and invite all vet- erans to write and tell us about their careers following the war. Our book, Veterans of Icelandic Descent WWII, is still available at a reasonable price of $20.00, postage paid. Place your orders now and we will be happy to send you a copy. Write to: Johanna Wilson, 802 - 188 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0G8, or phone 453-2538. Jón Sigurðsson Chapter, IODE 6‘ef «ffi loueli vrath your rícfa tcctandéc Iferila^e mm mubscríhe notr lo... (Lögberg) Heimskringla Your Weekly lcelandic Newspaper We bring you the News, Stories, Events & Personalities in the North American Iceíandic Communities | Namp. □ Manitoba $39.90/year (inc. GST & PST) □ Canada $37.45/year (includes GST) I Address:________ I | City/Town:______ I | Prov./Country: . j Post/Zip Code:. I Phone t □ United States/lceland/Others $40./year | □ Donation in addition to subscription (Charitable #: 0582 817-22-21) Mail with address plus cheque or money order to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. 699 CARTER AVENUE, WPG., MB, CANADA R3M 2C3 TEL.: (204) 284-5686 FAX: (204) 284-3870



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